Premium Essay

Men and Women


Submitted By msclja03
Words 735
Pages 3
Have you ever thought why people are different from each other? There are many differences such as intelligence, opinions, appereances, personalities, and genders which, in my opinion, are the most basic ones. Genders represent the differences and also similarities between female and male, or women and men. In general, men undertake different responsibilities, tasks and women too. From history to modern time, the border –differences- between women and men hasn’t changed exactly yet. However, many people pretend not to see the similarities between men and women. In my opinion, it may be claimed that there are some differences and similarities between men and women in terms of responsibilities and tasks.

First of all, we can say that there are some resemblance between men and women in terms of their responsibilities. According to many ancient and modern philosophers, people born in equal conditions. Their appereances may exactly be different, but they have same intelligence, opinions such as beliving God, living in a good way, helping each other, etc. However, their social environment changes from people to other people. Then the differences begin since people continue their own individual way, and the basic reason of these differences is being a man or woman. In addition, many married couples share their duties in their homes equally and similarly. For example, in many countries, men and women prepare meals with helping each other. Especially, in developed country, they help each other since both women and men work in their job. Moreover, married couples are more sensitive at loking after their children than their previous generation. For instance, they help each other to put their baby or young child to the bed. Also, they show their love to the child. In the past, chidren love their mother more than they love their father since most of the things such as

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