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Michael Jordan Is Inherently Good At Basketball Analysis

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A study has been made by Anders Ericsson in which he states that through continuously doing something, anyone can become good at the said action. Though it is indeed true that some naturally have the ability to do something, it does not make them more likely to do better in that field than one who does not naturally have that ability. Deliberate practice leads people to great levels, in the article it is stated that Michael Jordan is inherently good at basketball, but if he hadn’t spent countless hours practicing basketball he would not have been as good as he is in basketball today. It is also said that the longer you stray away from practicing in a learning environment, the more skills you start to lose, and thus the worse you get at a specific task, the example of a doctor is given, it is said that the more time it has passed since a doctor has left medical school, the more skills they begin to lose, this is because they are straying away from a place in which they would set goals, and receive immediate feedback. …show more content…
The article states that surgeons serve an exception as they are always given feedback on how a surgery goes, and what they need to do better next time. This gives the surgeon time in which they can set goals and better themselves. It’s not the same for all doctors as they see one patient inform and tell what they can do to get better and move on, the doctors may soon receive feedback on their work, but it’s not immediate, it is not in the moment that the doctor can find out exactly what they have done wrong, which in turn does not allow for a great extent of goal setting and

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