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Masculinity In Canada Essay

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As fourth-wave feminism sweeps over Canada, women are becoming more empowered, allowing them to pursue their dream jobs while still having a family. In short, we are approaching a time where women really can have it all; but what about the men? Is it fair for us feminists to support women in their endeavours within the workplace, but to suspiciously eye the stay at home dad (SAHD) juggling groceries with a baby carrier and infant? If we can accept women as breadwinners, it is hypocritical to assume men cannot be the primary caregivers.
In this report I will provide a commentary on three of the six obstacles SAHDs must overcome, and how many of the obstacles men are facing are quite likely the result of being socialized to have fragile masculinity. These obstacles include the feeling of not being able to approach other men, dealing with hegemonic masculinity, and …show more content…
Moreover, this article fails to present any findings on males who were friends first, and then had children around the same time. Does this lessen the stigma? If equality between sexes is going to be achieved, the stigma that men are unsuitable primary caregivers needs to be removed. Normalizing stay at home dads can start small; as mentioned in one of the opening quotes, men’s restrooms should be required to have changing tables. Mother’s and father’s bond with their children in different ways, so perhaps instead of a father attending female-dominated programs, new initiatives should be put into place that can create programs like “Daddy and me.” By providing safe environments for fathers to bond with their children, it is also providing them with a chance to network with other men. While it may not result in a friendship in the same way as women form friendships, it still would allow for dads to approach one another in a controlled setting where it is completely normal to discuss children’s ages, interests,

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