...In 2012, there were a number of mass shootings in the United States including the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Between these two mass shootings, thirty-nine individuals were killed but the whole country was affected (Ehrenfreund). Many feared for their lives and questioned their safety in public places, especially in schools. Following the shooting in Newtown, a nationwide debate took place about the possibility of stricter gun control laws (“U.S. Mass Shootings”). Gun control activists believe that removing or radically altering the 2nd amendment will solve America’s issue of gun violence, but doing so is not the answer. Citizens have the right to own guns, most...
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...Many people are shot every year in the U.S. Hospital costs for firearm injuries cost $622 million. The risk of mass shootings have increased over the years. People find many ways to inflict much harm as possible with modifications.Weapon modifications such as bump stocks should be banned in the U.S from the increased danger it brings to our society. A bump stock is an attachment that you add on a firearm to make it shoot rapidly which is why it should not be legal. The AR15 is one of the most commonly used rifles in the U.S. It shoots single shots but with the bump stock it can become full auto. Full auto weapons are not necessary for the average gun owner. In mass shootings, the bump stock can cause more casualties than without one. In a article by Washington Post Josh Hicks states that “In the Las Vegas shooting, which killed at least 59 people and wounded hundreds more, the perpetrator fitted at least a dozen guns with bump stocks, firing them at concertgoers from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.” This shows how deadly a simple weapon modification can be which is why it shouldn’t be allowed....
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...The Fear of Mass Shootings Mass shootings are a trend that occurs in many places, particularly public schools. Over many years, the amount of mass shootings that occur around the world has been increasing. When a mass shooting happens, it is brought to the media’s attention almost immediately. From there, all details regarding the event will be made public. Viewers become invested in the details provided by the media, and they want to know how many people were involved, injured, or killed. Unfortunately, many people become annoyed, because the media does not have all the answers about the event that viewers would like. Many media outlets report on the incident instantly; therefore, they have extremely limited information to provide. Typically, the...
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...Mass Shootings in America: Who Else Is Responsible? As everyone may or may not know, murder by gun occurs almost everywhere in the world; however, in America the percentage of people killed by guns is higher than any other country. For instance, in the article published in USA Today “11 mass shootings, 11 speeches: how Obama has responded”, has reported several places where many people were killed and wounded, such as: “Fort Hood shooting, Tucson congressional event shooting, Aurora Movie Theater shooting, and Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting…etc” (Gregory). These are the places where mass shootings have happened in America, and we all might know that those tragedies are very painful and sad for Americans; especially the victim's families...
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...From 2020 to 2024 the number of mass shootings has gone up 8%. Within one year there have been more than 630 mass killings, meaning on average almost two shootings happen daily. Medical professionals have found many reasons for the start of mass killings. Though many believe these factors are myths, due to research it has been shown that bullying, social media, and mental illness are the main potential causes of mass killings. Over many years of research, bullying is one of the top reasons behind mass killings. Medical professionals state that most killers have one thing in common, they are most often seen as stress, depression, or frustration for years. It is also seen as bullying or harassment and being ignored within a school or a place...
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...Psychological Analysis of Firearm Misuse and the Public Perspective of Firearm Violence Colin R. Moran Columbus State Community College, Ohio Abstract Every year, more and more people are subjected to the lifelong fear created by events of isolated firearm misuse. This paper will explore the psychological aspects of firearm misuse, question the means which the media uses to distribute information about the events, and apply published research from various reliable sources to conclude the problems created by the methods we approach this issue. This research will also discuss the many hardships that the experts face in predicting and preventing these events, while suggesting possible changes that might lead to improved accuracy and...
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...Persuasive Research Paper Dominique Harris ENG/215 September 30, 2013 Bill Morgan Persuasive Research Paper Restrictions on Guns for the Sake of Life Volsky (2012), "I support the Second Amendment” (para. 2) Governor Rick Scott (R) stated December 2012 when questioned by anchor Soledad O’Brien about which reforms, if any, he would support. Gun control is one of the leading controversial issues society faces in America to date. The government is faced with the issue of limiting assault rifles with a trite and establishing tougher gun laws vs. the second amendment. President Obama said it best “the country’s background check system for gun buyers is so weak it makes the United States vulnerable to mass shootings” (Rucker, 2013, para. 2). That statement alone should end any controversy on the issue of gun control. Regulating individual’s right to bear arms certainly would bring a since of safety to our society. In order for that to happen, government will have to do more than just prohibited sales of guns. In everyone’s community someone knows an individual who owns gun e.g., for protection or hunting. To regulate the rights to bear arms authorities would have to confiscate everyone’s guns to make America safer. I personally would like that to happen because guns kill, accidentally and on purpose. Take a look at the bigger picture “every day in the U.S., an average of 289 people are shot. Eight-six of them die: 30 are murdered, 53 kill themselves, two die accidentally...
