...cheating which undermines academic integrity. Plagiarism is prohibited at Victoria. Plagiarism is presenting (without due acknowledgement) someone else’s work as if it were your own, whether you mean to or not. Plagiarism takes many forms and includes material from books, journals or any other printed source, the work of other students or staff, information from the internet and other electronic material. You are expected to adhere to the VUW Statute on Student Conduct and its references to plagiarism. The Statute may be assessed at http://www.victoria.ac.nz/home/about /policy/students.aspx. I have read and understood the University’s policy on plagiarism outlined as above and declare that this Government Essay is my own work and that all source material used in this essay is accurately acknowledged. Signed: ___________________________ Date: ____________________ Political ideologies are vague and not as regimented and defined throughout New Zealand politics. An ideology represents political philosophies, views, core principles or beliefs, and at the operative level it is a coherent set of ideas that provide a basis for organised political action (Heywood, 2002). The individual party uses these ideologies to determine the stance that a party takes on various political actions and policies that arise. There is no single clear ideology for each of the parties and they all have slightly different thought processes and...
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...ACADEMIC YEAR: 2010-2011 SEMESTER: 2 COURSE CODE: FOUN1001 TITLE: ENGLISH FOR ACEDEMIC PURPOSES NAME: STACEY N. JAGOO ID: 310100153 1. I hereby certify that I am the author of the attached item of coursework and that all materials from reference sources have been properly acknowledged. 2. I understand what plagiarism is and what penalties may be imposed on students found guilty of plagiarism. 3. I certify that this paper contains no plagiarised material. 4. I certify that this is my own work and that I did not receive any unfair assistance from others (including unauthorized collaboration) in its preparation. 5. I certify that this paper has not previously been submitted either in its entirety or in part within the UWI system or to any other educational institution. 6. In the case of group work: a. I certify that the individual work of each member of the group has been clearly indicated; b. that where no such indication has been given, I take the responsibility for the work as if it were the section of the paper for which I am solely responsible; and c. that I have not collaborated with any members of the group to breach the University’s regulations. Signature: Stacey N. Jagoo Date: 15th April, 2011 Explain what is meant by “The Natural Environment” Topic: the Natural Environment Main Points: Components, Challenges Topic | Sentence | Components | The natural environment comprises of all living and non-living things...
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...the text. Use complete sentences. Here is an example: Example - Environmental History Before 1960, few people had ever heard the word ecology, and the term, environment, meant little as a political or social issue. Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Rachel Carson published Silent Spring in 1960. At about the time the book was published, several environmental events were occurring. Examples of these environmental events are oil spills and highly publicized threats of extinction of many species. Environment became a popular issue. Early Days of Modern Environmentalism Environmentalism was dominated by confrontations between those labeled environmentalist and those labeled anti-environmentalists. Environmentalists believed that the world was in peril. The anti-environmentalists believed that social and economic heath and progress were necessary. Today The situation has changed from the early days of modern environmentalism. Public opinion polls show that people around the world rank the environment among the most important social and political issues. No longer is there a need to verify that the environmental problems are severe. Complete the rest of the worksheet based on the example above. Remember to be thorough in your answers and write in complete sentences. Water Management Describe Water Management and Use Freshwater sources are ground water, run off, and snow melt. Its uses Water supply problems are from population growth, climate changes, pollution of water...
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...(40) 4. Short Essay “The threat of an environmental crisis will be the ‘international disaster key’ that will unlock the New World Order.”[1] —Mikhail Gorbachev, Moscow, 1991 This quote forms the basis of the entire article’s arguments and theories. Will an environmental crisis be the international disaster that will take over the word? Maybe. But no one can say for certain, but seriously how scary would that be? What if this entire time there were groups forming behind the scenes planning to take over the world? Well according to Wollstein, there are such environmental extremist groups; he claims that there are “authoritarian environmental political agendas” (Wollstein, Sept 1998) occurring with cunning schemes to take over. Wollsetin argues that we should reject the environmental movement based on the arguments given in this article. We will discuss the various types of Wollsteins’ arguments and dissect them and critic them. There are quite a few premises in this paper, which follow as; industry is good, primitive societies are bad, authoritarianism is bad, and centralization of power is bad. To prove these premises the writer offers statistics and quotes. The conclusion is quite easy to determine, all environmentalists are bad. The big fallacies here are that environmental legislation might not lead to authoritarianism because the people quoted here might be extremists, and are representative of the movement as a whole. The first section that we read “The Environmental...
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...[pic] McDonald's and the Environmental Defense Fund: a case study of a green alliance Sharon Livesey Originally published in…The Journal of Business Communication • January 1999 In 1987, the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, which had convened to address the global ecological crisis, produced Our Common Future (the Brundtland Report). This watershed event established the conceptual underpinnings for environmental politics and debate in the 1990s by reframing the problem of the natural environment as one of sustainable development. In the wake of this reframing, a new practice in environmental management emerged - that of green alliances or partnerships between business and ecology groups (Westley & Vredenburg, 1991, pp. 71-72). These alliances, considered one of the ten most significant trends in environmental management and the greening of industry (Gladwin, 1993, p. 46), appeared to signal a sea change in the way business, as well as environmentalists, could respond to the ecological impacts of firms' economic activities. Indeed, environmental partnerships offered both business and ecology groups the potential for a new rhetorical stance. Business communication scholarship has identified a variety of rhetorical strategies adopted by corporations in the face of environmental controversy: defensiveness and apologia (e.g., Ice, 1991; Tyler, 1992), competing information campaigns (e.g., Lange, 1993; Moore, 1993), or retreat (e.g., Seiter...
