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...NAME- ZOYA DCOSTA COURSE-FYBMM ROLL NO-M12018 DATE- 24/1/2013. SUBJECT- POLITICAL SCIENCE INDIVISUAL PROJECT TOPIC NO 8- “FASCISM”. * EVERY NATION DESERVES ITS OWN FASCISM! Fascism is a terrible kind of political domination; capable of infringing on any eligible rights of any communities or people to unpredictable magnitude. Historically it is an output of the capitalistic system and takes various shapes and forms, depending upon the particular social order. Fascism does emerge in capitalist crises, the moments when the struggle for production reaches a point when the workers can no longer purchase the products they produce, a crisis of over-production and declining profits or an intense battle for cheaper labor, raw materials, and new markets; that is, war. Although this came into practice as a political ideology in 1919 with the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, Fascism became more prominent after the 1st world war when Adolf Hitler a small time army personal who did not get its due respect and position and was treated very badly by his Party to whom he was affiliated. It was between the 1st and 2nd World War the most famous fascist leader who went to become the Dictator and invaded almost half of the European countries and Asia with His Japanese’s allies. Thus Fascism could not be understood in many of its practical manifestations as a party organization, as a system of education or as a discipline. The present phase of fascism is a more organized and systematic...

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Konsep Dan Prinsip Pendidikan, Institusi Pendidikan Dan Pengajian

...Konsep dan Prinsip Pendidikan, Institusi Pendidikan dan Pengajian Definisi Pendidikan • Plato- satu latihan jasmani dan rohani bagi mencapai kecantikan dan kesempurnaan. • John Dewey- proses membentuk kecenderungan asasi yang berupa kepercayaan dan perasaan terhadap alam sejagat dan sesama manusia. • Al-Jamali- membentuk tabiat dan sikap seseorang dalam berbagai-bagai aspek kehidupan sama ada rohani, jasmani, akal, akhlak mahupun sosial supaya dapat mengabdikan diri kepada Allah S.W.T. • Al-Shaybani- membina atau membentuk keperibadian yang sempurna dalam berbagai-bagai aspek yang berhubung dengan jasmani, rohani, akal, amalan dan sosial bagi mendapat kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. • Khurshid Ahmad- satu latihan ‘aqilah, jasmaniah dan rohaniah bagi melahirkan manusia yang berkebudayaan tinggi yang sanggup melaksanakan tanggungjawab sebagai insane yang baik dan warganegara yang berguna. • Hasan Langgulung- suatu yang merubah dan memindah nilai-nilai kebudayaan kepada setiap individu melalui berbagai-bagai proses dan cara bagi melahirkan manusia yang bertanggungjawab dan berbakti kepada Allah S.W.T. • Kesimpulan- pendidikan merupakan proses latihan aqliah, jasmaniah, rohaniah dan ijtima’iah (kemasyarakatan) serta akhlaqiah manusia, berdasarkan nilai-nilai Islam (aksiologi Islam) yang bersumberkan al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah bagi melahirkan manusia yang sempurna dan bertakwa. Matlamat Pendidikan -Membentuk serta mengembangkan aspek-aspek kesempurnaan manusia yang mencakupi...

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My Study

...FIRST INDO-PAK WAR (1947-49) The first war between the two neighbours broke out soon after their independence in 1947. Armed Pathans from the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan entered the territory of Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir, who was yet undecided on the issue of accession to either India or Pakistan. Indian military help was sought by the Maharaja to fend off the invasion. Forces arrived on October 27, after the Maharaja decided on accession of Kashmir to Indian Union. Despite early successes, the Indian Army suffered a setback in December because of logistical problems. Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir) troops forced Indian army to retreat from the border areas. Following spring, the Indian side mounted another offensive to recapture some of the ground that it had lost. As the conflict escalated, the India realised the war could not be ended unless Pakistani support to occupied Kashmir forces was stopped. Accordingly, India filed a complaint against Pakistan at the United Nations on December 31, 1948, despite some opposition from within the Cabinet. In August, the UN Commission for India and Pakistan called for an end to hostilities with a truce, to be followed by a referendum for self-determination among Kashmiris. Both the parties agreed to the UN resolution. The UN Security Council eventually brought about a ceasefire between Pakistani and Indian troops on January 1, 1949. In all, 1,500 soldiers died on each side during the war, which left...

Words: 3776 - Pages: 16