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...Gun Control Research Paper In 2018 there have been 30 mass shootings in the united states, with the most recent and second most deadly in florida at stoneman high school which claimed 17 victims and many more injured. Nicholas Cruz a 19 year old former student of the school walked into the highschool, after he pulled the fire alarm and reacted like a student at the school panicked and ran out the building. The gunman then started firing shots at students, Then entered the school and shot up 17 students. People need to have information on these statistics because there have been too many shootings in the recent years, and no body has taken action until the parkland shooting. As a student attending a college i believe there should be way more...
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...United States I chose this topic because it is something that interests me a lot. I believe that it is absolutely absurd how many mass shooting occur in the United States each year. We are supposed to be the best country on Earth, yet so many innocent people are killed each year. When I go out to public places, I am always extra careful of my surroundings and what is going on around me because you never know what can happen at any place and anytime. You cannot trust anyone and you never know who can turn on you in just minutes. My dad and my other my family members work in law enforcement and it sickens me every time I hear about a scary job that they were apart of or even when you hear on the news that another police officer was shot and killed by a criminal. We are the United States, we have a solution to pretty much every problem out there, I strongly believe that something can and must be done to stop all of this unnecessary gun violence in our country. 2. Preliminary Claim: The United States needs to enact stricter Gun Control Laws in our country in order to protect our citizens and they can do this by limiting the buying and selling of guns, limiting ammunition magazine sizes, understanding the phycology of the killer and reinstating the Crime and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. 3. Defending my Position: I plan to do my argument paper on how Gun Control Laws can be made...
Words: 2357 - Pages: 10
...Paper Assignment #3- (4 points) Create a detailed outline for the paper. The thesis is stated in the first section, which is the introduction. The body follows the introduction, and breaks down the points the author wishes to make. Some section have subdivisions, others do not, depending on the demands of the paper. Your conclusion should restate your thesis, and never introduce new material. Basic Format I. Introduction a. Hook (fact about the topic to interest the reader) b. Relevance (why is this an issue that needs examination/analysis) c. Thesis Statement (at the end of the first paragraph or the beginning of the second) d. Foreshadowing/Outline (what you are covering & in what order) e. Background (history & relevance of the topic and any definitions that are specific to the topic) II. Body f. Multiple ideas/points about the topic, supported by scholarly research g. Analyze findings of the research III. Conclusion h. Bring together points to for final consideration i. Restate thesis j. What does this mean for the greater society? Example of a BASIC outline: I. Introduction a. With 2012 Having more mass shootings than any other year in history, murder rates have skyrocketed. b. The protection of its citizens should be every governments main task. c. State legislators need to create new laws that extend the waiting period for obtaining a violent weapon...
Words: 371 - Pages: 2
...Joseph Peterson Ivy Tech Community College Argument Essay Guns or no guns? That seems to be a big question these days. A lot of the reason behind the discussion is mass shootings that occur so often now days. Other forms of violence with guns happen, but the most controversy over guns usually occurs after a mass shooting. The reason for that is that mass shootings tend to be more mindless and more innocent people are hurt or killed in mass shootings. The thought of what if I or one of my families was in one of these mass shootings always hit home afterwards, and so we think of ways to prevent them from happening again. I have a question though is guns really the issue or is it really another issue? I think that the anti-gun activists use every shooting as just another door to support their views against guns. I can see why they do since guns are used to the shootings, but taking away a normal citizens right to own a gun and defend themselves against crimes is not smart. These shootings are not done by normal citizens and could still occur even if they took away guns from the normal citizens who just want protection. Police are not always there when you need them and sometimes you need to protect yourself first as we can see from different crimes that take place today. What would stop a mass shooter from buying guns illegally? Do they not think that they could? Drugs are illegal but still sold and used everywhere every minute. One argument that anti-gun activists...
