...15 MASS MEDIA A) Types of mass media (advantages, disadvantages) B) Press media C) Radio, television A) Types of mass media (advantages, disadvantages) Mass media – an important role in the society, too powerful and influential Importance: source of information (easily available, complex, cheap) We learn about: world around us, inventions, new technologies, achievements B) Press media: newspapers, magazines and journals - Different sorts of articles: • on economics, politics, social life, sports • Editorials (personal opinion of the editor about something in the news) • Features (special reports about subject, place, person) Newspapers - published every day/ even at weekends - Serious papers : objective + serious news - Tabloids : entertaining stories, gossips about famous people/celebrities Magazines – published 1x a week/month - National and international news - various articles, stories - different according to: hobby/age/gender Journals – serious magazines written by experts C) Radio, television Radio - If we don’t like reading/ it’s expensive to buy a newspaper every day - We listen to the radio news read by a presenter - Music - Is very popular, variety of channels - Advantage: listen throughout the day, no matter what we’re doing - Variety of radio programmes to choose from: o news + weather forecast o chat /quiz/ breakfast/morning shows o educational programmes o phone- in programmes o documentaries Television - The most popular source of information - Much time...
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...Pollution From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For other uses, see Pollution (disambiguation). The litter problem on the coast of Guyana, 2010 Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.[1] Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. Ancient cultures Air pollution has always accompanied civilizations. Pollution started from prehistoric times when man created the first fires. According to a 1983 article in the journal Science, "soot found on ceilings of prehistoric caves provides ample evidence of the high levels of pollution that was associated with inadequate ventilation of open fires."[2] Metal forging appears to be a key turning point in the creation of significant air pollution levels outside the home. Core samples of glaciers in Greenland indicate increases in pollution associated with Greek, Roman and Chinese metal production,[3] but at that time the pollution was comparatively small and could be handled by nature. Urban pollution Air pollution in the US, 1973 The burning of coal and wood, and the presence of many horses in concentrated areas made the cities the cesspools of pollution. The Industrial Revolution brought an infusion of untreated chemicals and wastes...
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...Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of one mass media Writing In the modern twenty-first century, media has played an irreplaceable role of people’s daily life. Among many kinds of mass media like TV, newspaper, books… the Internet stands out to be one of the most important and essential kinds of media, even considered as the most crucial one. The Internet has greatly benefit human in the modern life since the first day of its existence, despite having been existing for only one century, much less than other kind of media, such as the radio and the television, the Internet has proved itself to be very effective, convenient and entertaining to its users. The first to mention is that Information has been made available easily because of this wonderful technology. Search engines, websites dedicated to different subjects and large amount of articles and papers are available for everyone in a matter of few seconds. Whether this information is about the latest news happenings in the world or information about your favorite celebrity, everything is available at your fingertips. With this housing tool of information, people cannot only easily improve their knowledge, but also save much time of reading hundreds of books at the library or doing some exhaustive researches. This enormous amount of information is particularly quite valuable to students who need it for their school subjects and further study in their favorite subjects. Furthermore, now many books are being converted...
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...In the modern twenty-first century, media has played an irreplaceable role of people’s daily life. Among many kinds of mass media like TV, newspaper, books… the Internet stands out to be one of the most important and essential kinds of media, even considered as the most crucial one. The Internet has greatly benefit human in the modern life since the first day of its existence, despite having been existing for only one century, much less than other kind of media, such as the radio and the television, the Internet has proved itself to be very effective, convenient and entertaining to its users. The first to mention is that Information has been made available easily because of this wonderful technology. Search engines, websites dedicated to different subjects and large amount of articles and papers are available for everyone in a matter of few seconds. Whether this information is about the latest news happenings in the world or information about your favorite celebrity, everything is available at your fingertips. With this housing tool of information, people cannot only easily improve their knowledge, but also save much time of reading hundreds of books at the library or doing some exhaustive researches. This enormous amount of information is particularly quite valuable to students who need it for their school subjects and further study in their favorite subjects. Furthermore, now many books are being converted into the digital editions, and e-education have become very popular...
