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Milk Lab

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From the evidence provided by our lab, we have determined that liquids Unknown A, Unknown B, and Unknown C are to be identified as whole milk, two-percent milk, and skim milk, respectively. Throughout each trial there were many observations that, like a puzzle, allowed us to piece together and discern the classification of each type of milk. In our lab, we kept multiple variables the same to create a testing environment that maintains the most minimal amount of space for error, besides inevitable human error, possible. These variables include: food coloring colors, yellow and blue; no more than one drop per color in the dish; a toothpick with the same, small amount of dish soap on the tip; the placement of the soap, the middle of the dish; the administration …show more content…
While studying our control, water, we observed that as both types of food coloring were added, they began to spread out and settle in the liquid. Then, as the toothpick tip coated with dish soap was added, both types of coloring were drawn to the soap, and migrated and mixed in the middle where the soap was located. Our second trial, Unknown A, was the first type of milk that we observed. As the coloring was added, it appeared to settle in rings as they sunk, not spreading out. Viewing the addition of soap from the top of the dish, the colors were repelled quickly as they sank. After around a minute, however, the colors began to rise to the top, around the tip of the soap-covered toothpick. The colors reacted quite differently in Unknown B. The yellow automatically sunk but rose again after a minute. The blue floated and stayed towards the side. As the soap was added, the colors gravitated to the sides and sunk, but, like a less intense Unknown A, after about a minute the colors “squiggled” up from the bottom and rose to the top. Our last unidentified, mystery milk was Unknown C. Again, the yellow sunk, whereas the blue floated and spread across the dish.

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