Words: 1807 - Pages: 8
...(2015, October 2). President Obama Is Right: States With Strict Gun Laws Have Fewer Gun Deaths. Retrieved May 7, 2016, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/josh-sugarmann/president-obama-is-right_b_8235084.html Foley, R. J. (2015, December 14). States Begin to Loosen Gun Laws. Retrieved May 07, 2016, from http://www.journalgazette.net/news/us/States-begin-to-loosen-gun-laws-10446857 Follman, M. (2012, December 15). More Guns, More Mass Shootings-Coincidence? Retrieved May 08, 2016, from http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/09/mass-shootings-investigation Gun Control Issues, Public Health, and Safety. (n.d.). Retrieved May 08, 2016, from http://library.med.utah.edu/WebPath/TUTORIAL/GUNS/GUNSTAT.html The Link Between Suicide and Guns. (n.d.). Retrieved May 08, 2016, from http://www.bradycampaign.org/the-link-between-suicide-and-guns Rampell, C. (2010, July 16). Gun Control as Economic Stimulus. Retrieved May 08, 2016, from http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/07/16/gun-control-as-economic-stimulus/?_r=0 Pavlich, K. (2013, April 24). Guns and the Economy. Retrieved May 08, 2016, from http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/04/24/guns-and-the-economy-n1573238 Crime rates for Compton, CA. (n.d.). Retrieved May 08, 2016...
Words: 1569 - Pages: 7
...Research Proposal, Draft 1 It’s the morning of December 15, 2012, a day after the Sandy Hook Elementary Shootings involving twenty-year old Adam Lanza. After having to support by brother through the intense fear of being looked at differently for his disability following the shooting, I found the topic of the media scapegoating Asperger Syndrome as a main factor in school violence relevant to our class. As school violence has grown in the past twenty-five years, the media has similarly sensationalized the many killers, often times looking to diagnose them with some sort of mental illness instead of digging deeper into the environment of the individuals who commit these acts of violence. In particular, I am interested in examining the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, as well as the UC-Santa Barbara shooting. What I am particularly interested in learning more about is the media’s reaction to these two shootings in conjunction, as one was done at an elementary school with children ages 5-11, whereas the other was done on a college campus. This interests me because Asperger Syndrome is a social disorder, and the social scene of an elementary school is quite different from the social scene of a university. By providing statistical data, victim and killer testimonials, and historical data, I will make the main claim that the media has sensationalized school shootings and too often jumped to the conclusion that Asperger Syndrome is to blame, instead of investigating...
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...gun control a new argument. The “war on guns” dates all the way back to the infancy of the United States of America; the right to bear arms was guaranteed in the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, and has been seen, in the more than two centuries since, as a cornerstone of American liberty. However, in the last few years, repeated mass killings have placed the gun control debate at the eye of the American political storm. In an effort to balance beliefs from both ends of the political spectrum - that gun ownership needs to be protected, while restricted enough to keep guns out of the hands of those who may do deadly harm with them - has come a lack of serious, effective legislation on the matter. The Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act - seen at its enactment as a milestone in the gun control movement - has proven itself ineffective at preventing the type of mass shooting that is, unfortunately, all too common today. These killings, and the high rates of gun violence overall, challenge the core values of social work practice, and the short- and long-term economic impact of this violence is, at best, counter-productive. Based on the research outlined in this document, it is necessary as social workers to create a culture of safety, and as a country to enact sensible gun...
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...CASE STUDY PAPER 1 Kid Killers: Delinquency Theories Arache Lotfalian UMUC CCJS 350 Professor Donovan 11/29/2012 CASE STUDY PAPER 2 In the middle class suburban town of Littleton, near Denver Colorado, a 17 year old murderous fantasy is beginning to take shape. Eric Harris and a friend known as “Vulcan” or “V” intend to commit an act so violent that it will secure their place in history. The following is an expert from Harris’s Journal, mastermind behind the Columbine Shooting: “Sometime in April next year, me and “V” will get revenge, kick natural selection up a few notches. If we’ve learned anything about the art of making pipe bombs, we’ll set hundreds of them around roads, bridges, buildings, and gas stations; anything that will cause damage and chaos. It will be like the L.A. riots, Oklahoma City bombings, WWII, Vietnam, Duke and Doom all mixed together. I want to leave a lasting impression on the world.” One year later on April the 20th 1999, Eric Harris and another Columbine student, Dylan Klebold, committed the worst High School massacre in American history. They killed twelve students and one teacher; injured twenty three others and then turned the guns on themselves (Avila, 2000). Immediately following the mass shootings, media, sociologists and criminologists set about the difficult task of discovering the motives of the killers and answering the question of whether or not problems within society allowed this to happen....
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