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...The Advantages and Disadvantages of Mass Media Mass media is one of the fastest medium of exchange of information which capture audience attention and interest, for example, television and radio is said to be the best Mass Media. A Mass Media to be effective must be accessible to the target audience and able to hold audience attention and interest. Therefore, this essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Mass Media. The first advantage of mass media is peace and reconciliation. In the Northern Uganda there has been a civil war and FM radios contributed towards bringing peace after 20 years of crisis which was emphasized by both the respondent interviewees and focus groups. One of the focus group participants said that “when we finally see an end to this war, which might come soon, we should not forget the impact of the local radios.” For the past two years the FM stations have been running peace and reconciliation programmes in the northern Uganda to make a group of army surrender and come out of the bush. The rebels were mostly from Lira and other neighboring districts from where they were forcefully abducted or conscripted into rebel ranks. The radio stations, in collaboration with church leaders and peace non-governmental organizations, have been stressing the spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness of the rebels, who have killed, abducted or maimed many people, as well as destroying or looting people’s property. Peace and reconciliation programmes in FM radios...
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... May 08, 2013 Pukar Ratti In today’s news, reports address a significant negative effect that causes individual of my medications companies to uses a specific population. Therefore, being a Communications Coordinator of a national drug manufacturer, addressing the news reports for the public regards to the situation. Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using traditional, electronic, and social media of health care communication and providing the effects of HIPAA laws and other regulations on the use of other media for health care communication? There are all types of communication method of the health care organization listed above has on the advantages as well as disadvantages. The advantages are resulting from how rapidly the news can be addressed. Therefore, the disadvantages are resulting from the regulations on the use of specific methods of communication. The negative side effects of the tested drug to a significant population need immediate attention. However, the matter is addressed as needed immediate attention; because once the information is advertised in the news, individual tend to obtain different interpretations of the news from what they hear and others? Traditional methods of communication are verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication address the matter...
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...general, "media" refers to various means of communication. Media refers to communication devices, which can be used to communicate and interact among two or more people. Nowadays, the most commonly used media are Newspaper, Television, Radio, and Internet. Be it the pictorial messages of the early ages, or the high-technology media that are available today, one thing that we all agree upon, is that mass media are an important part of our lives. Entertainment and media always go hand in hand, but in addition to the entertainment, mass media also remain to be an effective medium for communication, exchange of information, advertising, marketing, and in general, for expressing and sharing views, opinions, and ideas. Mass media is a double-edged sword which means that there are positive as well as negative influences of media. Advantages : The common man gets the latest news within a fraction of seconds. The distance is not at all a barrier now. The news they get through media help them in their daily life a lot. We get the latest news in our home due to the television set. We can bring out the hidden talent, we can get public opinion about certain events, current issues. Television is quite popular because people can get easy overview from news. Television also entertains and educates people. Children’s knowledge increases by watching geographical channel, quiz programs and speeches by famous personalities of different fields. Radio has its own advantages which...
Words: 1644 - Pages: 7
...The advantages and disadvantages of mass media Mass media play a very important role in our everyday life. They serve to inform people of different events that take place or may happen. Also they entertain people or even help to make their life better. But the most important thing that newspapers, radio or TV bring to people is information. The process of sharing information in the modern world is extremely intense. In all countries is becoming more complex social cultural phenomenon that applies to various activities and is inseparable from the study of languages, political and social, economic, scientific, educational and technological development. That is why a significant and constant amount of information students receive through the media. Print media has traditionally been one of the main means in the system of mass media. The print media includes newspapers, magazines, brochures, newsletters, books and even leaflets and pamphlets. Visual media like photography can also be mentioned under this sub-head, since photography is an important mass media, which communicates via visual representations. Although, it is said that the electronic or new media have replaced the print media, there exists a majority of audiences who prefer the print media for various communication purposes. Newspapers are a valuable source of educational material such as learning a foreign language. They offer an interesting, topical and various information. Students can actively use newspaper in...
