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Materials for Developing Speaking Skills


Submitted By IreneMD
Words 2393
Pages 10
Materials for Developing Speaking Skills

According to Bygate, Speaking skills maybe viewed into 2 basic aspects:
1)Motor Receptive Skills- involved mastering of sounds and sructures not necessarily in any particular context.
2) Interaction Skills-involves making decisions about what and how to say things in specific communicative situations to convey the right intentions to maintain relationships.

More research on language awareness suggest s that the teaching sequence does not have to be structured before the communication of meanings, but content –based activities can help learners to experience and and respond to meanings.Arguably, speaking skills are best developed when learners learn eventually to take control of their own performance from an insider persperctive rather than constantly dictated to by an outsider manipulation.

As viewed by Tomlinson, second language teaching materials can be treated not only by writers, but also by teachers and learners. In other words, the act of developing materials should be understood beyond the act of writing scripts for coursebooks, and in fact can bedynamic, creative process which stretches from the writers desk to real classroom. Tomlinson’s perecption coincides with Nunan’s vision that communication should be seen as process rather than a set of products. It is also closely related calls the “process syllabuss”. According to this syllabus, when materials are scripted by a writer, they appear in the form of a predesigned plan, which should not be final production yet but be open to reinterpretation by the users of that plan. In other words, the happening of task implementation in the classroom can serve as a poweful tool for relevant materials to be jointly discovered and created. Ideally, if materials are constructed for speaking skills, then the interactive process by the designer and the users should

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