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Menopause Transition

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Quality of life of menopausal women has been the subject of controversial literature for a number of years and various instruments have been developed in an effort to define that Menopause is the day that is one year (365 days) after the last menstrual period. The time after this point is termed post-menopause. The menopausal transition is defined by the period of time prior to menopause when there is a gradual loss of estrogen after decreasing periods of ovulation. Symptoms that may accompany menopause include hot flashes, night sweats, depression and other mood disorders, vaginal atrophy, female sexual dysfunction, changes in skin (tone, appearance and elasticity) and weight gain. These symptoms may impact work, family life, …show more content…
The transition itself has a variable degree of effects; it can be a difficult time of life. The quality of life among menopause has become an increasingly hot topic in recent medical and sociological research. Specifically, vasomotor and psychological symptoms remain at the forefront of common, bothersome symptoms which affect a woman’s quality of life. As many as 95% of menopausal women may exhibit vasomotor symptoms, which may frequently disrupt work, sleep and other activities. Furthermore, psychological symptoms such as depression are common in as many as 60% of women going through the menopausal transition. The high prevalence of these two common and bothersome conditions makes it important that more studies be conducted to explore the degree to which these symptoms are interrelated. Several instruments have been designed to evaluate the quality of life among menopausal …show more content…
Still, some women do not become sexually aroused as readily as before, and some find intercourse painful because of vaginal tissues and inadequate lubrication. Small dose of testosterone may solve the first problem, and use of water-soluble gels can prevent or relieve the seconds (Katchadourian, 1987; M.E. Spence, 1989; Williams, 1995). Such psychological problems as irritability, nervousness, anxiety, depression, memory loss, and even insanity have been blamed on the climacteric, but research shows no reason to attribute mental disturbances to this normal biological change (Whitbourne, 2001). The myth that menopause produces depression may derive from the fact that women at this time are undergoing changes in roles, relationships, and responsibilities. These changes may be stressful, and the way a woman perceives them can affect her view of menopause (Avis, 1999). Taken together, the research suggests that “so-called menopausal syndrome may be related more to personal characteristics or past experiences than to menopause per se”( Avis,1999), as well as to societal views of women and of aging. In cultures in which women view menopause positively, or in

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