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...Media in the 20th Century John D. Allmon COM/156 March 3, 2013 Carey Rodriquez ------------------------------------------------- Media in the 20th Century I. To fully understand mass media, we need to come to grips with the enormous role that mass media has played in shaping that culture over the past one hundred years. With the development and evolution of mass media, there have been tremendous advantages and disadvantages that have contributed to major changes in society throughout the 20th century. However, these changes not only affect society but it has also affected the way business is done today. With the dawn of media convergence, globalization of media, audience dependency, concentration of ownership, and issue of media literacy; all the parties in the mass communication process are forced to think dramatically about their positions in it. Mass media can affect knowledge, attitudes, opinions and behavior of individuals. These effects can be immediate or delayed, for a short duration or long-lasting. II. With the development and evolution of media, we find that media convergence and media dependency have become a major factor in how society is affected and the way we respond throughout our everyday life. Encyclopedia Britannica (2013) states that, “Media convergence, a phenomenon involving the interlocking of computing, and technology information companies, telecommunications networks, and content providers from the publishing worlds of newspapers...
Words: 1790 - Pages: 8
...15 MASS MEDIA A) Types of mass media (advantages, disadvantages) B) Press media C) Radio, television A) Types of mass media (advantages, disadvantages) Mass media – an important role in the society, too powerful and influential Importance: source of information (easily available, complex, cheap) We learn about: world around us, inventions, new technologies, achievements B) Press media: newspapers, magazines and journals - Different sorts of articles: • on economics, politics, social life, sports • Editorials (personal opinion of the editor about something in the news) • Features (special reports about subject, place, person) Newspapers - published every day/ even at weekends - Serious papers : objective + serious news - Tabloids : entertaining stories, gossips about famous people/celebrities Magazines – published 1x a week/month - National and international news - various articles, stories - different according to: hobby/age/gender Journals – serious magazines written by experts C) Radio, television Radio - If we don’t like reading/ it’s expensive to buy a newspaper every day - We listen to the radio news read by a presenter - Music - Is very popular, variety of channels - Advantage: listen throughout the day, no matter what we’re doing - Variety of radio programmes to choose from: o news + weather forecast o chat /quiz/ breakfast/morning shows o educational programmes o phone- in programmes o documentaries Television - The most popular...
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...Abstract: Mass Communication is often use in today’s modern society to establish the superior communication and the simplest way for everyone to get information. We will uncover that Mass Media also has a theory and we will find out more definition of it from the other developers who will give us more idea. For today, we are definitely living in communication and in an information-filled society, where in every day in our lives we uses it. As I check my notes in Speech and Oral Communication, I have read that Mass Communication is a communication that uses mass media like radio, television, ads, prints and films, and as I research even via internet is part of mass media. Through reading, I found out that the technology has the biggest share in mass media. According to Arthur Asa Berger (1995) “mass communication involves the use of print or electronic media, such as newspapers, magazines, film, radio, or television, to communicate to large numbers of people who are located in various places- often scattered all over the country or world” (pg. 9). Mass Communication is a process in which a person or a group of people and organization sends their message to the large group of people or massively spread out the information through the use of technologies in mass media. It thinks about the effects of mass media’s information to the receiver’s emotion, opinion, behavior and attitude. Mass media also has a theory. According to George Gerbner and Marshall McLuhan (1976), Cultivation...
