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Solar Energy Synthesis

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As global climate change becomes a bigger and a more prominent problem, we realize change must come sooner or later. Many people will point at many different solutions out or problems to when it comes to climate change. But we must realize we are the cause of the main factor to this horrific event taking place at this very moment. So what could we do to help our very own planet? Many things could involve like keeping the community clean, preserving more resources and reusing them. But what could really impact is using less fossil fuel and replace it with something even better, that thing is known as solar energy. Solar energy/power is the collection of solar radiation to produce electricity.As source A says For the past decade it has been a promising for a while now and it still continues to be great source until this day. …show more content…
The way the system would work as Source A states is it allows photons, particles of lights, to knock electrons free from atoms so this generates a flow of electricity. What makes solar panels even more interesting and sound beneficial is the fact that solar cells are so thin as source A states its 1/100th width of a human hair making it 20 times lighter than a piece of paper which to my eyes is very extraordinary. So what you may ask is how could this significant invention take over the world and bring the pros along with it? As I said before in order to keep helping we need to reuse or renew our resources, so that's exactly what solar panels bring to the table! Moreover, as source B states Solar panels are renewable and produce absolutely no pollution during its operation which

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