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Merit Pay In Public Schools

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Merit pay, or pay-for-performance, is a bonus determined by an employee’s performance in a job (United States Department of Labor, 2016). Merit pay plans were developed as a part of the accountability movement sparked by the 1983 publication A Nation At Risk which discussed how American education was falling behind international countries such as Japan, and was solidified with the creation of No Child Left Behind in 2001, which created set standards in order to improve American public schools and the education students received. Administrators in schools use merit pay to incentivize teachers to remain in the profession and continue improving their skills through personal development programs. Pay is usually received based on students’ standardized …show more content…
Issues with this arise when merit pay programs use the assumption that teachers are motivated to be excellent by being paid for each aspect of teaching they do “correctly”. These assumptions are false because research has shown that money is not a primary motivator for teachers and that teachers are leaving the profession not because of a lack of pay, but because of a lack of support from schools (Hickey, 2010). One study that reflects this, examined the impact of merit pay plans on the retention of teachers in schools by conducting research using teacher interviews, surveys, teachers’ classroom observation scores, and their students’ standardized test scores (Jordan & Kaimal, 2016). Interviews of teachers and survey data indicated that the performance-based payout amounts were not a large enough incentive to create significant change in teacher retention in schools. Between the years 2009 and 2011, survey results showed that participants who were considered “Master Teachers” perception of whether financial incentives such as pay-for-performance plans helped retain educators increased by 18%, while the perception participants, who were considered as “Mentor Teachers” decreased by 4% and those in administrator roles perceptions’ decreased by 25% between the years of 2009 and 2010 but increased by another 15% in 2011 (Jordan & Kaimal, 2016). Interview results demonstrated the same pattern as well, where the participants appreciated the recognition and rewards that merit pay plans provided but did not see it as a key motivator in their decision to be a teacher and remain a teacher (Jordan & Kaimal, 2016). This study confirms that pay-for-performance plans are ineffective at motivating teachers to become better at their jobs, and motivating teachers to stay in the profession by using money as an incentive, and thus these plans should be removed from schools in

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