Words: 516 - Pages: 3
...The mass media "Media refers to various means of communication. Media refers to communication devices,which can be used to communicate and intract among two or more people. Nowadays, the most commonly used media are newspaper,television,radio and internet. Mass media is a double-edged sword which means that there are positive as well as negative influences of media. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the "mass media"? On the first hand, the mass media is one of the important technological inventions that has many advantages. First,the common man gets the latest news within a fraction of seconds.The distance is not all a barrier now.The news they get through media help them in their daily life a lot.In addition, we get the latest news in our home due to the television set for example we saw all news and all programs that we educate.Also wen can bring out the hidden talent,we can get public opinion about certain events, current issues.To explain,televisions can get essay overview from news. Media can distribute your message to your target market through various sources. on the second hand, the mass media has many disadvantages that has a big influence in our life and that we can't forget.First, most of the primetime shows and stations are becoming more and more passive on what not to show . To explain, Having younger children subjected to nudity , cursing , sexual , immorality , drinking and other negative adult oriented material...
Words: 376 - Pages: 2
...Ambrose Robert Investigation: Social Media and Marketing “Marketing which occurs via social media is known as social media marketing.” (Nadaraja and Yazdanifard, n.d.) “Social media, which begins as an entertainment tool in the beginning, then became the most recent marketing phenomena because of its remarkable advantages in business area. Social media is used because it has time, audience, relations and cost advantages. s. Costs can be reduced through social media as the distribution part necessary in mass media, is got rid of. Most social media outlets are accessed free of charge. Besides, the development of target groups and issue-by-issue advertising and promotion are available at a lower cost.” (Kirti\cs and Karahan, 2011) Social media brought out drowning businesses by increasing the sales of business giants as customer relationships were built and product value had increased. This cost effective tool has many advantages and disadvantages connected with it. Advantages from reliable, cost-effective, and mass reach. Disadvantages from privacy issues, copyright issues and negative feedback due to bad advertising. Cost Related: Financial constrains related to marketing through social media are very less, on the other hand traditional or manual methods cost marketers huge sums of money which add to the cost of the product and decrease sales. Thus, social media is the most cost effective technique in today’s world to communicate with consumers and let them know what...
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...Cultural Theory and Popular Culture Globalization, Mass Media and Culture Table of Contents Globalization, Mass Media and Culture 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Modern culture, ideology 4 Globalization 5 Americanization 6 Mass Media and their Impact 7 Globalization, mass media and culture 8 Mass media and globalization 9 Globalization and culture 10 Conclusion 12 My opinion 13 Recommendations 14 List of references 15 Introduction A term globalization was used in 1983 for the first time in a history. Globalization as we know it today started at the beginning of the 20th century. It has an impact on everything and it has changed everything from its core. Economic environment, political environment and regarding to this subject – cultural environment. As everything, it brought both advantages and disadvantages. Looking back in time when this globalization started intensifies rapidly. It evokes a basic question: why did the globalization intensify rapidly? We can consider many reasons, for example lower travel cost, free movement of people, development of technologies, faster data exchange etc. These answers lead me to another possible answer - mass media. Globalization, Americanization or westernization are closely related to the popular culture. As stated in the book ‘There are two things we can say with some confidence about the United States and popular culture. First, as Andrew Ross (1989) has pointed out, ‘popular culture...
Words: 4166 - Pages: 17
...Social Media Impact of Social Media In the present digital era the information is accessible very easily and social media is helping people to share the information with others. The internet technology is backbone of media in today’s world. The internet can be described as vast network of telephone and cable lines, wireless connections, and satellite systems designed to link and carry digital information worldwide, were initially referred as an information superhighway (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2015).During the World Wide Web is introduced and first web browsers Mosaic and Netscape made internet as mass media. The lifestyle of people had changed with tools like e-mail, instant messaging and webcams which belong to internet technology. In this paper the advantages and disadvantages of social media and impact of social media on people will be explained. Easily Obtainable Information The information is abundant and is available to people at anytime and from anywhere. For example people are using search engines to find information related to tips for playing video games efficiently. Everybody is accessing information using internet for completing their tasks. The internet is used by all categories of people like professionals, government agencies, educational institutions and manufacturing companies for meeting their specific needs. For example the design engineers at General Motors use internet for creating virtual conference rooms and work together who are actually...
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