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Mental Illness Vs Insanity Research Paper

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Around the world mental illness and insanity are both though of commonly as the same, if not similar, to each other. Both are viewed as mental illnesses. However, insanity is extremely different from mental illness in many different ways. Both have negative social stigmas, although neither are identical, and should not be thought of as such. Mental illness is defined as critical emotional or thought disruption that can negatively affect the health and safety of a person (Peterson). This term is used to encompass all diagnosable mental ailments. Mental illness can include many diseases of the brain including depression, anxiety, as well as obsessive compulsive disorder. No matter the severity of the ailment, mental illness if fairly common amongst Americans. On average one in four American adults suffer from some form of mental illness (Peterson). Whether it is hardly noticeable or debilitating enough to require medications. Most mental illnesses begin at an early age and escalate if not treated. If a mental illness is not treated, only then can it escalate to insanity. …show more content…
Insanity is most often used in criminal law as a defense for committing a crime. If a defendant can prove they can differentiate between what is considered right and wrong, as well as proving without reasonable doubt that they were acting upon an irresistible urge to commit the crime, they can be found innocent by reason of insanity or cognitive deficiency. But since this is incredibly difficult to prove, it doesn’t pass in many cases. Only around one percent of defendants have successfully used the insanity defense

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