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Mental Health Intervention Plan

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Introduction I currently work for a 501(c) (3) non-profit human services agency, Catholic Charities of Eastern Virginia (CCEVA), where I am employed as a Pregnancy Support Coordinator/Counselor. CCEVA provides counseling for individuals and families under stress, and offers education and prevention programs geared toward strengthening family life. The agency advocates for improvements in social conditions for individuals, families, the elderly and children. CCEVA is staffed by professional social workers trained specifically to work with birth families who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. When parents decide to parent a child, CCEVA provides donated resources, from the Care Center and mental health services. The Care Center houses …show more content…
An intervention plan will be initiated by the client and the social worker, and the social worker will determine the theoretical application on an individual basis. The client is encouraged once they understand that the process will only benefit them and their families. The Care Center takes the burden off the family by providing items for the child, while they focus on achieving other goals. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs supports this program because the theory suggests that the most basic level of needs (food, water, shelter, safety, health) must be met before the individual will strongly desire other life’s motivations (love, sex, creativity, …show more content…
Other agencies providing services
After our initial meeting, I learned the client receives services from the following programs:
• Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, the client receives $900.00 per month for a household of five. The family can purchase food from any SNAP approved store as long as the food is not hot and prepared.
• The client receives a TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) check for $238.00 per month. The client was approved for the TANF check because she has a five-year old boy who attends school and his parents meet the income eligibility requirements for the program.
• The client and her children are all receiving Medicaid, a government based health insurance, her husband does not qualify based on the eligibility guide lines; he is not pregnant, disabled, blind or over the age of 65.
• The client is enrolled in the WIC (Woman, Infant, Children) Supplemental Nutrition Program. This program provides formula, milk, eggs, cheese, peanuts, fruits and vegetables to woman, infants, and children based on income requirements.
• The client has been diagnosed as bipolar and receives a $593.00 check per month for her mental health disability from the Social Security Administration. Client states she applied for her dependents to be added but was

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