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Meniscal Tear


Submitted By hortonuriel
Words 799
Pages 4
Speech 101
Topic – My meniscus injury and the processes in which I went through
Intro – About a year and a half ago I was training pretty hard to get into shape for the fire academy here at rio hondo. I would run atleast 5 miles a day to keep good cardio, haha I don’t do much of any running any more. Well, One of those days I went on an uphill run with a 20lb weight pack and experienced some pain in my left knee, about a month later It still hurt so i went to the doctor and after an MRI it was determined that I may have torn my meniscus and I would not be able to attend the academy until it healed. Today im going to go over some knowledge I gained about these types of injuries by experiencing one first hand.
Body – 1. First off I am going to start with some quick anatomy on the largest joint in your body .inside there are 4 ligaments that holds the bones together. ACL PCL MCL LCL you have your KNEE CAP and then your MENISCUS. The meniscus is a rubbery, C-shaped disc that cushions your knee. Each knee has two of them, one at the outer edge of the knee and one at the inner edge, they serve to spread and cushion the weight across the knee. A tear in the meniscus can either be bad or much worse depending on the location because the outside of the menisci has really good circulation but the inside has almost no circulation at all making this knee injury a very uncertain window to recover from, some can recover in a month, others like me can take over a year. In my case I have two tears, one in each of the menisci in my knee, one one the inside, one on the outside and I’m still recovering to this day.
When something like this happens your treatment options can vary due to where the injury is, what kind of tear it is and how active you are. At first I chose to goto physical therapy instead of the surgery because maybe it wasn’t so bad. I would show up twice a week and hop on a bike for 15 minutes, then I would be stretched and forced to do the silliest excersizes, at the end of therapy you would get ultrasound and ice, the best! This would help reduce the inflammation. I would do this about twice a week and after 2 months it still wasn’t getting any better.
When physical therapy doesn’t work you are left with surgery. Now the type of surgery I received was arthroscopic surgery. They basicly slice 3 holes into you, one for a camera, one for the grabbing/cutting tool and one to pump in a special solution that will balloon your knee out so they can better visualize the joint. They ended up shaving off some parts of my meniscus so I know have less than normal cushioning in my knee. It was a 2 hour procedure, and I was out of there by noon.
Attention Getter: does anyone know the best part about a surgery like this? The handicapped placard!
How long it takes to recover from surgery will depend on the type of surgery you have. Your recovery plan is likely to include rest, walking, and special exercises. My best friends were my heat pad and my vicodins, the pain you experience is just insane. I would constantly be hesitant of going anywhere or doing much of anything because it wouldn’t take much to spark pain, and because of this I haven’t been working because Im not able to stand for more than a few hours. I continued physical therapy for another 6 months afterward and my knee is now strong enough to start excersizing again. It does still plague me to this day but you get used to the pain.
Conclusion – so I’ve went over some knee anatomy with you guys and some of the steps and processes in which I went through to heal. this whole incident has had a big effect on my life and I now am actually pursuing my education to get a doctorate in physical therapy, however for the sake of time I have left out some details, does anyone have any questions?

Works Cited

"Meniscal Tears - Your Orthopaedic Connection - AAOS." AAOS - Your Orthopaedic
Connection. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>.

The Center of Orthopaedic Surgery. "KNEE JOINT - ANATOMY & FUNCTION." THE
Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>.

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