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Mating Patterns

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Within the laws of social interaction, there are characteristics that enhance the probability of reproduction and mating. These strategic non-verbal signals are a reflection of attraction or rejection relating to sexual appeal. The base context of courtship signals are derived from an evolutionary complex that is stemmed from a biological instinct to procreate. Overtime, the ritual of mating has evolved into a social experience, straying away from the idea of being muscle reflex and emerging as more of a strategic dance. Courtship signals can be considered more of an art form; reflecting on the two people involved, their sexual preference, gender role, and exchange of dominance pertaining to the specific environmental setting. Although courting …show more content…
Ultimately, courtship signals play a crucial role within the context of romantic partnership. The evolution of nonverbal behavior, relating to courting performed by animals as well as humans, has been studied and developed into hypothetical research. There are series of subtle and evident gestures that both male and female counterparts perform. Mating systems were first discussed by Charles Darwin. (BOOK) His pioneering research has led to extensive developments in understanding mating systems and the act of sexual selection. (BOOK) In order to understand courting and mating systems as it is today, we must regress to the base of this evolutionary tenet and see this act for what it truly is; the art of natural selection. There are many aspects that play a role in courting. Prior to engaging in the act of courting, there are factors that are considered, in regards to risk and success rates, which ultimately dictate the amount of effort or actual action of courting. Sexual appeal is partially stemmed from …show more content…
When they are not met properly, conflict and misunderstanding are what may remain. The stereotypical thought that in all situations or interactions male and female always play the same kind of gender role. For example, during courting situations, men are involved in showing their wealth or power and women are to show their nurturing or softer side. If there are theories that say that women tend to be better at manipulating in these situations than men, than we should think that there is more of a strategic side to women that we should give them credit for. Studies show that women tend to dictate or have more control of courting situations within the first two to four minutes after interaction with a potential mate (GRAMMER). I tend to believe that this is not based on women emitting that they are the weaker sex. Normally, women have a broader palette of courtship signals than men and analyze in greater

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