...Bibliography sources web address 1. Dans, Enrique. http://www.forbes.com/sites/enriquedans/2014/09/08/social-media-corporate-attitudes-and-aptitudes/ 2. Eddy, N. http://0-search.ebscohost.com.oak.indwes.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=crh&AN=94880750&site=eds-live 3. Elder http://online.wsj.com/articles/companies-alter-social-media-strategies-1403499658 http://0-search.ebscohost.com.oak.indwes.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=crh&AN=96694802&site=eds-live 4. Geller http://www.forbes.com/sites/loisgeller/2014/09/16/outstanding-customer-service-in-social-media/ 5. Goel from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/24/business/after-huge-recall-gm-speaks-to-customers-through-social-media.html?_r=0/ 6. Hajli http://0-search.ebscohost.com.oak.indwes.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=96257365&site=eds-live 7. Jennings http://0-search.ebscohost.com.oak.indwes.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=97638794&site=eds-live 8. Narayanan http://0-search.ebscohost.com.oak.indwes.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=84616525&site=eds-live 9. Rapp http://0-search.ebscohost.com.oak.indwes.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=89547955&site=eds-live 10. Reddy http://0-search.ebscohost.com.oak.indwes.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=96398855&site=eds-live 11. Schaupp http://0-search.ebscohost.com.oak.indwes.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=96548974&site=eds-live ...
Words: 355 - Pages: 2
...That talked about people keeping their children out of school because they didn’t have them vaccinated. They believed a scientific article that told them that their children could acquire autism if they received a vaccine Often the media portrays contradictory findings in science. For example one week a media source may say that red wine is good for you while weeks later a different source may state that red wine may not have been as good for you as previously thought. This back and forth often leaves the public unsure of what to think on a given topic. Discuss in your group why this situation arises and what an individual in society can do to best ensure they are informed on a particular topic. One thing the public can do is to ask proffessionals such as doctors about topics they are confused about. They definetly shouldn't google their questions in order to be more informed because that is when confusion occurs. With so many sources it would be hard to choose just one and claim it as creditable and pure truth. So I disagree that google is a good source because most individuals do not know what they are looking for. It sounds much better to say that your doctor told you something than what you found on Wikipedia, when you try to inform another person on the topic. The value of a good discussion is it may give alternate interpretations of the results and it also offers the researcher the opportunity to point out the significance of the findings and compare it to past...
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...production) without crediting the source •to commit literary theft •to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward. But can words and ideas really be stolen? According to U.S. law, the answer is yes. The expression of original ideas is considered intellectual property and is protected by copyright laws, just like original inventions. Almost all forms of expression fall under copyright protection as long as they are recorded in some way (such as a book or a computer file). All of the following are considered plagiarism: •turning in someone else's work as your own •copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit •failing to put a quotation in quotation marks •giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation •changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit •copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not (see our section on "fair use" rules) Most cases of plagiarism can be avoided, however, by citing sources. Simply acknowledging that certain material has been borrowed and providing your audience with the information necessary to find that source is usually enough to prevent plagiarism. See our section on citation for more information on how to cite sources properly. What about...
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...Ellie Richards Unit 4 P1 M1 P1- explain different types of business information, their sources and purposes Verbal communication is one of the best methods when it comes to communicating with another individual or individuals, this is because when you are emailing someone, the point you are trying to get across doesn’t always get their understanding, as they aren’t able to hear the tone of your voice to understand what it is you are meaning by what you are saying. Verbal communication can be done face to face, over the phone, or using devices such as Skype. Interacting face to face is also quicker and helps you get a better understanding of the information that the individual is giving to you, it also gives you the chance to ask any questions to the person who is providing you with this information, and it also helps you get to know other individuals. Verbal communication is something that people do in their everyday lives, and it’s something that people are used to. There for it’s probbaly the best method when it comes to communicating with people and getting information to individuals. An example when we had a good method of verbal communication was when the head teacher of Strode College (James Staniforth) done a presentation to all of the new students within the college on the first day. The main characteristics within the information that was provided, was to give all of the new students the information that they needed to know about the college. This included...
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...to be unsubstantiated? Seeing stories in mass media with unsubstantial amounts of evidence to prove legitimacy makes me believe the source is sugarcoating a redundant issue, or story for publicity. Although the information in a newspaper or magazine such as New York Times may be excellent ways of learning what is happening in the world, they are no substitute for scholarly articles in peer-review journals. Therefore, the accuracy of the stories can be harder to discern. 2. How do you approach research? When approaching research, I identify a subject and make sub-subjects and add topics and provide details to each topic. By doing this, I have an organized structure of my subject, with different pieces of information supporting it. When conducting research, a good initial step is to compile a list of relevant literature. A second step is to scan the references to locate relevant articles. A third effective strategy is to Google relevant topics, especially useful resources for information on just about any scholar topic you can imagine. 3. What are the biggest challenges in doing research? The biggest challenges when approaching research I face is finding a reliable source for information. Using incorrect information is not acceptable. Websites such as Wikipedia should also never be used or cited as academic works because the sources are not delineated clearly enough to critique. In addition, Internet sources are so variable. At the one sites where bona fide educational...
