...Establishing accountability for State or police brutality (which I will use interchangeably because the State uses the police to exercise its authority, power and control) remains an uphill task, whilst in most cases it is on the rise in the United States of America. Ever since the Occupy Wall Street protests which erupted in 2011 this signify the high level of inequality and the State has since assumed a much more authoritarian stance and there has been a surge in police brutality. To make matters worse, the shooting of Micheal Brown and a recurrence of African-American deaths at the disposal of White policemen has ignited emotional outbursts leading to the much published Ferguson protests that turned violent throughout America.Ironically,the State has made tremendous steps to conceal and obstruct evidence, attribute criminal violence to other players or in most cases failed to indict the perpetrators hence emotions have been flaring lately in a State which dubs itself the ‘free-world’ and the orbiter of democracy in the...
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...In the past couple of months their has been in outcry for help on just in the city of Ferguson. August 9th 2014 in the state of Missouri the city ferguson gained an identity. This was the day an 18yr old Micheal brown was shot and killed by an police officer. This too familar story caught fire across the country because of social media uproar and the ridculous timeline that the news showed that leads up to his death. This has caused a split throughout the country some people believe that what happend was wrong and counties to show how some people are still facing heavy oppression. Others believe that the police officer that committed the act was not in the wrong and was just protecting himself from what he saw as a threat. This event was chosen because it was the most conterversial event that has happend recently. The decesiom that found officer Wilson not guilty was lead by many protest both non violent and violent protest in the biggest cities across the country by hundredths of thousands of people. In a couple of protest events in Fergurson they have even brought in the national guard to assist the local law enforcement and this is when people start to realize how this has caused some civil unrest. With all of the talk about the event people have started to talk about the law enforcements relationship with the African American community and this is another reason why I chose this event. This event has had no effect in the city Fayetteville but has caught the attention of...
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...There’s No Room: A look at public schools’ design for science and evolution Nicole McCormick PHI103: Informal Logic (GSK1216H) Instructor Micheal Pelt May 21, 2012 The 1987 Supreme Court ruling on the case of Edward v Aguillard, struck down a Louisiana Law requiring “balanced treatment” between “creation science” and evolution. The Supreme Court found “creation science” to be unconstitutional, a statute that forbade teaching evolution unless “creation science” was also taught. Edward v Aguillard made it clear you cannot teach creation science alongside evolution (Brown, Feb2012). This argument of if evolution should be taught in public schools has waged on for decades, and as long as some continue to believe in intelligent design while others in evolution, it is a battle that will no doubt continue on, with unnatural selections for some. Intelligent design is primarily a religious belief and not a scientific tenet, which forms the basis for why it should not be taught in public school science courses. This essay will discuss how evolution in public school science classrooms serves best with the national science curriculum, and how theories of creationism and intelligent design (ID), try as they may, have no place in public science classrooms. Research will begin with data that includes the said appropriateness of evolution, and how the study of evolution in school is in line with the teachings of biological science. Next, what will be considered are the creationist...
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...Quantieshia Brown Capstone Research Paper Ms. Pierce/Mr. Gross 23 March 2011 Lighting: The Way it Affects a Movie Set Lights! Lights! And More Lights! While on a movie set for any show, cinematographers are artists that paint motion pictures with light (Murphy 1). They must know that lighting is their main concern while in production. No matter if there is too much or too little lighting, lighting must always be controlled (Morales). In order to solve the problem of faulty lighting, cinematographers should know when lights should be used, where it should be placed, and who it should be focused on; therefore, they must communicate with the director and the lighting engineer at all times because the lighting sets the mood for the image (Morales). There are many techniques that a cinematographer works with and people wonder how. An example is that most people wonder how cinematographers control their lighting while indoors when the subject is placed by a window. If subject is in front of a window and there is too much sunlight, take some aluminum foil wrapped around a piece of cardboard and turn it towards the subject so the light will reflect on the person face which will act as a key or filled light. If there is another light around, put it a little closer to subject and the reflected light will act as the backlight to make it seem as three-point lighting (“Lighting Tricks and Solutions”). The need for this type of lighting is to make the subject’s face is clear and visible...
