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Resolution Paper


Submitted By twlhuff39
Words 863
Pages 4
September 24, 2012
Trisha McAloon Refining Solutions Paper The original issue that I have been dealing with is that my 6 year old daughter is in the first grade and begins to cry when I drop her off at school. My initial solution was to sit with my daughter through her breakfast and leave when I was able to drop her off with her teacher. After working through this solution several times, I realized that it was not only still an issue it was becoming a bigger issue. So I would have to change up my solution and find something that worked better.
The issue: How should I handle a crying child at school?
Solutions: 1.Stay with her until she finishes breakfast and leave her with her teacher.
2. Stay with her until she finishes breakfast and leaver her in the breakfast area with her friends.
3. Walk her to the door in the morning and say goodbye and leave whether she is crying or not.
My daughter Laney began her school year with a huge smile on her face and enjoyed each day, shortly after the school year started she began crying when she was dropped off at school. Feeling that there was something more going on I was determined to find out what was causing this issue for my child. I determined that this was an issue because she enjoys school and talked of her teacher and friends fondly so I had to wonder what would cause her to cry. I observed her with her teacher and determined that she is possible a little rougher that her previous year and Laney may just not be adjusting as well this year. I also observed that she is a soft hearted child and saying goodbye may just be hard for her.
My original solution of sitting with my daughter at school was a failure because she still cried even when I stayed through breakfast and left her with either her teacher or her with her friends. I had to find a solution that would involve her growing and realizing that she was okay even after I left.
The best solution to my issue was to leave her with the school secretary and then begin to say goodbye to her at the door each day. She still wants to cry, and sometimes does. However I learned that when I walk her to the door of the school and said my goodbyes that even if she starts to cry that she ends her crying shortly after she gets into the breakfast area. I believe that her fear is of being left behind because she was use to spending the entire summer with her mom and she is a very soft hearted child so she just took the adjustment really hard. Many people could see a mother leaving her crying child at the door of the school and think that she is being a bad parent or neglecting them as I was told by another classmate during discussion this week. However I feel that it is not neglect to leave a crying child when you have looked at your options and determine that the child is not in danger and isn’t hurt or being hurt in anyway. This classmate also suggested that parents that drop their children off at daycare crying and leave are neglecting them. I think that this student used the word neglect really loosely. As many parents leave a crying child at daycare, because the child just wants to be with their parent, however a parent cannot just forget they have a job because their child cries for a short while after they leave. I based my solution for my crying daughter off of just that. I have to let her grow and realize that she will be okay even after I am gone. Once Laney realized this she goes to school extremely happy says her goodbyes at the door and heads right in to start her day. She even has gained confidence in walking with her younger sister when I have a sleeping or fussy baby in the mornings. My solution for Laney is to walk her to school each day and talk of all of the great things she will get to do at class and then say goodbye at the door and let her begin her school day. I will begin by implementing this plan by leaving her with the school secretary for the first week so that she is still able to be comforted when she feels sad that her mother is leaving. The second week I will walk her to school and leave her at the door with a happy goodbye whether she is crying or not so that she can work on realizing that her fear is nothing to worry about.
The final resolution for Laney is that she realizes that her fear of saying goodbye is just a fear and that she has nothing to worry about because her mother will be there at the end of her day to pick her up and take her home and talk about her day at school.

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