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Mat 222 Week 3 Assignment Real World Radical Formulas


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This file MAT 222 Week 3 Assignment Real World Radical Formulas contains solutions to the following tasks: 1.103. Sailboat stability. To be considered safe for ocean sailing, the capsize screening value C should be less than 2 ( For a boat with a beam (or width) b in feet and displacement d in pounds, C is determined by the function. a).Find the capsize screening value for the Tartan 4100, which has a displacement of 23,245 pounds and a beam of 13.5 feet. b). Solve the equation for d. 2.104. Sailboat speed. The sail area-displacement ratio S provides a measure of the sail power available to drive a boat. For a boat with a displacement of d pounds and a sail area of A square feet S is determined by the function a)Find S to the nearest tenth for the Tartan 4100, which has a sail area of 810 square feet and a displacement of 23,245 pounds. b) Write d in terms of A and S.
Mathematics - Algebra Real World Radical Formulas . Read the following instructions in order to complete this assignment:

a. Solve parts a and b of problem 103 on page 605 and problem 104 on page 606 of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra .

b. Write a two to three page paper that is formatted in APA style and according to the Math Writing Guide. Format your math work as shown in the example and be concise in your reasoning. In the body of your essay, please make sure to include:

§ An explanation of what the parts of the formula mean before using it to get your answers. Study the Instructor Guidance examples to learn how to solve the formula for another variable.

§ Your solution to the above problems, making sure to include all mathematical work.

§ A discussion of how and why these concepts are important in the “real world.” Describe another situation that could be evaluated using these concepts.

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