Words: 1991 - Pages: 8
...Microsoft case Since it was established, Microsoft has never needed other people's money. When Bill Gate and Paul Allen founded the company, they borrowed a little, but it's been pay-as-you-go ever since: $60 billion in market capitalization, all generated by internal cash flow; the company has never had a dime in long-term debt. Yet, Gate and Allen decided to incorporate in 1981, and to take the company public in 1986. Why did they do so? Call in rich When working stiffs need a break, they “call in sick” for a few days. When Microsoft need a break, they “call in rich.” Forever. Roughly a third of Microsoft’s 30,000 employees are already millionaires, thanks to a 764-fold rise in Microsoft’s stock value since it went public in 1986, and the company just released yet another round of better-than-anticipated earnings yesterday. But now the company that made them wealthy is paying a steep price: More than half a dozen of its high-level executives have resigned or taken leaves since the beginning of the year. Some of the recent key execs to call in rich: Chris Peters. Was: VP of Office division. Now: On leave of absence to train for new career as a pro bowler. Nathan Myhrvold. Was: Chief technology officer. Now: On leave to pursue interest in scientific research and to travel. John Ludwig. Was: VP of Microsoft’s Consumer and Commerce Group. Now: On indefinite leave. Steve Perlman. Was: President of Microsoft’s WebTV unit. Now: Quit to explore new entrepreneurial...
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...Assignment 3: Fraud in the AIS Ditanyan Patterson Jay E. Wright, CPA, CFE Strayer University ACC.564 August 17, 2014 Abstract After researching for a firm that was involved in a fraud and/or embezzlement case I came upon the embezzlement of Koss Corp. Koss Corp was a company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that manufactured stero headphones, speaker phones, computer headsets, wireless headsets, and much more. The case of Koss came about because of inaccurate financial ststements, books and records, and the lack of adequate internal controls from the years of 2005-2009. Two of Koss former employees, Sujata Sachdeva and Julie Mulvaney were the ones to engage in a wide-range of accounting fraud to cover up Sachdeva's embezzlement scam. From the lack and inadequate internal controls and failures in overseeing the accounting and financial reports by the CEO and CFO they were able to embezzle a huge amount of money. Throughout my research I will write a paper in which I must assess the failures of the firms accounting information system to prevent the related fraud/ embezzlement; Also, evaluate the effectiveness of Koss stakeholders in the event that a third-party accounting system suffers a breach. Along with assessing the level of responsibility of the software provider to the business and their clients. This paper will determine what advances in accounting and/or information technology could have done to prevent such acts from occuring, the paper will give changes that should...
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...Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary The Existence of God; Science As Justification Submitted to Dr. michael chiavone Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For THEO 626 D02 By Daniel Martin Student ID: L25178504 New Orleans, LA December 12, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Introduction 1 a. Thesis and introductory explanation b. Historical development of doctrine II. Arguments for the Existence of God 3 c. Cosmological Argument d. Teleological Argument e. Anthropological III. Atheism Versus Existence of God 11 f. Evidence used to disprove God’s existence g. The believers evidence to counter IV. Conclusion 13 h. Summary of the arguments i. Applications in the church today V. Introduction The existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, immutable, monotheistic God has come up against enormous resistance from the beginning of time. Early believers such as Moses, Elijah, Paul, and Peter all had to demonstrate that their God is the one true God at times. These believers even encountered persecution and ridicule for holding on to these beliefs at times. Nevertheless the challenges to these early believers tended to be demonstrating that their God was greater than their accuser’s god or gods. At times, it was through the words of men that the God of the Bible was shown to be greater, and other...
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...Executive Summary In general, product or brand hierarchy is defined as the process where the products and brands are categorized into elements that are used by the companies for promoting their products and services. Brand and product hierarchy is used by the companies for the purpose of increasing the branding and product relationships with their customers. Depending on the availability of brand elements, the companies categorize their products for representing their brands in the market. Within this study, five different industry sectors with each example company will be taken into consideration where researcher has conducted a hierarchical analysis for those company brands and products. On the other hand, the study even explores the information about the classes, categories, forms and brands of every company. A critical competitor analysis for those company brands will be carried out and finally the study draws a conclusion about their core competencies Hierarchical Analysis SECTOR1: CONSUMER DISCRETIONARY- RETAIL SECTOR- WALMART For the consumer discretionary industry the retail sector has been selected where again the world’s popular retailer company called Wal-Mart was selected as Example Company. According to the report of Wal-Mart (2011), Wal-mart is one of the world’s famous retailer companies which is based in USA that offers wider range of consumer products and goods to the customers across the world. Wal-Mart has different products...
