...this research is neither fully complete, nor is it authoritative. Thus the research provides the reader with implications and possibilities as opposed to facts and truths. The researcher conducted a comparative analysis of the data retrieved from the semi-structured interviews. Very simple quantitative analysis and associated methods were applied. For example, if concrete data, numerical information is retrieved in meaningful amounts a quantitative analysis will be conducted. Conceivably, an interviewee may be aware of KM measures (cost savings, increased efficiencies) that impact the study that the researcher is currently unaware of. An example might be that X BDE from Y DIV saved a certain amount of money as a result of a KM initiative. A more appropriate measure might be tied to a training organization, such as a basic training unit, reporting increased transfer of training as a result of a KM initiative. Again, it is unlikely that quantitative data will be gleaned from the semi-structured interviews. An initial research assumption, which the researcher is now certain is factual, states that recorded, measurable, data associated with a repeatable KM initiative does not exist within Army tactical organizations. Second, as determined by Dr. Ward, quantitative analysis of KM processes in a much broader business and academic study is still elusive.1 Thus, attempting to force a solely quantitative method would be inappropriate. Return on...
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...Educator Guide to the 2014 Grade 7 Common Core English Language Arts Test THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Regents of The University MERRYL H. TISCH, Chancellor, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. ................................................................ ANTHONY S. BOTTAR, Vice Chancellor, B.A., J.D. ............................................................... ROBERT M. BENNETT, Chancellor Emeritus, B.A., M.S. ....................................................... JAMES C. DAWSON, A.A., B.A., M.S., Ph.D. .......................................................................... GERALDINE D. CHAPEY, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. ........................................................................... HARRY PHILLIPS, 3rd, B.A., M.S.F.S. .................................................................................... JAMES R. TALLON, Jr., B.A., M.A. .......................................................................................... ROGER B. TILLES, B.A., J.D. ................................................................................................... CHARLES R. BENDIT, B.A. ..................................................................................................... BETTY A. ROSA, B.A., M.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed., M.Ed., Ed.D. ............................................. LESTER W. YOUNG, Jr., B.S., M.S., Ed.D. .............................................................................. CHRISTINE D. CEA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. .......................
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...Education - ADHD, Learning, Philosophy of Education, Privatization, Public Schools, School Violence, School Vouchers, Teaching, Technology and Education, Test and Testing, Writing English Composition Essays - Analitical, Autobiographical, Argument, Cause/Effect, Classification, Compare/Contrast, Comparison, Conversation, Creative+Writing, Critical, Deductive, Definition, Descriptive, Description, Dialog, Division, Exploratory, Expository, Informative, Interview, Inquiry, Journalistic, Narration, Observation. Personal Narrative, Place, Profile, Process, Proposal English Literature and Literary Analysis - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, A & P, Antigone, Apocalypse Now, Araby, The Awakening, Barn Burning, Beowulf, Beloved, Bible, Birthmark, Blade Runner, The Bluest Eye, Candide, Canterbury Tales, Catcher in the Rye, Cathedral, Chrysanthemums, A Clockwork Orange, The Color Purple, Comparing Literary Works, Crime and Punishment, Death of a Salesman, Death in Venice, Desiree's Baby, A Doll's House, Dr. Faustus, Epic of Gilgamesh, Everyday Use, A Farewell to Arms, Frankenstein, The Grapes of Wrath, Great Gatsby, Great Expectations, Glass Menagerie, Gulliver's Travels, The Handmaid's Tale, Heart of Darkness, The Iliad, Invisible Man, Jane Eyre, The Joy Luck Club, The Lottery, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Metamorphosis, My Antonia, My Papa's Waltz, Neuromancer, The Odyssey, Oedipus Rex, On the Road, Oresteia, Paradise Lost, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Portrait of the Artist...