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...Why Teens Choose Abortion There are so many sources that could be used to gain knowledge about why teens choose to get abortions, but there are only several reliable sources about that topic. It is very important to rely on credible sources. The use of good sources can lead to information that is credible and accurate. If using non-reliable sources about finding information about a specific topic you could be getting all the information wrong because of the non-credible sources that are being used. Because I used reliable sources I was able to come up with the conclusion that the number one reason why teens choose to get abortion is because when they feel pressured they tend to find an escape to the problem, in this case, abortion. A source is more credible if written by someone with a degree or other credentials in the subject of interest. If no author or organization is named, the source will not be viewed as very credible. An example of a good source about the reasons why teens choose abortion is the article “Why Teens Choose Abortion” by Linda Lowent. This article proves to be a reliable source in so many ways. One way is by giving us a publication date. The publication date is not only important but the fact that is recent, April 15, 2011, makes it a more reliable source. Also, the website where this article was published at is known web page which makes it a credible article. The most important evidence that makes this article a credible one is the author. The name...
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...University of Phoenix Material Health Care Marketing Information Matrix There are a variety of information sources that may be used by consumers to obtain information relating to the marketing of health care products and services. The following matrix is intended to assist you in organizing the information contained in these sources. Consider the types of marketing messages that these information sources may contain and the reliability of the marketing message. Following the provided example, identify three examples of your own. |Source of Health Information |Type of Health-Related |Marketing Messages |How the Consumer May Assess the Accuracy or | | |Information | |Reliability of the Marketing Messages | |List the information source, such as Internet websites, WebMD, MedLine, or the news media. |Type of information |List at least one marketing|List one approach the consumer may use to verify | | |provided by the source |message being communicated |the accuracy of the marketing message. | | | ...
Words: 408 - Pages: 2
...prehistoric hunter-gather ancestors didn’t eat it, that we shouldn’t either. The sources I have chosen to use include informational articles found at thepaleodiet.com (http://thepaleodiet.com/about-the-paleo-diet/), a Uwire text/article - (http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA364130430&v=2.1&u=swinburne1&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w&asid=c4d0f209e911ce4748ef9cf3946b329d), a YouTube video and its comments (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfLDioJzmIE), and a forum on Bodybuilding.com as another social source (http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/what-is-the-paleo-diet.html?page=1). Thepaleodiet.com helped me learn more about learn about the health benefits of Paleo. I chose this source after a google search returned it as a result, and I was drawn to it as it appeared to be quite informational from its short description. This informational source is an example of constructivism through presenting information for the reader. At first glance this site came across as a potentially unreliable source – there was a presence of advertising. But further exploration started proving that this site was in fact reliable. According to Metzger (2007), credible online sources are ones in which we can identify the author and their credentials. In this case, the author is Ph.D. and professor of Health and Exercise Science. Information that is current, displays views that are facts and not opinions, and have other sources of information that can verify their accuracy may also be considered to...
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...University of Phoenix Material Health Care Marketing Information Matrix There are a variety of information sources that may be used by consumers to obtain information relating to the marketing of health care products and services. The following matrix is intended to assist you in organizing the information contained in these sources. Consider the types of marketing messages that these information sources may contain and the reliability of the marketing message. Following the provided example, identify three examples of your own. |Source of Health Information |Type of Health-Related |Marketing Messages |How the Consumer May Assess the Accuracy or | | |Information | |Reliability of the Marketing Messages | |List the information source, such as Internet websites, WebMD, MedLine, or the news media. |Type of information |List at least one |List one approach the consumer may use to | | |provided by the source |marketing message being |verify the accuracy of the marketing message.| | | ...
Words: 462 - Pages: 2
...University of Phoenix Material Health Care Marketing Information Matrix There are a variety of information sources that may be used by consumers to obtain information relating to the marketing of health care products and services. The following matrix is intended to assist you in organizing the information contained in these sources. Consider the types of marketing messages that these information sources may contain and the reliability of the marketing message. Following the provided example, identify three examples of your own. |Source of Health Information |Type of Health-Related |Marketing Messages |How the Consumer May Assess the Accuracy or | | |Information | |Reliability of the Marketing Messages | |List the information source, such as Internet websites, WebMD, MedLine, or the news media. |Type of information |List at least one marketing |List one approach the consumer may use to verify | | |provided by the source |message being communicated to |the accuracy of the marketing message. | | | ...