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...According to Harmer (1991: 46-47) states that when the two people are engaged in talking to each other we can be sure that they in general way to suggest that a speaker makes a define decision to address someone. Speaking may be forced on him in the way but we still say that he wants or intends to speak, otherwise he would keep silent. According to Maybin (1992: 56) says that communication is an exchange between people, knowledge, information, ideas, options, feeling so there must be concept, ideas, in the fellow speaker of what they are going to say. The speakers have a basic competence in communication their ideas. The able to communicate their ideas, the students will be given opportunity to practice their English. According to Micheal (1998: 103) language is a symbolic system used by communicators to construct and convey information. Good languages developed by a system, set of rules followed by the wearer. According to Nunan (1991: 47) Speaking is one of four skills of English. It can help people to understand something from other interlocutors of language. Speaking will be focus for the first section on speaking. It involves fluent and accuracy expression meaning, the exercising of pragmatic, or communicative, competence and the observance of the rules of appropriate. Communication is a collaboration venture in which the interlocutors negotiate meaning in order to achieve their communication. According to Widdowson (1985: 57) that speaking is an oral communication that...
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...Financial Crisis in the European Union: The Cases of Greece and Ireland Sara F. Taylor Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Political Science Scott G. Nelson, Chair Karen M. Hult Deborah J. Milly September 7, 2011 Blacksburg, Virginia Keywords: EUROPEAN UNION, EUROZONE, GREECE FINANCIAL CRISIS, IRELAND BANKING CRISIS, EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK Copyright 2011 Sara F. Taylor Financial Crisis in the European Union: The Cases of Greece and Ireland Sara Frances Taylor ABSTRACT The 2008 eurozone financial crisis has only worsened as of summer 2011 raising questions about the economic future of the eurozone and sending shock waves through economies around the world. Greece was the first state to receive a bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, surprisingly followed only six months later by Ireland. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the challenges posed to smaller, weaker economies within the eurozone, specifically Greece and Ireland, since the recent eurozone financial crisis. This study is based on the experiences of both Greece and Ireland as very different members of the single currency. How and why did these states meet the criteria for euro convergence? To what extent was there support for the euro in both countries in the past? To what extent is there support today after the near collapse...
Words: 30568 - Pages: 123
...Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance and Marketing, 6(1), 61-76, March 2014 61 Effectiveness of Cartoon Character’s in Creating Brand Preferences Among kids Ajay Jose Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, India joseajay@gmail.com Dr. K. P. Saraswathiamma K P FISAT Business School, Angamaly, India mcpanicker@gmail.com Abstract Kids mean business to marketers. Around 40 crore kids below the age of 15 are India’s most conspicuous consumers, lapping up not just toys, eatables, gadgets, phones and clothes but also counseling their parents on big-ticket purchases. Intense competition to tap this young aspiring segment has seen big players relying on high spends advertisements, cross-selling, licensed merchandising, program length commercials, product placement and promotions involving free gifts. The researcher has tried to analyse the association of cartoon characters with brands in inducing Brand Preference among kids. Key Words: Branding, Cartoon characters, Kids, Endorsements, Consumer buying behavior, Advertising Effectiveness Introduction Children have a big say in family decision to purchase many products. Marketers are trying to cash on the children’s ability to nag their parents to induce purchase. Pester power is a child’s ability to affect their parents purchase decision, often through the use of nagging or pestering. Seth Gaurav et al. (2008) defines pester power as “the nagging ability of children to purchase the Journal...