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...International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. 5 Iss 3/4 pp. 333- 357 3. Hamid Yeganeh, (2011),"Culture and international trade: evidence from Canada", International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 21 Iss 4 pp. 381 – 393 Table of Content Annotated Bibliographies 2 1.0 Customer relationship challenges following international acquisitions 5 1.1Citation 5 1.2 Introduction 5 1.3Aims and Research methodology 5 1.4 Scope – Analysis, Findings and Results 6 1.5 Usefulness 6 1.6 Limitation 7 1.7 Challenges and Critiques 7 1.8 Conclusion 8 1.9 Reflection 8 2.0 Home government policies for outward FDI from emerging economies: lessons from Asia 9 2.1 Citation 9 2.2 Introduction 9 2.3 Aims and Research Methods 9 2.4 Scope – Analysis, Findings and Results 10 2.5 Usefulness 10 2.6 Limitation 11 2.7 Critiques and Challenges 11 2.8 Conclusion 11 2.9 Reflection 12 3.0 Culture and international trade: evidence from Canada 13 3.1 Citation 13 3.2 Introduction 13 3.3 Aims and Research Methods 13 3.4 Scope – Analysis, Findings and Results 13 3.5 Usefulness 14 3.6 Limitation 14 3.7 Critiques and Challenges 15 3.8 Conclusion 15 3.9 Reflection 15 1.0 Customer relationship challenges following international acquisitions 1.1Citation Christina Öberg , (2014),"Customer relationship challenges following international acquisitions", International Marketing Review, Vol. 31 Iss 3 pp. 259...
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...perspective on women and its explicit symbolism and literary devices (Brontë i-iii). In a simultaneous similarity and contrast, McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men is a critical and commercial success, providing an alternative to literary explicitism with minimalist text, instead implicating much of the novel’s portrayals of relationships, personalities, and descriptions in liberal usage of implicit language. Even the main characters, despite all having underlying values and personalities, are compressed into three separate archetypes more commonly found in folklore than in comparable modern stories (Cooper). Ultimately, like Brontë, McCarthy masterly weaves such elements into a coming-of-age story for the main character, but instead of the realization of happiness, the main character instead faces defeat with the realization of the changing of the...
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...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Poetry is perpetually re-creating language. It helps understand the world by sharpening our own senses, by making us more sensitive to life. Poetry is thought that is felt. Aristotle says, “There is nothing in the intellect that is not first in the senses”. The poet uses figures of speech and creates images-imitations of life, words that evoke mental pictures and appeal to our senses. The essence of poetry is, according to the different types of minds, either quite worthless or of infinite importance (Herbert, 2000). Poetry may be described as rhythmic imaginative language expressing the invention, thought, imagination, taste, passion and insight of the human soul. Its purpose is “enthrallment”. William Wordsworth describes it as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” taking its origin from “emotion recollected in tranquility”. For Edgar Allan Poe, poetry is “the rhythmical creation of beauty”. Poets, from their own store of felt, observed or imagined experiences, select, combine, and recognize. They create significant new experiences for the readers-significant because the focused and formed in which they may gain a greater awareness and understanding of the world. Poetry can be recognized only by the response made to it by a good reader, someone who has acquired some sensitivity to poetry. There is indeed an ideal reader or listener as well as an ideal poem; and it is useful to think about them all and to consider...
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...pivotal to ensuring that such criminals are apprehended and subjected to due process of the law just like other criminals do. A key area in email forensics that has elicited lots of attention is understanding the unique email characteristics and as such using the same to cluster them for easy identification. This paper offers valid proof that email characteristics can be employed in analysis of the emails and hence establishes their origin. Table of Contents Abstract i Email forensics 2 Email Headers 2 IP Address from the mail sender 2 Mail User Agents (MUA) 2 Transit Servers 3 Sample Header 3 E-mail Characteristics 10 Measures 11 Anonymous emails 13 Email forensic software 14 E-mail cluster analysis 14 Results and conclusion 16 Conclusion 17 References 19 Email forensics A typical email has two parts and this is expert forensics in email based their analysis on. The parts are the header and the body. Email Headers These are meta-data lines hooked to each and every email which contain plenty of vital information used by a forensic expert may use in analysis. Nonetheless, email headers may be forged quite easily, and as such they need not be left as the sole information source. In essence, there exists no sole way which can be used to bring out relevant understanding of an email header. Various examiners favor a bottom up reading approach, while some often favor reading from top down. IP Address from the mail sender Some of email service...