Words: 11234 - Pages: 45
...number of ethical approaches towards the environment trying to tackle and provide moral guidelines on how to treat and use the earth. During the course of this essay I will attempt to outline a few of the main secular and religious approaches to environmental issues and then through evaluation come up with a conclusion on which I feel is the best to follow. To make a good environmental theory, the ethical approach must provide moral guidelines for governments, big businesses and individuals alike. One secular theory, which tries to achieve this, is Conservationism. The conservationist theory aims to look at the value of that the environment has to humans and how looking after it and using it will affect us. The conservationist approach takes a shallow ecology approach, which believes that the earth has instrumental value. This means that if lowering the carbon emissions to protect the Maldives will benefit human life then a conservationist approach will argue that this is a good thing to do. The conservationist approach can be closely linked to Bentham’s hedonistic approach to Utilitarianism, sharing the ‘ if its beneficial enough to humans then we will do it but we wont bother if its too much work’ approach, which is also a secular theory. This anthropocentric view is useful when looking at ways to ensure individuals to there bit as it holds the moral opinion that by helping the earth you help humans in the long run, however it is somewhat flimsy and fails to appreciate the...
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...Sebastian Estrada PHIL 3360: Environmental Ethics Dr. Vicki Toscano Issues paper#1 Anthropocentrism vs. Biocentrism 1/26/2012 The Historical Roots of our ecologic crisis is an article written by Lynn T. White, Jr. published in the journal Science in 1966. White was a medieval scholar and in this article he blames technology, Christianity, and anthropocentrism as the “Roots” of our ecologic crisis. He states, “All forms of life modify their contexts,” but believes that this modification should be for the good of the earth like the coral polyp. He states Man must coexist with nature. Man had always been a dynamic element in harmony with the earth. This all changed sometime around the 1850 when the “Baconian Creed” of scientific knowledge started influencing the people. As a result man began to exploit the earth through new advents in technology. White cites the invention of the eight-oxen plow as the beginning of man’s “ruthlessness” towards nature. White continues to argue that Christian Axioms fueled this newfound exploitive attitude towards earth. To White, Christianity’s story of creation and notion that “no item in the physical creation had any purpose save to serve man’s purpose (White).” only served to justify these actions and put Christianity as “the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen.” White continues to argue that simply applying more science and more technology to our ecologic crisis is not going to solve the problem. To him the issue is essentially...
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...different backgrounds, a global and real campus - and yet, at the same time, I could grow and learn artistically with a small group of my peers. The program mixes the artistic intensity of a conservatory with the academic respect of a traditional collegiate institution, as well as intimacy within the theatre studio and anonymity throughout the university. At NYU, I can truly have the best of both worlds. I believe that this structure is perfect for me: my passion lies in theatre,...
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...Civilization, there are several things in my life that I take for granted. There is also a long list of values I believe in and model my goals after, such as environmentalism, scientific knowledge, family, and tradition. These are all things that I value deeply within my own life. They are precious seeds of hope and happiness for my past, present, and future. Similarly, the Yir Yoront, a forager group in Australia, as any group of civilization, has values worth protecting. Yet, upon reading “Steel Axes for Stone-Age Australians,” written by Lauriston Sharp, I was appalled to discover that the Yir Yoront’s values were not protected in any sort of way, but rather terribly misunderstood and bleached by the...
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...CONRAD P. KOTTAK Department of Anthropology University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 The New Ecological Anthropology Older ecologies have been remiss in the narrowness of their spatial and temporal horizons, their functionalist assumptions, and their apolitical character. Suspending functionalist assumptions and an emphasis upon (homeo)stasis, "the new ecological anthropology" is located at the intersection of global, national, regional, and local systems, studying the outcome of the interaction of multiple levels and multiple factors. It blends theoretical and empirical research with applied, policy-directed, and critical work in what Rappaport called an "engaged" anthropology; and it is otherwise attuned to the political aspects and implications of ecological processes. Carefully laying out a critique of previous ecologies by way of announcing newer approaches, the article insists on the need to recognize the importance of culture mediations in ecological processes rather than treating culture as epiphenomenal and as a mere adaptive tool. It closes with a discussion of the methodologies appropriate to the new ecological anthropology. / "the new ecology, " political ecology, applied or engaged anthropology, linkages methodology] cological anthropology was named as such during the 1960s, but it has many ancestors, including Daryll Forde, Alfred Kroeber, and, especially, Julian Steward. Steward's cultural ecology influenced the ecological anthropology of Roy Rappaport...