Words: 467 - Pages: 2
...the internet or should they use a balance of diverse kinds of sources?” Students use the internet for a variety of things such as entertainment, social needs, and very few times is it used as a dependable source. Although students don’t use it reliably, I believe that students should use a balance of sources. Internet and Library sources are both very useful in their own rights when utilized properly; however they both have their pros and cons. In this essay I will discuss the benefits and liabilities of using the two types of sources. Students who use a mixture of sources are more likely to have more valid and solid facts than a student who uses all sources from one place. The sources begin to become more repetitive and less factual when they are all retrieved from one place. This also makes it harder for the writer to put the sources into their own words creating a suspicion of plagiarism. The liability of the internet is that it is a place where anyone can create anything and put it on a forum for all to view, retrieve and use as a source. Just because something is put into a space doesn’t make it correct. Using caution and exercising good judgment can help prevent using a bogus source, but in contrast the internet provides an interactive multimedia experience that is not available with library sources. Sources from the internet are also harder to identify due to the fact that many websites do not source the writer of the information, but just the name of the website...
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...What is an ‘academic reference’? An academic reference is a book or journal article that has been “peer-reviewed” by academic specialists in the particular field. Academic references are considered to have more legitimacy and credibility than popular sources for this reason. Popular sources such as newspapers, social media, websites and blogs are not academic references and may have no claims to legitimacy or credibility. Why is academic referencing important at university? At university we are trying to develop critical thinking in students. Not “critical” in terms of negative thinking, but in terms of being able to analyse information and make informed comments about how valid the views expressed in the source may be. By using academic references you show that you can compare sources of legitimate information. Make sure you have a majority of academic references in your assignments. While you may use and reference popular sources, make sure most of your references are academic references. Ask the lecturer if you have any concerns or comments about either referencing or any aspect of your study, including after you receive marked assignments. ____________________________________________________________________________ Common types of academic references used in The Business School at UB. 1. Citation of a reference in your assignment (“in-text citation”). Method: author(s) and date of publication. Example: Retrenchment has become a part of contemporary...
Words: 886 - Pages: 4
...Information Matrix There are a variety of information sources that may be used by consumers to obtain information relating to the marketing of health care products and services. The following matrix is intended to assist you in organizing the information contained in these sources. Consider the types of marketing messages that these information sources may contain and the reliability of the marketing message. Following the provided example, identify three examples of your own. |Source of Health Information |Type of Health-Related |Marketing Messages |How the Consumer May Assess the | | |Information | |Accuracy or Reliability of the | | | | |Marketing Messages | |List the information source, such as Internet websites, WebMD, MedLine, or the news media. |Type of information |List at least one |List one approach the consumer may use | | |provided by the source |marketing message being |to verify the accuracy...
Words: 470 - Pages: 2
...moral compass that steers them towards the truth. This is to say that their first and foremost commitment needs to be to the reporting the truth from reliable sources (Principles of journalism, 2015). Getting the story out there first should be secondary to the truth and not so much as a main concern but it often is for struggling or rookie journalists. “Scooping” the other reporter helps to get their name out there and become more prominently known while building their reputation. This can sometimes cloud their judgment and reporting skills and allow erroneous information to get by them and become part of their report. Ethically responsible reporting A journalist who acts responsibly is acting in the best interest of the general public. They will research their topic and verify that their sources are credible. The journalist will verify both confidential and publicly known sources to ensure their information is accurate and they are who they say are (Principles of journalism, 2015). There a lot of people in today’s social media driven society that draw personal satisfaction from reporting false information and pretending to me someone they are not by hiding behind their keyboard. The ethically responsible journalist will verify the sources and confirm or seek proof of all information even from a credible source. Ethically irresponsible reporting An ethically irresponsible journalist may accept...
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...experience. The blog is renewed almost every day with a new idea keeping the blog fresh and updated. Ever since we where kids Ana Maria has been a fashion leader not only because of her good looks but also her impeccable style and approachable personality. Most of her friends have always treated her as a personal stylist, they could rely on her to give them good fashion advice. She has always dared to try new things but always keeping it real. When the blog started it relied on social media, (Facebook and Twitter) which has been a very good strategy for her own personal marketing, because she has become a reliable source of inspiration. Even though she is not selling any product or brands her combinations and posts have sold her name as a fashionista. Every single thing that she suggests is later seen bought by her friends or fans. There is no doubt that her fan group is getting bigger by the minute and that her name has become well know in Colombian the fashion world. Sources:...
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