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Technical Equipment Hiring

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Technical Equipment Hire companies offer a service that involves the hiring of a wide range of technical equipment, from spot lights to projectors and even to fog machines for use in theatrical productions. Like costume hire, some technical equipment companies choose to only offer a select area of equipment, such as lighting, sound, stage engineering (curtains, actual stages, structural supports etc.) and so forth, but sell a wider range of items in that specific area. While the general public would not normally use these companies, aside from parties where speakers and lights may be needed, they are vitally important to small theatre companies for reasons explained further down. Larger theatre companies and large theatres in general will likely …show more content…
To start off with (and identical to that of costume hire); these companies will naturally need to buy and sell pieces of technical equipment as well as ensure that the equipment they have is at a reasonable standard for hiring (people don’t really want to hire broken equipment). If the equipment has been damaged from a prior client, it is the responsibility of the technical hire company to either repair the broken equipment (such as replacing bulbs, buttons on switchboards) or replace it outright. Furthermore, all technical equipment must reach health & safety standards, which may result in the equipment being repaired or destroyed if it is deemed unsafe. Depending on the size of the Technical Equipment Hire Company, they may choose up to replace their equipment once they become obsolete, replacing them with more modern equipment. Once a client has placed an order, the company (like practically every other hiring company) will charge the client based on the duration that they will need the equipment, and chase up the client if they fail to bring the equipment back. While it is not a necessity to thoroughly clean the premises as with costume hire, it is highly important that the equipment itself is cleaned to prevent issues with dust and

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