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Michael Phelps Research Paper

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In the summer of 2009, swimming legend, Michael Phelps was just coming off a historic Beijing Olympics in which he earned a gold medal in every event he competed in. He was the fastest man in the world for eight events; yet, he was threatening to boycott international meets. Why would a world-class swimmer at the peak of his career intend to exit from the sport? Phelps wanted to bring the integrity of the sport back by refusing to compete in an environment that he deemed unfair. In Phelps’ words, “The one thing that has really really changed over the last few years has been the technology in the sport. It's changed the sport completely. Like I said before, now it's not swimming. The headlines are always who is wearing what suit. It's not swimming and I'm looking forward to the day when we can call our sport swimming again.” Phelps and many others in the …show more content…
Mark Schubert, the general manager of USA Swimming, said, “It would be a very long meet without Michael.” With the possibility of a Phelps boycott and other high-profile protestors, FINA announced on July 24th that they are banning “high-tech” suits beginning in January 1st, …show more content…
Speedo created the LZR Racer that was composed of 50% polyurethane panels and 50% lightweight compression textiles. Polyurethane is composed of foam like material that holds air inside the suit. It is non-permeable and thus allows the swimmer to be more buoyant. Since water provides more resistance than the air, it is more beneficial to the swimmer to sit higher on the water. The LZR Racer also contained a new form of welding the material together instead of seams to again make the swimsuit more aerodynamic. These new “rubber” suits also had unprecedented success in the pool. At the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, 92% of medalist competed in a LZR Racer, including Michael Phelps who made history by winning eight gold

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