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Movie Analysis: The Importance Of Eating In Fed Up

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We Deserve Better Food

Growing up, our parents have exposed us to plenty of processed and fake food. As a child, this has consequently caused the feeling of emptiness if we are not able to have our beloved snacks. We thrive on being able to get our hands on something that is not so good for us and most of the time we are not educated on what is actually in our packaged or fast foods. All we know is when we eat it, we enjoy every second of it until it is gone and then we crave more. The brain is always subconsciously thinking about the time our body is going to eat. In recent years, it has been more focused on knowing about what is going in our bodies, but growing up it was far less important to give the ingredients in our food the time of day. Fed Up is the most effective in convincing their audience on changing eating and shopping habits because the movie gives real life examples in American households and shocking statistics that force one to sit down and rethink the way they are living. …show more content…
This is a ridiculously scary statement because who could have imagined the food we eat has been killing us over time. The long term effects of eating bad food is latent, but arises slowly over time. When I heard this, it immediately made me want to change the way that I eat and the way that my family eats. I know people who have died from diabetes and to think that if they would have just made better eating choices, they would have still been

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