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Mind Blown Summary

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The article “Mind Blown”- “Including Exercise Science Students as Research Assistants to Reduce Ageist Perceptions” written by Samuel T. Forlenza & Dara Bourassa is written about the significant increase in the elderly population that has caused an increase in job opportunities in the exercise science field. Many elderly adults are seeking help in maintaining their health and mobility. Therefore, there has been a large demand for practitioners to help these older people with staying in shape and being more physically active. But recently the amount of exercise science students seemed to not be interested in working with these older adults. Several studies in 2005 were specifically targeted toward students in exercise science, allied health …show more content…
Program facilitators had demonstrated both stereotypical and positive communication patterns toward the research process. The conclusion for this study indicated that most of the allied students maintained positive attitudes towards older adults. Then next two studies were focused with exercise science students. In the first study the students were given lifespan development training and additional education on physical activity program. Students were each put into groups and to design a 50-minute session that combined games and physical exercise. The conclusion of this study showed that the students could design and demonstrate their own exercise programs to older adults that focused on improving functional fitness. Another Two more studies were conducted again with exercise science students. The purpose of this experiment was that the students had to develop and administer a program called “Bingocize’ “. This game was Bingo combined with physical …show more content…
Therefore, this research project was conducted using qualitative methods that provided descriptions of how students attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs had been changed. The four undergraduate students who participated in these studies were between 20-26 years old and all attended small rural public universities. Qualitative research was conducted with an interview about each of these students to help further understand of the research participants’ points of view. The overall result of these research studies were the outlines of the student’s beliefs about older adults before and after their participation as being research assistants. The factors that influenced ageist ideas were that the students believed that they were exhibiting signs of ageism prior to the start of the study. These factors were also influenced by the students Personal Experiences, Education, and Societal Stereotypes. The factor of Personal Experiences was a major influence by the student’s perspectives during the initial

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