...Pablo Josue Guerra 1223410 CASO MENINO Y CASCANTE 1. Situación de la empresa En la empresa no existe control sobre la información financiera, lo cual no permite que se puedan tomar decisiones estratégicas en diferentes áreas. 2.Contexto del problema 2.1 Antecedentes El principal problema se basa en la falta de experiencia y conocimiento por parte de la parte gerencia 2.2 Actores Diego Menino y Macarena Cascantes Dueños de la empresa Dario Zuribi Gino Cartapazzio Amigo que los asesora, en base a su experiencia en administración de empresas. propietario del almacén ¨Via Venneto¨ interesando en la compra jeans de MEKA mensualmente. 2.3 Sector industrial Rivalidad entre competidores: Competencia de calidad y precios Producto con poca diferenciación Productos Sustitutos: Productos con una evolución hacia una mejora. Nuevos competidores: Alta barreras de entrada Negociacion con proveedores: alto poder de negociacion por elevada oferta de proveedores de materia prima. Negociacion con los clientes: bajo poder de negociacion por alta competencia 3. Descripción de la empresa 3.1 Sistema de negocio: Materia prima: compra de lona y suministros Operaciones: confeccion de jeans. Equipo de 16 costureras Venta: Al detalle 40%. Mayoristas 60% 3.2 Organización Gerencia Menino Cascante Operaciones y Costureras Ventas Vendedores 3.3Producto: Pantalones de mezclilla tipo jeans. 3.4Estrategia de mercadeo: Producto ...
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...beaten out other larger cities which included New York, Miami and Detroit to win the convention. The convention would nominate local politician John Kerry to run against President George W. Bush in the upcoming 2004 election. It was hoped that the event would bring an economic windfall to the city and also showcase the historical and fashionable attractions to the national and international media. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino had worked hard to bring the Democratic National Convention to Boston. The city had tried in 2000 to host the convention but lost out to Los Angeles. On its second try with the help of Senator Edward Kennedy and the state’s congressional delegation Boston was successful. Mayor Menino was very excited for Boston to be in the media spotlight for the four days in July that the convention would be held. It would give the city a chance to bask in the limelight and show its rich historical past and its vibrant present. The Mayor also added that he saw the convention as a challenge for Boston. We’d never had an event of this magnitude. Menino was confident the city would meet the challenge and fare better than others that had hosted political conventions in the past. The city’s elation would soon be calmed by the reality of hosting the first major political event in the post 9/11 era. National political conventions always drew protesters whose aim was to disrupt the proceeding. Now add to that the possibility of a terrorist group keen on exploiting that...
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...Kieya Smith The strong belief of a company’s president has caused them to lose potential sites for their restaurant and a partnership. Chick-Fil-A’s president, Dan Cathy speaks for his company as a whole when he says, they are against gay marriage. Cities like Boston and Chicago have voiced that they were against the views of Chick-Fil-A on gay marriage. The letter from Boston’s Mayor Thomas Menino and Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emaneul comment, "Chick-fil-A's values are not Chicago values", made it clear that there was no room for that type discrimination in their cities. Also the statement made by Mr. Cathy has caused the Jim Henson Co., to pull its partnership with the restaurant; they had provided the Muppet toys for the kids’ meals. The religious beliefs of this company’s owners have always played a part in the operation of this restaurant. All 1,600 restaurants are closed on Sunday’s, due to the Christian Sabbath. The company even contributed large amounts of money to groups against gay marriage in 2010. I believe that the company has a right to speak on their beliefs. Those against their beliefs also have that right to prevent the company from having sites in their cities, because those beliefs offend the people of their town. The mayors of those cities decided to stand behind their people. I understand the Jim Henson Co., position in deciding that they didn’t want any ties to the statement made by Chick-Fil-A’s president. Though the Jim Henson Co., should have...
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...| Virgem com O Menino e São João Batista Criança | Sandro Botticelli | Localização: Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP) Técnica usada: Têmpera sobre madeira Sandro Botticelli (Florença, 1445-1510) - foi um pintor italiano da Escola Florentina no começo do Renascimento. As suas pinturas são marcadas por um forte realismo, movimentos suaves e cores vivas, foi influenciado por artistas importantes, como Fra Filippinno e noção de tridimensionalidade (querida na época) dos elementos que a ela se sobrepõem. As cores contidas, pouco saturadas, a elegância e seriedade das feições, o movimento dos tecidos das vestes, são os outros elementos que integram esta obra no período do Renascimento. A função desta pintura, tal como de todas as outras com o mesmo tema, era criar um ambiente pedagógico, um convite à contemplação e a criação de uma atmosfera propícia dos fiéis ao Divino. o tema, as personagens e os elementos presentes na representação O tema da obra não se destaca pela originalidade. A representação da Virgem sentada em primeiro plano com o Menino no seu colo é um dos temas mais comuns do Quattrocento Florentino. A composição formal do quadro é organizada de acordo com uma divisão sistemática dos seus elementos com o objetivo de alcançar a proporção das partes e a harmonia das mesmas com o todo. O quadro é centralizado na expressão serena de Maria, na disposição equilibrada das suas personagens e no cruzamento de olhares no espaço: o Menino olha para a Virgem...
