...by numerous studies. It will address the root causes of healthcare inequality...
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...She claims that "The male perspective (in legal normative system) is systemic and hegemonic…In this context, objectivity-the nonsituated, universal standpoint, whether claimed or aspired to-is a denial of the existence or potency of sex inequality that tacitly participates in constructing reality from the dominant point of view " Then, she not only assert that law is inevitably linked to outside reference, but also claim that law cannot be shaped as a coherent system by a single comprehensive legal theory. Obviously, if modern law is embedded in a structure of inequality, the kind of law that appears to have mainstream values and neutrality will not only ignore this inequality structure, but it will also strengthen the structure. So all of comprehensive theory in existing legal system about "Freedom & Equality" is itself gendered. Thus, the debate between Dworkin and McKinnon on this point is entirely independent and no one can refutes the other, since Dworkin's reasoning must be based on the existing legal normative system and the result of legal reasoning is unique, that is, the "only...
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...in African American history, marked by both triumphs and setbacks. From the Reconstruction era to the Civil Rights Movement of the 20th century, African Americans have mobilized to challenge segregation, discrimination, and systemic...
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...Concepts of inequality and structural violence is advanced by Farmer in his work, Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues. The novel shines light on the specific inequalities of women (Farmer 2011 [1996], 2001 [1999]), as well as those with various views and understanding of the disease on an individual and international aid sponsor country scale (Farmer 2006a [1992], 2006b [1994], 2011 [1996], 2001 [1999]). Farmer connects biomedicine and anthropology throughout the book addressing challenges involving the perceived causes of TB in Haiti. Identifying it as rationalized suffering (Farmer 2001 [1999]). Stating that “the anthropologist within me is perfectly satisfied to analyze such explanations, but to a physician it is nothing less...
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...How the Ivy League Broke America looks at the role of elite universities like Harvard, Yale and Princeton in perpetuating social class and economic inequality. It examines the shift from an aristocratic system based on social birth to one that claims to value merit and intelligence. What was supposed to democratize opportunity has instead reinforced class divisions. Wealthier families have the resources to game the system through private schools, SAT prep courses and extracurricular activities and get an edge in the college admissions game. The article exposes the myth of meritocracy and how it favors the rich and narrows opportunities for the working class. And so education becomes a tool to perpetuate the dominance of the elite, rather than a means of social mobility. This news article looks at how social stratification and inequality persist in modern society, especially in the education system. By looking at Ivy League schools and their admissions policies, we can apply several sociological concepts to understand how social class inequalities are perpetuated....
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...While many of Paine’s ideas laid the vital groundwork for concepts like acceptance of diversity and governmental accountability, there are large gaps between his promises and the reality of contemporary America and its struggles with systemic oppression, wealth inequality, and social division. Despite these shortcomings, Paine’s legacy continues, as his writings continue to inspire and shape contemporary discourse on social, political, and economic issues. While Paine’s visions fail to align with today’s America, his ideals remain relevant as America continues to strive and push for a better society. Works Cited: Boschma, Janie, et al. "Census Release Shows America Is More Diverse and More Multiracial than Ever." CNN, 12 Aug. 2021, www.cnn.com/2021/08/12/politics/us-census-2020-data/index.html. Census. The. www.census.gov/newsroom/press-kits/2023/acs-1-year-estimates.html. Hernandez, Joe. "Hate Crimes Reach the Highest Level in More than a Decade." NPR, 1 Sept. 2021, www.npr.org/2021/08/3...
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...society were vulnerable to accusation.” (66). The trails really plagued the town, with constant gender discrimination making it hard to live freely as a woman. Looking at this vulnerability past the witch trials, main figures like Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton come to mind. These women dedicated their lives to fighting for women's rights, including the right to vote. They faced criticism and backlash from those who believed that women should conform to traditional roles as wives and mothers rather than participating in public activism. Their efforts laid the foundation for progress, but the journey towards true gender equality is far from over. Single women today continue to advocate for their rights and challenge gender inequalities in various spheres, such as the workplace, with efforts to confront wage gaps and glass...
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...create knowledge for national and global benefit. The universities and societies are interdependent. They help each other develop. In the final analysis a university is an institution of higher learning. However, this characterisation does not encompass all the roles a university plays. There was a time when roles of the universities were limited, elitist and exclusively for men. Oxford and Cambridge admitted women several centuries after they were established. The establishment of the oldest universities was church based. However, the intellectual discourses at the universities revealed a need for qualitative change in their role. By early 19th century, the modern universities dropped their elitist attire and started getting inclusive, admitting both men and women from all strata of society. The modern universities paved the way for rapid social and cultural changes, becoming more secular and democratic. The changes gradually transformed the universities into cultural institutions that mold young minds. Andre Beteille says: "University education became socially significant because, as open and secular institutions, the universities served as examples and models of a new kind of social existence. The universities provided fertile breeding grounds for a new ideal of social life." This makes a university a social organisation. It deeply interacts with the society and provides "public services" outside the classrooms for the benefit of the society. With secular...
