...Hispanic American Diversity ETH/125 November 20, 2011 Hispanic American Diversity Introduction The purpose of this discussion is to identify the differences and similarities among four different Hispanic American subcultures. When most people think of Latino or Hispanic Americans, they tend to believe that they are all part of the same native background because they speak the Spanish language. Despite their similarities, there is much diversity in each group’s social, economic, educational, political, and religious interests. The Spanish culture has grown immensely in the United States over the years and they live in many regions of the country. The Hispanics introduce new customs and traditions to the American Society. By exploring their ethnic background Americans can heighten their understanding of the Hispanic culture. Mexican Americans Language Mexican Americans also called “Chicanos” make up nearly two-thirds of the Hispanic Americans in the United States (Schaefer, 2006). Bilingual speaking is common among Mexican Americans as they tend to speak both English and Spanish within their household. Mexican Americans seem to be using English more dominantly than their native language because they are constantly trying to advance far above the other Hispanic groups in the American society (Alba, 2006). Education Very few Mexican Americans are pursuing a higher education. A survey conducted during the late 1980s displays that roughly 10 percent of Mexican Americans...
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...GLOBAL EXPANSION Global Expansion Rachelle Hollins American Intercontinental University January 6, 2011 In order for companies to expand cultural diversity considers a complicated part of management phase inside the corporate culture. Managing cultural diversity need a right method mainly from top management personnel in conditions of cultural sensitivity and local focused. International expansion was a “desirable” element for senior executives of mainly large corporations, firms of every size can now no longer afford to ignore the consequences of remaining a domestic player (O’Hara). Foreign companies face many challenges in expanding their business activities globally. Cultural barriers can make unpredictable problems as companies set up offices and production around the world. Critic of the multinational corporation usually views it as an economic and often political means of foreign domination. Many organizations, global diversity and cultural differences are seen to be difficult to overcome rather than as tools to be influenced for business success. Although more than 75% major American companies focus on diversity as a strategic advantage and business leverage in the U. S. there is minimal carry over internationally (Digh, 2001). These companies find themselves in the perplexing position of attempting to “roll out” overseas those diversity initiatives that were designed for a domestic workforce in many cases without...
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...Political culture is defined as the "broadly shared values, beliefs, and attitudes about how government should function and politics should operate." The American political culture strongly emphasizes the values of liberty, equality and democracy. There are three types of political culture, as defined by political scientist Daniel Elazer; moralistic, individualistic, and traditionalistic cultures. Moralistic political culture focuses on the promotion of the public good and advancement of public welfare. Everyone is expected to participate in the political process and are encouraged to pursue civic activities that further promote the public good. In this culture the government is perceived as good and is relied on to further the interests of the people. Individualistic political culture captured those who valued material wealth and personal freedoms. This political culture holds a low value on citizen participation in politics; political matters are to be left to the professionals. The role of the government is extremely limited, their only true responsibility is to ensure stability for the state so that individuals can continue to pursue self-economic interests. Traditionalistic political culture originated...
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...America’s Invisible Cold War Weapon Often overlooked in analyses of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, religion acted as a powerful tool to direct U.S. leaders’ decisions and unite Americans in the war against the Soviets (Kirby, 2003; Grimshaw, 2011; Winsboro 2009; Gaddis 1997). Emerging out of studies of the cultural dimension of the Cold War, the “religious Cold War” has become a subject of focus for scholars in the past two decades. Dianne Kirby, a professor of history at the University of Ulster, is the primary voice in the literature surrounding religion and the Cold War. Kirby argues that ideology, specifically the religious component, is key to comprehending “perceptions of and responses to the Soviet Union,” beyond the traditional...
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...Please post a 200-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply. What is crime? What are the components of the criminal justice system? How does crime relate to the law? What changes would you recommend to better improve the criminal justice process? Crime is any act or omission (i.e. something intentionally or unintentionally left out), which violates established laws of the local, state, or federal governments (Schmalleger, 2011, p. 7). What does this mean? It means that if there is a law governing a particular act and an individual commits the act in violation of the established law, they are committing a crime. For example, if there is a local ordinance (law) banning smoking of any kind of tobacco or tobacco product within 25 feet of a business or government building and you find yourself smoking a cigarette within 10 feet of one of these specified locations (act), you are in violation of the law and in effect committing a crime. The components of the criminal justice system consist of law enforcement, courts and corrections (Schmalleger, 2011, p. 14). In all of the components of the criminal justice system, you will find various agencies, titles, and roles specific to ensuring the administration of justice. These systems of processes are designed to protect the innocent and ensure fairness (due process) of the law is adhered to before, during, and after arrest (Schmalleger, 2011, p. 14). Crime in a sense is an act or omission, which society...
