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Medication Error In Health Care

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Medication error is considered as a serious patient safety issue. Medication error is considered to be the most common cause of morbidity and mortality among the incidents. Many healthcare organizations, nowadays, adhered to patient safety practices; however, the lack of control over the clinical system has been a real concern. Medication error causes sentinel events in the healthcare facilities. According to Aspeden et al (2006), (1) 1.5 million residents are reported in harm from medication error annually. Because of the huge patient safety issue, around 3.5 million US dollar is spent for treating medication error. Evidently, this scenario is quite common in even developed countries like UK. According to a report from National health System (NHS), medication error itself costs about Euro 5 million a year additionally. (4)Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand (2016) reported that, errors has been continuously reporting, even though alerts were made to reduce the risk of medication errors and enhancing patient safety (15). A report from the Mayo clinic says that, 1 of 131 …show more content…
The most common cause is the medication factors, which include the similarity in the names; other common is healthcare factors, which include the usage of unapproved abbreviations in the medical records as well as medication charts (16).Over the past decade, there has been a significant patient safety issues were reported due to the medical abbreviations. Consequently, it was accounted for nearly seven thousand deaths per year across the world. The majority of these issues were seen in the intensive care units, emergency treatment bay, and the operation theatre. Furthermore, the medical incident does not only harm the savings of the patients, but it affects the trust and satisfaction is being given to the healthcare providers. Accordingly, many efforts have been put into practice to address these issues

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