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Submitted By Sultane15
Words 915
Pages 4
Maya Angelou once said “You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it’s all right” In the essays “On Going Home” by Joan Didions and “Once more to the Lake” written by E.B Whites are two authors dealing with their personal issues as they compares and contrasts they current life and past, which are vastly different. The way they uses description in this essays and the flow of events is very similar to the way that memories rush in when one returns to a familiar place from one’s past

To descript is to portray or re-create a scene, a person, a place or a feeling. Description is an important skill in communication between people, and it appears in most of the writing situation. An effective description requires a dominant impression; a central theme or idea about the subject to which readers can relate all the details. Joan Didions and E.B Whites uses description effectively in “On Going Home” and “Once More to the Lake”. “On Going Home” Didion describes her experiences and thoughts on what defines her meaning of home. Joan Didion begins her story by illustrating what "home" is to her. She describes how her home now is not the place where her husband and daughter live, but in the Central Valley of California with her family. With this introduction, one can sense that she is troubled by the differences between the two. Didion stated “My husband likes my family but is uneasy in their house, because once there I fall into their ways, which are difficult, oblique, deliberately inarticulate, not my husband’s ways” (pg1). This allows the reader to see a side of Joan's husband, obviously he doesn't want to be around people who change his wife into a person that he does not know, but to not even go to his daughter's birthday demonstrates that he is perhaps a difficult person himself. In the essay “Once more to the Lake” Whites portray the scene

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