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...Immigration played a very important role in American history and is perhaps is one of the greatest controversial issues of our present time. There are many sides of immigration and no matter, where you are from. Most immigrants lead lives that the rest of us only read about in books. Immigration has lasted for many decades. Immigrants come to The United States from all over the world. Most of them come for many reasons such as gain a better or higher education. Some come because they have nothing, and only want to be able to survive. This is especially true for Mexican immigrants because of their country poverty. Most immigrants from Mexico in California (37 percent), Texas (21 percent), and Illinois (6 percent). The top four...
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...The impact of diversity in work place Janevine Onyeanuna Walden University Issues and Trends in Nursing NURS 3000 Section 04 Dr Mary Tan March 15, 2015 The impact of diversity in work place Knowledge of the impact of diversity is nesseccary at all levels of nursing work place because the nursing work place is made up individuals of diverse cultural group and so the ethnocentric approach to nursing practice should be eliminated in providing care. A good nursing care to a patient is clear, accurate communication and understanding of the patient’s values, belief system and family dynamics. The purpose of this paper explains the impact of gender, ethnic, demographic diversity on nursing profession and also the effect of underrepresentation of minorities nursing profession. Importance of Diversity in the Work place Cultural diversity in nursing profession is a cross- cultural health discipline, which encompasses the belief system of a variety of groups; it refers to the differences between individuals based on beliefs, customs, and ideology as evidenced in their way of life. Nurses bring their cultural and philosophical views into nursing profession so there fore its needful for them to understand the nurse- patient relationship, nurse- nurse relationship which includes the culture of the nurse, the culture of the co-worker and the culture of the patient, and the culture of the setting. Patients...
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...society is aware of the issues members of these communities face, there are people that are unaware of the circumstances and might possibly have negative assumptions of the predominantly black inhabitants. The Wire, a critically acclaimed series on the HBO network, looks to educate the uninformed to the harsh realities of living in an environment that has been largely mistreated. Set in present day Baltimore, The Wire accurately portrays the housing projects of the inner city and uphill battle people are born into. The Wire examines how the interrelation between minimal job opportunities, urban governmental politics, the underfunded school systems, and social disregard creates a concentrated disadvantage for the urban poor. This can create a feeling of hopelessness that leads to drug use, criminal activity, and high rates of incarceration. Public education is meant to be the “great equalizer” and the cornerstone of the American dream. The best way to provide a good life for your family is to get a good education, use that to maximize your earning potential, and encourage your children to do the same. Unfortunately, this proves to be more difficult to achieve for disadvantaged youth. Schools in the United States are largely funded through local property taxes, and occasional alumni...
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...Chapter 6 The media, government accountability, and citizen engagement Katrin Voltmer The past two decades or so have seen an unprecedented spread of democracy around the globe. With the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 and the end of the Cold War, the ‘third wave’ of democratization, which started in the early seventies, now encompasses countries in Asia and Africa.1 And even in states whose governments continue to resist a more open and participatory form of governance, such as North Korea, Burma or Zimbabwe, the idea of democracy is a powerful force that inspires people to take on a more active role in public life. However, many of the newly emerging democracies seem to fall short of some, often many, of the basic standards that define democratic rule, with irregular voting procedures, corruption, inefficiency and autocratic styles of government being but a few of the maladies. In addition, as many of the newly emerging democracies belong to the developing world, inequality and poverty remain severe obstacles to full self‐determination of the people. The experiences of the past decades have shown that democracy is not a one‐way road and that a viable democracy requires more than the implementation of the key institutions of government. Rather, an accountable and efficient government is embedded in a complex web of interdependent conditions that ...
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...WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT Interest Groups Professor Karina Arzumanova U.S. Goverment An Interests Group is defined as an organization of people or a letterhead organization, sharing a common interest or goal that seeks to influence the making of public policy. In the American political system, there are a wide variety of interest groups that are organized for the sole purpose of exerting influence on the political and legal systems. These groups play a central role in deciding who gets what, when, where and how in legislative and budget processes. They also play a significant role in deciding which values will be promoted and enforced by the government. When individuals have common interests, it often makes sense for them to join together in pursuit of those interests. When this happens, a special interest group is formed. These groups then compete for a share of the limited resources distributed through the political process. While many groups are formed to compete for economic resources, others are formed to support their positions on issues like abortion and gun control. The limited resource these groups compete for is not money or real estate but rather the use of governmental power to enforce a particular set of values. At the group level, it makes sense for groups to form and do the things they do. However, at the individual level, there are powerful incentives to be a free rider. If a group is pursuing your interests even though you, as an individual, are...