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...Personal Position Paper: Environmentalism Caring for the Earth? Should Christians become Tree-Huggers? In today’s society, many environmental issues are being casually overlooked by the same people who constantly complain about them. It is an ever increasing problem that will eventually become irreversible if we Christians do not respond to the issue with definite action. The four key elements of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral provide strong evidence that God has called humans to make a difference in the environment. Several examples that are found in scripture, proven by reason, witnessed through experience, and guided by tradition aid in proving God’s desperate plea to us to care for the earth. By using the quadrilateral in its entirety, I will be able to provide sustainable information that will create a viable conclusion to why I personally believe that Christians should indeed become “tree-huggers”. What does scripture say in terms of protecting the environment? Scripture, the norming norm of all sources, is ultimately the main stemming source which provides moral guidance in helping humankind make wise decisions. It is an outlining source that answers many, if not most, of life’s difficult questions both indirectly and directly. As far as answering the question as to whether or not Christians should become “tree huggers”, several specific instructions provided in scripture are commands given from God to His followers to treat the earth and all the nonliving things within...
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...Nausicaä must think of some ways to overcome this situation. He gets his idea from the post-World War II pollution of Japan’s Minamata bay. The incident started with the wastes which was accumulated in the bay and soon cause the mercury poisoning of the people who ate the fish ( Griesbauer). After the people realized the truth, they stop consuming this kind of fish. On the other hand, the fish were still be able to survive under this severe condition in the bay. In Nausicaa, he illustrated the fukai (Sea of Decay), fungi, giant insects, and deadly plants which represented the severe condition of the environment. The colour used on the environment was dull to show the consequences of destroying the nature. In his another well-known product, My neighbor Totoro (1988), it again showed the mistreatment towards the environment by the mankind. This film focuses on the implantation of awareness towards the environment. He portrayed the relationship between humans and environment. Throughout the whole storyline, Satsuki and Mei had their first footsteps into new rural surroundings as they discover the beauty of nature in their backyard. For example, the forest meant something to Mei and...
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...through his entire work. The abstract work clearly introduces the disadvantages of technological devices/advancement and how it has affected our thinking and reflections. Levy expects scholars, students and educators to take time and reflect on their use of technology and their effects. The world has arrived...to me it depicts the arrival of a new age, stage or cycle of life that incorporates and implements new technology and devices that would minimize the levels of thinking and work. The introduction of this article demonstrates how levy took a lot of time to think when doing research for this writing. This is clearly depicted by him mentioning great scholars and innovators such as Barbara Mcclintock as people who did not rely on the technological devices/advancements to accomplish their great research/work but took time to think, reflect and tap their vast realm of consciousness. The introduction briefly lays out his plan and purpose of writing this essay as it points out how technology has affected our general academia standards and how our society value creative thinking rather than intuitive and contemplative thinking. After reading the introduction I think that David levy is right to some point and I should take some time to think intuitively and tap my realm...
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...The image of the Noble Savage arises from the colonial drive to order and make sense within Western frames by labeling indigenous peoples as connected to the environment. This representation is dehumanizing and fails to acknowledge Native ontologies Shepard Krech III, PhD and Professor of Anthropology and Environmental Studies at Brown University, 1999, “The Ecological Indian: Myth and History”, W. W. Norton & Company, New York: London, acc. 2/15/13, p. 15-27 Even though an invention of Madison Avenue, the Crying Indian is an effective image and advocate because its assumptions are not new. From the moment they encountered the native people of North America and represented them in texts, prints, paintings, sculptures, performances—in all conceivable media—Europeans classified them in order to make them sensible. They made unfamiliar American Indians familiar by using customary taxonomic categories, but in the process often reduced them simplistically to one of two stereotypes or images, one noble and the other not. For a long time, the first has been known as the Noble Savage and the second as the Ignoble Savage. The Noble Savage, the first of the two stereotypes or images, has drawn persistently on benign and increasingly romantic associations; the Ignoble Savage, the second, on a menacing malignancy The first has emphasized the rationality, vigor, and morality of the nature-dwelling native; the second, the cannibalistic, bloodthirsty, inhuman aspects of savage life....
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...My 30 minute trial - Nuremberg style... In opening, let me state quite unreservedly that I eat and use animal products without compunction. Over the years I have thought about my moral stance on these matters and happily come to the informed conclusion that my consumption and use of animal products sits with my moral values and vice versa. The interview began quite innocuously. As the interview continued I was questioned about my consumption of animal product, then asked if had any companion animals (I have two for my children's sake). As the questioning proceeded I was lead through a faulty path of logic and reason such that the next question not only assaulted my moral stance but appeared to be extraordinarily judgemental. The offending question was, "Would you ever knowingly do something that caused harm to animals when alternatives were readily available?" Dissonance was firmly afoot; my having to answer in the affirmative if I were to be consistent, or answer 'no' in case I be judged as a murderer. Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! So having chosen to be true to myself I chose to don the murderer's mantle. The interview continued by warning me that I may learn information that I have not been exposed to in the past and experience emotional challenges if I elected to proceed. Being the reasonable self-aware psychological adventurer I had nothing to lose so was then set upon by statements about 'unnatural practices'. In the meantime I continued to feel judged...
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