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...Marketers engage the use of primary and secondary research tools to determine results of current and past information. The information acquired from the results of the inquiries defines the data in two different terms. Marketers dissect the information and categorize it in qualitative or quantitative terms. For marketing it is important to differentiate between primary and secondary research when using qualitative and quantitative approaches to use each one effectively and determine why. Primary Research Part of the marketing strategy implements research to determine results for the final goal. In a perfect world the information would be filed away and broken down in descriptive categories. When no established information has been provided researchers must turn to new collection processes. “When the researcher collects fresh data to meet the needs of research it is primary research. The tools of primary research include surveys, interviews, and observations. This is a direct method of carrying out research and so its tools are entirely different from that of secondary research” (Stewart, 1993, p.67). Primary research collects information from a variety of sources. Marketers use surveys, videos, laboratory testing, organizations records, and observations to gather information and relate it to data. Observations tend to be collected from focus groups, usually from the moderator. The moderator will conduct the group discussions on behalf of the organization and observe...
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...the experimental report, consisting of a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion and references section. Another form of popular writing in psychology is through trade publications, this writing is still characterized by conciseness and clarity in language however, it lacks the elements which make up a lab report. For the purposes of this paper, the scientific journal article written by Pfeifer et al titled “The Culture Of Mentoring: Ethnocultural Empathy And Ethnic Identity In Mentoring For Minority Girls” from the Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology journal and an APA website featured article by Greer titled “New Mentoring-Intensive Program Fosters Minority-Focused Research” will be the objects of an analysis into the nuances of writing in the discipline. The journal article has a relatively high impact factor for its subfield (5-year, 2.562) and the trade publication is from the leading and largest publisher in psychological science (APA). These two types of writing will be examined to support the noted purposes of psychology and to further provide reasoning for how psychology writing is...
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...The Scent of Apples by Bienvenido Santos: An Analysis (In which I am somehow nostalgic, too.) *** In my recent lurking on websites that feature blog posts about writing and reading fiction, I have come across an article created by a freelance writer. In her post, she explained the manner in which she writes. At first I thought I was in for a very discombobulating read, considering that her writing style was actually not average and that her method may involve serious reference to classical didactic writers found on literature textbooks. But her style was surprisingly simple. She said that before she can write anything, she needs to come up with a single word from which all thoughts and ideas in the article would be derived. The Scent of Apples by Bienvenido Santos reminds me of this writing style. Of course, that statement wasn’t intended to pose a comparison but was just an effect of a serious and curious rumination of an amateur reader – a sudden gush of ideas stemming from a glimpse of literary schema. Nostalgia, as it seems, is the word from which the entire short story emanates. What’s more wonderful about the literary work was that the author doesn’t have to be blunt to elucidate. In fact, the work is simple yet it can rival the literary audacities of other short stories. It is an established rule in writing that one needs to carefully think of a title that makes a literary work worth reading. Santos’ choice of title is an effortless adherence to this rule for it...
