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Personal Narrative: My First Grade I Look Back In High School

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As far as I know i'm pretty sure that i wasn’t too bad when I was back in kindergarten. Not to say that I was a golden child that listened to every direction said my way, but I wasn’t a nuisance. That is until I got to first grade. First grade is the grade where my class clown tendencies began. This is where I used to do what I now view as stupid but back then viewed as cool things just to get a laugh out of my classmates. I was very disruptive in class and didn’t follow too many directions. You could've called me a problem child or a sort of rebel to be completely honest. When I look back on those early years of my school education I can’t figure why I acted like such a brat. Teachers viewed me as the student that was very bright but would …show more content…
I also got a lot of unsatisfactoriness on my report cards so that didn’t help at all. If I was to pick a year that I was really bad as far as school and grades go, I’d choose first grade by far. Now second grade I was still kind of a nuisance but to a much lesser degree. I didn’t get in trouble as much as I had in first grade and I remember that I actually started to like school a little bit. Mostly because of my competitive nature. In class, we’d have spelling battles and what not and I would try and race to beat my friends and other classmates. This made school actually bearable and fun to me. I wanted to essentially be the best and thus started to pay attention more in class to achieve this goal. As a result of this I also got better and better as far as my behavior. I went from being towards the bottom of my class to being one of the top students in my class, a feat in which my teachers knew I could achieve. Third grade would be the year that I left my childish ways behind. After my third grade year, I completely stopped being what some people would call a distraction in class and became a teacher’s pet. That being said I still had my childish ways within my third grade

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