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Melting Ice Caps

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There is a definite link between the rapid loss of the melting ice caps and the endangerment and declining populations of animal species in the Artic region. Global warming has produced rising temperatures causing the melting of the ice caps. The Artic animals, primarily the polar bear and the emperor penguin are left with less hunting grounds and a natural environment in which to thrive. Global warming should be of great concern worldwide, as it not only affects our environment physically, but it is detrimental to the animals as well. We must live sustainably to preserve our natural resources in order to cease global warming, ultimately helping these Artic animals as well as ourselves. However, the fact that many people and politicians refuse …show more content…
Hopefully, by funding the efforts of scientists, educating the “non-believers” and suggesting ways to help restore the environment, we will come together to contribute to a solution to the endangerment of the animals in the Arctic.
The presence of ice caps is an essential element in the lives of all polar bears and emperor penguins. They need these ice caps to raise their offspring, to hunt for food, to feed themselves and their families, but with the rise in temperatures, the ice has been melting earlier than usual. The warming temperatures and decline of ice caps directly impacts their ability to build up their fat reserves to properly nourish themselves and sustain their lives before hibernation. When there is less ice, the polar bears and penguins are forced to swim further distances looking for food and shelter, from ice cap to ice cap. Thus, they lose more energy and become weak, and as a result, are …show more content…
According to the Huffington Post, there is a discrepancy between the call scientists are making and the belief of the Republicans in Congress. The article by Carolyn Gregoire points out that, “Although 97 percent of climate scientists insist climate change is real and caused by human actions, 56 percent of Republicans in Congress deny these atmospheric changes” (Gregoire). There is physical proof of temperatures rising and CO2 levels skyrocketing since the Industrial Revolution, signifying that humans have a negative impact on the environment, but people are still in denial. Many concerned individuals aim to answer the question: why do many people, politicians/leaders and corporations ignore the facts concerning the issue of global warming? For starters, it begins with denial, dismissal, or skepticism by the “non-believers.” Either they do not notice a change in the weather or its impact on nature, or have a convincing financial incentive to look the other way. Some say the weather is actually getting colder. People shape an opinion and thus form a “confirmation” bias; they only seek information and facts that confirm their already existing belief. Gregoire states, they “ignore anything that challenges them,” because they do not want to be proven wrong, especially a person who is in a position of power. Once a powerful

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