Words: 4698 - Pages: 19
...Organizational Theory, Design, and Change Jones 6th Edition Test Bank Click here to download the solutions manual / test bank INSTANTLY!!! http://solutionsmanualtestbanks.blogspot.com/2011/10/organizational-theory-d esign-and-change_18.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Theory, Theory, Theory, Theory, Design, Design, Design, Design, and and and and Change Change Change Change Jones Jones Jones Jones 6th 6th 6th 6th Edition Edition Edition Edition Test Test Test Test Bank Bank Bank Bank -------------------------------------------------------------------------***THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL BOOK. YOU ARE BUYING the Test Bank in e-version of the following book*** Name: Organizational Theory, Design, and Change Author: Jones Edition: 6th ISBN-10: 0136087310 Type: Test Bank - The test bank is what most professors use an a reference when making exams for their students, which means there’s a very high chance that you will see a very similar, if not exact the exact, question in the test! - The file is either in .doc, .pdf, excel, or zipped in the package and can easily be read on PCs and Macs. - Delivery is INSTANT. You can download the files IMMEDIATELY once payment is done. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our response is the fastest. All questions will always be answered in 6 hours. This is the quality of service we are providing and we hope to be your...
Words: 29834 - Pages: 120
...Table of Contents Abstract INTRODUCTION: * Rationale * Problem Statement * Main Purpose of Study ……………………………………………………………. * General objectives * Specific Objectives * Hypothesis/Research Questions LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS................... METHODOLOGY/RESEARCH DESIGN * Scope and Limitations …………………………………………………………….. * Procedures * Data Sources * Budget....................................................................................................................... * Instruments * Budget ……………………………………………………………………………... Results and Discussion ……………………………………………………………………. * SWOT Audit ………………………………………………………………………. * SWOT Matrix …………………………………………………………………….. Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………… Summary and Conclusion References Appendices Abstract Extensive importation of foreign products continues to cripple the Jamaican economy. The country imports just about everything as such this limits the amount of foreign exchange that could contribute effectively to the country’s development. The importation of paper is an area of concern which we believe must receive careful attention and must be seriously addressed. Paper is a resource that is utilized daily in many operations if not all and this precious resource has to be imported from other countries while the resources available in the country which could be adequately utilized in producing...
Words: 5737 - Pages: 23
...T ABLE OF CONTENTS RANKINGS & PROJECTIONS REVISIONS.................................................................................... 3 OVERALL RANKINGS........................................................................................................... 5 RANKINGS BY POSITION..................................................................................................... 7 QUARTERBACK SEASON PROFILES......................................................................................... 9 RUNNING BACK SEASON PROFILES......................................................................................... 13 WIDE RECEIVER SEASON PROFILES........................................................................................ 18 TIGHT END SEASON PROFILES............................................................................................... 26 KICKER SEASON PROFILES................................................................................................... 29 TEAM DEFENSE SEASON PROFILES......................................................................................... 33 IDP LINEBACKER & D-LINE SEASON PROFILES............................................................................ 37 IDP DEFENSIVE BACK SEASON PROFILES.................................................................................. 39 SLEEPERS & UNDERVALUED PLAYERS..................................................................................... 41 BUSTS & OVERVALUED...
Words: 70371 - Pages: 282
...Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Brand Image Debiprasad Mukherjee* August 2009 * Debiprasad Mukherjee is a Business Process Management Consultant in IT Telecom domain. He has experience of working with Siemens, IBM, and Tech Mahindra in India and abroad. He holds Post graduation in Management from Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management, India and Bachelor in Technology in Electrical Engineering. His areas of interest are Brand Management, Consumer Behavior, Advertisement, Customer Relationship Management, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Master Data Management etc. Email:- debiprasad.mukherjee@techmahindra.com / debiprasad.mukherjee@gmail.com Contact: - Techno India Building, 6th Floor EM-4/1, Sector V, SaltLake, Kolkata-700091, INDIA Tel No: +91 334002 8146 / +91 9830318394 This paper can be downloaded from the Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1444814 Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1444814 Abstract Celebrity endorsement has been established as one of the most popular tools of advertising in recent time. It has become a trend and perceived as a winning formula for product marketing and brand building. It is easy to choose a celebrity but it is tough to establish a strong association between the product and the endorser. While the magnitude of the impact of celebrity endorsement remains under the purview of gray spectacles, this paper is an effort to analyze...
Words: 12521 - Pages: 51