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Medical Identity Theft

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Identity theft is a major problem in the United States and it is still continuing to grow. This paper will define identity theft, the problems it creates, the methods used, and will present best practices for individuals in order to encourage prevention to help fight against it. Michael Dewine, the Ohio Attorney General has defined Identity theft as “Identity theft occurs when someone obtains and uses your personal information without your permission to commit a fraud (Dewine 2016). Identity theft is a crime at both the federal and state levels because it is theft to the largest degree at wors,t and a major inconvenience as a time waster to the victim in the least. Identity theft will normally fall into one of three categories …show more content…
Medical identity theft is defined by the Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Joseph, Michigan as when someone utilizes another person’s identifying information, such as insurance policy number or social security number, without the victim’s authorization in order to gain access to medical assistance. Fraud can also be committed by using another person’s identity in order to receive payments of some type. The Federal Trade Commission estimates that approximately 249,000 people have fallen prey to medical identity theft in 2005. As a result of this crime some people may even receive the wrong types of medication or be denied service! Fixing medical identity theft can be complicated, time consuming, and costly. Consider that a reported sixty-five percent of medical identity theft victims surveyed paid more than $13,000 to resolve the crime (India Pharma News 2015). Furthermore, restriction due to compliance with the medical industry standard of privacy outline in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) will inhibit the victim from clearing up their own medical records in cases of identity theft. Clearing up cases is so difficult in fact that approximately only ten percent those surveyed state that they have gotten a thoroughly satisfactory rectification of the theft (India Pharma News 2015). Since medical identity theft does not comprise a large portion of identity theft, compared to the overall U.S. population, there are not of laws on the books which address the issue. Training medical personnel and especially the emergency room staff to recognize and avoid the allowance of identity theft is paramount in the prevention of medical identity theft. Currently, talk of biometric software in order to identify the true patients is being considered as a viable

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Identity Theft

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