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Measure Reflection

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Pages 6
Pamela Perez


The purpose of this experiment was to observe and measure the reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light through mirrors, lenses, and prisms. The experiment involved the interactive use of light to measure quantities that could be used to find properties of the given materials. The results of our experiment yielded focal lengths of 56mm for a concave mirror and 76mm for a convex mirror as well as an index of refraction of acrylic plastic equal to 1.46, and 1.39 with a θ_Critical, =46


The experiment allowed for an illustration of the different behaviors that light rays undergoing reflection, refractions, and dispersion display when used with different light reflection mediums. Throughout this experiment, observing how the physical properties of light govern the way light behaves when shone upon these mediums, provided a way to link its relationships and apply equations that measured the relationship between the radius of curvature and the focal length.

EQ 1: f=1/2 R

Where f is the focal length, and R is the radius of curvature.

Another equation used to observe and measure …show more content…
The distance between the arc of the mirror and the intersection of those perpendicular lines were set equal to the radius of curvature, as equation 1 dictates. The radius of the concave mirror was equal to 110mm. Solving for focal length, the curvature was ~55mm. The focal length that was observed was the distance between the mirror and its focal point, where the beams intersected each other. This actual distance was 56mm.Our calculations yielded a 1.82% percent error, an error small enough to accept our accuracy and confirm the relationship between focal length and

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