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...discriminate. Truett’s son Dan Cathy took over as CEO and chairman when Truett passed away. Dan Cathy was recently interviewed and stated” we are very supportive of the family- the biblical definition of the family unit,” he said, “we are a family owned business a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives we give God thanks for that.”-Dan Cathy. In his statements to the Baptist press, Dan Cathy made his view clear without mentioning same-sex marriage. As soon as people heard, Dan Cathy’s interview there was boycotting in restaurants and many college students began petitions in hope of kicking Chick-fil-A out of their campuses. The ones who made more of an uproar were Mayor Thomas Menino from Boston and Mayor Joe Moreno and Rahm Emanuel from Chicago. Boston mayor Thomas Menino has urged Chick-fil-A to “back out” of its plans to locate to Boston making it very clear in a letter to Chick-fil-A that their views are not supported and that its penchant for expansion isn’t wanted in his town (Scherer, time magazine, paragraph 2). Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel says Chick-fil-A’s values, are not Chicago values. They are not respectful or our residents, our neighbors, and our family members. And if you’re going to be part of the Chicago community, you should reflect Chicago values, “Emanuel said(Scherer, Time magazine, paragraph 3).Chicago Joe Moreno said he will seek to block a permit for Chick-fil-A in Chicago's Logan square neighborhood “same-sex marriage, same-sex couples that...
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...Rise in kindergarten demand leaves many in city scrambling: Hundreds of students remain unassigned falseVaznis, James. Boston Globe [Boston, Mass] 04 Apr 2012: B.1. The full text may take 40-60 seconds to translate; larger documents may take longer. Cancel An overhaul of the city's school system is giving parents greater confidence that their children can receive a top-quality education in Boston public schools. The city school system also faces immense competition for kindergarten students from dozens of private and parochial schools and a growing number of public charter schools. An overhaul of the city's school system is giving parents greater confidence that their children can receive a top-quality education in Boston public schools. The city school system also faces immense competition for kindergarten students from dozens of private and parochial schools and a growing number of public charter schools. You have requested "on-the-fly" machine translation of selected content from our databases. This functionality is provided solely for your convenience and is in no way intended to replace human translation. Show full disclaimer Neither ProQuest nor its licensors make any representations or warranties with respect to the translations. The translations are automatically generated "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" and are not retained in our systems. PROQUEST AND ITS LICENSORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY...
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...POBRES MALALAS Malala Yousafzai aos quinze anos foi baleada na cabeça por membros do Talibã. Seu crime: querer estudar e aprender em um país muçulmano dominado por fundamentalistas religiosos. Diz Malala: “O Talibã também desenvolveu um sistema próprio de leis, que não tem nada a ver com o Islã. O Islã nos diz que a educação e o conhecimento são direitos de todas as pessoas. Então, eu acho que o Talibã não leu o Corão da forma apropriada. Eles precisam sentar e ler o texto novamente, com calma. O profeta Maomé nos ensina sobre igualdade, sofre fraternidade, sobre o amor ao próximo. O Talibã se esquece de tudo isso e só se lembra da jihad. Nós, meninas, temos nossa própria jihad pela qual lutar. Temos que lutar pelos nossos direitos e pela educação”. Parece que Malala também não leu o Corão de forma apropriada. O Corão não gosta das mulheres. Eis alguns exemplos: Alcorão Sura 4:34: "Os homens têm autoridade sobre as mulheres, pelo que Allah preferiu alguns a outros, e pelo que dependem de suas riquezas. Então, as íntegras são devotas, custódias da honra, na ausência dos maridos, pelo que Allah as custodiou. E aquelas de quem temeis a desobediência, exortai-as, pois, e abandonai-as no leito, e batei-lhes. Alcorão Sura 38:44: "E apanha, com tua mão, um feixe de capim, então, bate nela com ele, e não violes teu juramento..." Allah dizendo a Jó para bater em sua esposa. A herança do homem vale duas vezes a das mulheres Sura 4:11 O testemunho...