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...June 13 Performance Management by Prof Lise Saari 08 Fall Halo Errors in Performance Management Systems - Anita Rajendran Performance Appraisals are the backbone of Human Resources and a crucial aspect of the entire Performance Management System (PMS) but also the most difficult to implement. The effectiveness of a Performance Appraisal can be seriously impacted by the common errors that raters make. Halo is one such error and can be defined as "the influence of a global evaluation on individual attributes of a person" (Nisbett & Wilson, 1977, p. 250) or "the influence of a rater's general impression on ratings of specific ratee qualities" (Lance, LaPointe, & Stewart, 1994, p. 339). The article tries to understand the background and research done into halo error and whether there is clear evidence to suggest that there is a positive or negative link to rating accuracy due to Halo error. It attempts to see if there are ways in which an organization can effectively utilize these research findings to counter halo error or whether any experiments done are effective only in a laboratory setting. Finally review on whether this aspect of the performance appraisal can be incorporated into an actual performance appraisal system. Individual Research Paper – Halo Error in Performance Management Systems Introduction and Background 3 What is Halo Error – The underlying research and theory 3 Deep Dive 5 How to counter the halo error or reduce error? 5 Effective use...
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...Project Dissemination Dissemination of the project's results will be necessary in order to further the broader objective of increasing financial literary beyond the borders of London and Laurel County. Dissemination will take a number of forms, utilizing a diverse set of outlets, and will include local, national, and global components that acknowledge the scope of the issue at hand, which reaches far beyond the grass-roots efforts for which we are seeking funding. The first step will be to make the results, both short term and long term, of the project available to students, parents, teachers, and other members of the community in which the project will be enacted. This will be done for a number of reasons, including earning the buy-in of those most immediately impacted by the project's efforts, as well as charting the progress of the project against its stated goals. Results in the form of raw statistical data and meaningful analysis will be published via the London-Laurel County Chamber of Commerce's website, as well as through numerous social media outlets, including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter. A press release will also be issued, initially made available to local media outlets and expanded in scope as interest level dictates, in order to better publicize our efforts through traditional media outlets, as well as tout the generosity of the grantor for the project. The second step will involve the publication of our findings in scholarly peer review...
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...characters can be developed. Caroline Levine cultivates this concept further in her analysis of Dickens’s complex narrative network in Bleak House. She reinforces Tolkien’s assertion that convincing secondary worlds must achieve a level of complexity to avoid the pitfalls of simple allegory by comparing narrative network films to novels (520). Films simply do not allow for the complexities of interconnected variables to take shape much like the short novel. The form of the novel cannot fully commentate on social problems without creating a network of characters interwoven in plot and setting to define specific societal evils and provide possible...
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...possible combinations) to convert the ciphertext into plaintext, which is not possible given present and near future computing abilities. However, a cryptanalysis of the cipher reveals a technique that would allow the plaintext to be found in 2^40 rounds. While not completely broken, the cipher is now much weaker and the plaintext can be found with moderate computing resources. There are numerous techniques for performing cryptanalysis, depending on what access the cryptanalyst has to the plaintext, ciphertext, or other aspects of the cryptosystem. Below are some of the most common types of attacks: 1. Known-plaintext analysis With this procedure, the cryptanalyst has knowledge of a portion of the plaintext from the ciphertext. Using this information, the cryptanalyst attempts to deduce the key used to produce the ciphertext 2. Chosen PlainText Analysis The cryptanalyst is able to have any plaintext encrypted with a key and obtain...
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...any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract This article discusses the complexity of literary analysis and the implications of using fiction as a source of sociological data. This project infuses literary analysis with sociological imagination. Using a random sample of children’s novels published between 1930 and 1980, this article describes both a methodological approach to the analysis of children’s books and the subsequent development of two analytical categories of novels. The first category captures books whose narratives describe and support unequal social arrangements; the second category captures those whose narratives work instead to identify inequality and disrupt it. Building on Griswold’s methodological approach to literary fiction, this project examines how children’s novels describe, challenge, or even subvert systems of inequality. Through a sociological reading of three sampled texts – Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, A Wrinkle in Time, and Hitty: Her First Hundred Years – readers learn how these analytical categories work and how the sociology of literature might be enriched by attention to structural forms of inequality within literary fiction. This essay investigates children’s books in order to reinvigorate the discussion and use of novels by sociologists. Keywords: childhood, fiction, gender, literary analysis, literary narrative, power relations, social inequalities, Sociology, Sociology of literature Acknowledgments: I...
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