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Medical Mutual Case

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Medical Mutual is the oldest health insurance company in the state of Ohio, starting in 1934. It covers over 1.5 million residents with over 43,000 primary care and specialist providers in the network. Medical Mutual is a not-for-profit company, which means it uses its revenues to further the company instead of paying its shareholders. I believe that is why this company has continued to grow instead of being bought out, since they are putting all their money back into helping advancement instead of paying off the people who are invested. Medical Mutual is also one of the biggest employers in downtown Cleveland (HQ location).
In 2011 Medical Mutual made InformationWeek 500’s annual list of being one of the nation’s most creative users of business …show more content…
They can also pull their insurance cards up through the app so they do not have to worry about keeping their cards on them at all times, which seems to be one thing that a lot of people forget to bring in an emergency. Keeping up with the technology in this way has helped the company continue to grow, with a lot of the millennials starting to carry their own insurance and making their own choices on healthcare coverage. Medical Mutual also has a Quality Improvement Program set up which basically is designed to constantly improve the quality of the healthcare services that are available for members. They have an entire department employed that manages the cost-effectiveness, implementation of services and evaluates the plans that are offered for quality. In being so active in their “customer service” it allows the members to feel safe and taken care of, which will keep them coming back year after year for coverage. They also have numerous discounts available to all members for wellness programs, from adults to babies. These discounts will not only keep members coming back but it is also helping them get healthier, which is keep lowering costs for the company when less and less people have to go to the doctor. This is a smart business move for the company, looking like a win-win decision for them, keeping the members happy and also keep the revenue coming …show more content…
They listed these changes, and when they would come into effect right on their website for all their members to read and understand before anything changed. It also listed the rate increase that would come along with all the changes well in advance, given the members ample time to prepare for the jump. Keeping the members “in the loop” was a smart choice for them. There aren’t many things people hate more than to be surprised by

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