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...Legal Aspect of Affirmative Action - Affirmative action programs are often misunderstood. Each person has their own idea of what affirmative action really entails. This paper will provide an overview of the legal aspect of affirmative action. The differences between affirmative action programs and equal opportunity legislation will be explained. The positive arguments will be presented along with the negative arguments. The affects affirmative action has on the society of the United States will be analyzed. Finally the reactions of beneficiaries of affirmative action will be discussed.... [tags: Affirmative Action] 1298 words (3.7 pages) $19.95 [preview] Necessity of Affirmative Action - It is illegal to institute quotas and to fulfill them solely based on the race or gender of the applicant in any affirmative action programs. Employers and schools are required to set goals and time frames, for hiring or recruiting women and minorities to achieve racial diversity. Due to under representation of African Americans, women and minorities, affirmative action was created. It was created to ensure the inclusion of all qualified individuals and to prevent race and gender discrimination.... [tags: Affirmative Action] :: 4 Works Cited 1081 words (3.1 pages) $6.95 [preview] Affirmative Action - Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a deliberate effort to provide full and equal opportunities in employment, education, and other areas for women, minorities, and individuals...
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...Nacimiento de Jesus Estudo Dinâmico do Evangelho Estudio Dinámico del Evangelio Segunda edição Segunda edición Amílcar Del Chiaro Filho Capítulo II - O Nascimento de Jesus Capítulo II – El Nacimiento de Jesús Não temos nenhuma dúvida quanto ao nascimento de Jesus. Sabemos que ele existiu porque há evidências históricas, e o mundo espiritual assim nos afirma, contudo, sobreexiste dúvidas sobre a data e o local, pois, com relação à magia do nascimento, acreditamos ter esclarecido o suficiente, ao menos para o momento. Herculano Pires, afirma que os Evangelhos foram escritos numa época mitológica, e que era necessário despir o texto do mito. No tenemos ninguna duda en cuanto al nacimiento de Jesús. Sabemos que él existió porque hay evidencias históricas, y el mundo espiritual así nos lo afirma, con todo, sobre existen dudas sobre la fecha y el lugar, pues, con relación a la magia del nacimiento, creemos haber esclarecido lo suficiente, al menos para el momento. Herculano Pires, afirma que los Evangelios fueron escritos en una época mitológica, y que era necesario sacar el texto del mito. Nenhum dos ingredientes sobrenaturais ou mitológicos aumenta ou diminui a beleza do ato de nascer de um missionário, um avatar de alta estirpe, como Jesus. Ninguno de los ingredientes sobrenaturales o mitológicos aumenta o disminuye la belleza del acto de nacer de un misionero, una descendiente de alta estirpe, como Jesús. Está sobejamente comprovado o erro...
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...Nike is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services for men, women, and kids worldwide. The company offers products in eight categories, including running, basketball, football, men’s training, women’s training, sportswear, action sports, and golf under the NIKE and Jordan brand names. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, in the Portland metropolitan area. It is one of the world's largest suppliers of athletic shoes and apparel and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of US$30.6 billion in its fiscal year 2015 which ended on May 31, 2015. Nike now has 62,600 employees all over the world. In 2014 the brand alone was valued at $19 billion, making it the most valuable brand among sports businesses. The company was founded on January 25, 1964, as Blue Ribbon Sports, by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, and officially became Nike on May 30, 1971. The company takes its name from Nike, which means the Greek goddess of victory. Nike markets its products under its own brand, as well as Nike Golf, Nike Pro, Nike+, Air Jordan, Nike Blazers, Air Force 1, Nike Dunk, Air Max, Foamposite, Nike Skateboarding, and subsidiaries including Brand Jordan, Hurley International and Converse. In addition to manufacturing sportswear and equipment, the company operates retail stores under the Niketown name. Nike sponsors...
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...winning Game 3 by a score of 8-6. Then advanced to a rematch in the 2004 American League Championship Series against their bitter rivals: the New York Yankees. Boston Red Sox became history makers, becoming the first team in Major League Baseball history to recover from a 3-0 deficit. Boston Red Sox won the 2004 World Series against the St. Louis Cardinals, a team that had posted the best record in the major leagues and that had defeated them in the past. The final out of the game was made on Cardinals shortstop Edgar Rentería at 11:40 pm, in the midst of a lunar eclipse. Boston Red Sox won baseball's World Championship for the first time in 86 years. Ramirez was named MVP of the Series. Boston Red Sox held a parade or in Boston mayor Thomas Menino words, they put up a "rolling rally" on Saturday, October 30, 2004. More than 3 million members of "Red Sox Nation" filled the streets of Boston to cheer as the team rode Duck Tours. Boston Red Sox became the Sports...