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...to examine this question. Pop art was born out of the needs of Post-war America and its capitalist driven economy, where consumption was key and everything was a commodity that had to be readily available. The diversity within the movement arose from how the Pop artists approached this culture of post-war America, whether it was through parody, fetishization, or just pure replication; as well as what aspects of the culture they chose to reflect on. The sheer diversity of themes and styles covered by the various pop artists means that one cannot be too reductive when analysing this art movement. It is therefore with this in mind that this essay will examine just two Pop artists, Andy Warhol and Tom Wesselmann, to examine both artists’ use of commercial methods teamed with images borrowed from popular culture and how they established their own unique technique and style to reflect on the capitalist culture rising in America. Post-war America was a time of great growth and development, as America moved into a position of political and economic leadership, newfound pride in the American way of life and American culture flourished. The economic boom meant newfound freedom for Americans, as having money and freely spending it became a primary aspect of the American identity. However, with this prosperity came great pressure by the government on the people of America to continue their high consumption patterns to maintain the economic growth in the country. Thus it was to be that...
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...CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR CHAPTER OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter students should be able to: 1. Define organizational behavior (OB). 2. Identify the primary behavioral disciplines contributing to OB. 3. Describe the three goals of OB. 4. List the major challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts. 5. Describe how OB concepts can help make organizations more productive. 6. Discuss why work force diversity has become an important issue in management. 7. Explain how managers and organizations are responding to the problem of employee ethical dilemmas. 8. Discuss how knowledge of OB can help managers stimulate organizational innovation and change. LECTURE OUTLINE I. THE FIELD OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR A. Definition 1. Organizational behavior is the systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within organizations. (ppt 4) 2. Key parts of the definition a) Systematic study (ppt 5) 1) The use of scientific evidence gathered under controlled conditions and measured and interpreted in a reasonably rigorous manner to attribute cause and effect. (ppt 6) 2) OB—its theories and conclusions—is based on a large number of systematically designed research studies. b) Systematic study of actions (or behaviors) and attitudes include three areas: productivity, absenteeism, and turnover. (ppt 7) 1) Managers clearly are concerned...
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...“To what extent are Affirmative Action programs no longer needed in the United States?” Affirmative Action is a policy in the United States that “aims to enhance educational and career opportunities for minorities and women by granting them preferences in college and graduate school admissions, promotions, and contract awards.” (Boxill) Such programs are designed to ensure that qualified individuals in America have equal access to opportunity in areas such as education and employment, and receive a fair chance to contribute all their abilities. As T.H. Andersen points out: “Supporters declare themselves the champions of racial justice, protectors of Martin Lurher King’s Dream, while the opponents see themselves as the defenders of merit, of colorblind equal protection enshrined by the U.S. Constitution.” (Anderson Preface X) Therefore, although at first these programs were considered a huge success, many argue that Affirmative Action has been out dated and is not working anymore. Affirmative Action has served its purpose, and is no longer needed and should be abolished or reformed, as it will no longer be useful in helping eliminate the racial gaps in the United States. Affirmative Action has achieved a great deal since it was first introduced in the 1960s. Politicians have characterized Affirmative Action as a policy “designed to right the wrongs of the past, as a quota system, or a set of remedial programs aimed to compensate for the inadequacies of people of color”(Crosby...
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...Executive Summary Reed’s VP Marketing Meredith Collins needs to develop a plan to increase the market share (MS) of this company from 14% to 16% in the Columbus Market. The Reeds actual expansion plan does not consider any new store opening. The competition in the retailers market is intense and the profit margins are low, therefore Collins has a minimal margin of error. Reed is the actual leader of the retailer Columbus Market but the Executives of the company are worried that Reed lost 1% of MS in the last five years. They just have implemented the dollar Weekend Campaign with no considerable important results. Reed Business is in the High end segment and it has differentiated by offering high quality products and excellent customer service. In this market price is the most important factor, but location, quality, diversity of products and customer service are also points of differentiation. In the latest years in Supermarket Industry the private labels have not been perceived anymore as low quality and their presence in the market has increased in 3% since 2005. Customers have become friendlier towards healthy and organic food. The customers are not as loyal as 20 years ago; nowadays is a trend of savvy customers. Reed’s customers are affluent, old and owned small medium houses, also more likely to have a pet. Based on the facts above my recommendation is maintaining focus in its actual customer segment, improving the product mix offered by developing private labels,...
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...Safety and Quality Improvement Act (S.2590) to the Senate on June 4, 2002[3] attempting to improve the safety of patients and “…reduce the incidence of events that adversely effect patient safety.”[4] In 2003, President Bush signed into law the Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act (P.L 108-173).[5] A section of this law authorized AHRQ to research effectiveness in treatments in order to set a guideline to improve the quality of care.[6] John Eisenberg helped build this program that generates summaries that can help provide health care providers with evidence-based practices that help improve quality of care delivered.[7] Realizing the importance of this research to quality of care, the president signed the Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R. 1) into law on February 17, 2009, providing additional funding to continue effective research.[8] This helps to demonstrate the IOM’s report effectively indicated to Congress that legislation revamping was needed in order to help not only reduce medical errors and improve overall health care quality, but also the high costs associated with these preventable errors. With a democrat majority in the Senate, and republican majority in the House making up the 113th Congress[9], and the passage of PPACA, health...
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