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...[pic] UNIVERSIDADE FERDERAL DA BAHIA CURSO DE LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA ISLA DA SILVA NASCIMENTO A PRESENÇA DO MODERNISMO REGIONALISTA EM VIDAS SECAS E UM BREVE ANÚNCIO DE UM ESTADO DE ESPÍRITO NACIONALISTA Salvador 2011 ISLA DA SILVA NASCIMENTO A PRESENÇA DO MODERNISMO REGIONALISTA EM VIDAS SECAS E UM BREVE ANÚNCIO DE UM ESTADO DE ESPÍRITO NACIONALISTA Ensaio apresentado a Universidade federal da Bahia ao Curso de Língua Estrangeira como requisito obrigatório para avaliação da segunda unidade, sob orientação da Estagiária Doscente Juliana Oliveira Lesquives e a Professora Alvanita Almeida Santos. Salvador 2011 1- INTRODUÇÃO Em 1938 Graciliano Ramos publica um dos maiores clássicos nacionais, “Vidas Secas”. Tal seca que transpassa o limite das páginas do livro e nos atinge de uma forma exageradamente árida e sedenta. Em meio a um nordeste brasileiro rachado em chão, em fome, em sede e em vida, Ramos perpassa a história de Fabiano e sua família maestrosamente, marcando presença em um dos períodos mais nacionalista que o país já espetaculou, o Modernismo. Antes de uma pseudo-análise no regionalismo na segunda fase do modernismo, passarei primeiro para uma ambientização da identidade, tentando alcançar base suficiente para a discussão do que é nacional e identidade nacional durante o movimento. ...
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...local Boston city's need for child transportation services. The initial market strategy will be aimed at students attending elementary and secondary schools. CareDriving.com's primary market are children off all ages up to 18 years old not attending college. This is how the population 18 years an d older is broken down. This is how the population 18 years and younger is broken down compared to the entire Boston population. Elementary and Secondary Schools Boston's school district is one of the nation's 60 largest. Boston spends nearly 30 percent of its annual budget on school matters, and its system excels in special education classes. The Boston School Committee is a seven member board, whose member are appointed by Mayor Menino. In 2005 the district was a finalist for the Broad Prize for Urban Education, the fourth time in as many years. The following is a summary of data regarding the Boston public schools as of the 2004–2005 school year. Total enrollment: 58,310 Number of facilities elementary schools: 66 elementary and middle schools: 11 middle schools: 18 high schools: 25 other: 7 early learning centers, 6 special education centers Student/teacher ratio: 13:1 Teacher salaries minimum: $40,707 maximum: $76,336 Funding per pupil: $10,739 (2003-2004) Full-Time Working Couples - Single Parents Most of the market will come...
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...Wildcat School Bus Driver Strike Causes Industrial Relations Breakdown in Boston Brian Fortney 10/20/2013 A wildcat school bus driver strike in Boston Massachusetts stranded about 33000 students on Tuesday Oct 8 2013 causing the city, and parents to scramble in order to get students to school. Most of the city’s 700 bus drives held a wildcat strike citing issues with their employer Veolia Transportation who was awarded a five year bussing contract in 2013. The bus drivers union, the United Steelworkers Local 8751, did not condone the strike and even had Union leaders visit the bus yards requesting the striking drivers to return to work. Attorney for the union Patrick Bryan, said union leadership did not authorize a strike and said Tuesday’s action was organized by desperate union members. There was a very large impact with this type of wildcat strike as the action by rogue union members was not supported by the Union and therefore not only gives the impression that the Union does not have control of its members but creates tensions within its own membership. The city was required to put in place contingency measures to ensure it can maintain student travel arrangements outside of the contract it has with Veolia Transportation. Veolia Transportation must deal with concerns of rogue union members outside of the current collective agreement with the union. This strike action also has impacts outside of the Union and Veolia Transportation. The...
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...In the book, Slave Rebellion in Brazil: The Muslim Uprising of 1835 in Bahia, authors Joao Jose Reis and Arthur Brakel discuss the Bahia slave rebellion in Brazil. In Bahia, slaves are the backbone of the economy. According to Reis and Brakel, “slaves made up the great bulk of the laboring class and were political, social, and economic subordinates of the planters”. After Brazil became an independent nation, Bahia faces an economic downturn that leads to declines in employment, as well as inflation. Due to these instabilities, there are small revolts that occurred from both the public and slaves. It was from these issues, that the 1835 rebellion will evolve. The rebels plan for the rebellion to take place on a Muslim holiday, known as Our Lady...
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