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...that obligations might exist. The concept of boundaries introduces obligations toward other people. The concept of freedom implies unrestricted movement and actions regardless of boundaries, but the concept of liberty implies restrictions on actions because of boundaries. Liberty acknowledges possible boundaries and merely is freedom from fiat boundaries. In relation to the quote “Equality is the sole of liberty; there is, in fact no liberty without it” (Frances Wright) It is clear to understand that as liberty implies certain obligations of society, i.e The Rule of Law, Taxation. Bestowing unequal obligations onto any group in society i.e Slavery, completely destroys any chance of liberty for those that are oppressed or impeded by inequality. Within society, there are various factors that contribute to the development of prejudice and discrimination from birth. When discussing prejudice and discrimination it is important to understand their meanings. According to the text (Shapiro & Neuberg, 2007) prejudice refers to negative attitudes towards others while discrimination refers to negative behaviours towards others. Biases involved in prejudice and discrimination are culturally conditioned, meaning that preconceptions are learned and developed as people grow and observe the environment. This is exemplified in debated...
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...As time evolves, in accord with global advancement, one would expect the trend of inequality to decline. However, now in the 21st century, the opposite has happened with inequality continue to grow on multiple facets. Canadian cities are no different in this respect as recent studies have found these cities to be growing in inequality internally. Income inequality has been a prominent theme of this century with advocacy groups putting emphasis on closing the wage gap, while others attempt to lessen the discrimination faced by those who conflict with society’s sexual orientation standards. However, the most important inequality plaguing Canadian cities today is the nation’s systematic mistreatment of Indigenous people, perpetuated by historic...
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...of the 1st Amendment feel that we should combat this issue with groups that oppose hate speech. They fear that if the government is allowed to limit our speech, then we are allowing the government to limit our opinions. There are many valid claims stated in this article supporting the ban of hate speech in the US. Some say that hate speech promotes fear, threats and violence in the lives of minorities. Others agree that protecting this form of free speech encourages inequality and segregation. Does the use of speaking with hatred persuade Americans to get their point across using vulgar and degrading, sometimes even forceful words? I feel that it does all of these things and more. Emotions are at high peaks during a demonstration that comes to a violent end. Strong individuals have the power to influence more hatred and violence. We are governed by an outdated Constitution that almost encourages conflict. Amending the Constitution would give our modern, multi-ethnic nation a chance to embrace systemic change if we have any hope to match our ideals of democracy with the realities of our political practices. The creation of the...
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...attempt to understand the transition from traditional to modern society. Many argue that class is no longer important as a social phenomenon as an individual’s identity are based more on status and cultural factors such as lifestyle, values, intelligence, education. Others argue that class is still a central influence on people’s lives, that it affects their life chances. They argue that class inequality exists and that such inequalities are widening rather than narrowing. The major perspectives historically have been Marx and Weber who have provided their views and support for the idea that society is class-conscious. Other theorists, such as Clark and Lipset challenge Marx and Weber theory and believe that class is not an important social phenomenon. The common stratum model of class divides society into a simple hierarchy of working class, middle class and upper class. Class is an important social phenomenon that exists in society and through sociology we are presented with a variety of concepts and theories that contribute and support our understanding of the classes. A class system “refers to a social group, defined in terms of its economic position in a hierarchy of inequality and with material interests that differentiate it from other classes.” (Van Kriken; Habibis; Smith; Hutchins; Martin; Maton, 2014, P.205). The most common being the upper, middle and working class. Marx introduced that first systemic theory of class, capitalism. His theory was focused on capitalist...
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...sexual abuse from Harvey Weinstein, a major Hollywood producer. The #MeToo Movement help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace. In the article, “#MeToo Has Done What the Law Could Not” by Catharine A. MacKinnon, a journalist for New York Times, stated, “Equal pay has been the law for decades and still does not exist. Racial discrimination is nominally illegal in many forms but is still widely practiced against people of color. If the same cultural inequalities are permitted to operate in law as in the behavior the law prohibits, equalizing attempts — such as sexual harassment law — will be systemically resisted.” MacKinnon comprehends the systemic issue that our law doesn’t digest, consequently, this leads to the victims to have to be the ones to spread the word around when it comes to abuse. While American has continuously strived to overcome inequality in different forms, it has yet to conquer the inequalities faced by abused...
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...African Americans continue to face systemic racism in various aspects of society. This includes discrimination in employment opportunities, housing, healthcare, and the criminal justice system. Systemic racism maintains and limits the advancement of African Americans in these areas. For example, studies have shown that African Americans are more likely to be rejected for job interviews or promotions compared to their white counterparts with similar qualifications. Furthermore, fixing practices in housing have led to segregated neighborhoods with limited resources and opportunities for African American communities. Another significant challenge faced by African Americans is the inequality in education. African American students are more likely to attend underfunded schools with fewer resources, experienced teachers, and advanced placement courses. This contributes to lower academic achievement levels and higher dropout rates among African American students. The lack of access to quality education perpetuates the cycle of poverty and limits opportunities for future success. African Americans are greatly...
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...According to the video "Cost of Racism in Australia," the implications of racism extend beyond the individual level into perpetuating cycles of disadvantage and social exclusion. "Black Enough, White Privilege" discusses how invisible barriers are put up by white privilege to entrench inequality and further marginalize Indigenous voices and experiences. The ABC Four Corners program "Heart Failure" goes further to expose the harsh reality of systemic racism in health, against which Indigenous Australians often struggled at great odds to receive equal care. All these resources together demonstrate a sense of urgency for real social inclusion—of equal opportunity and respect for all, regardless of race—and where the legacies of racism and privilege are dismantled. Week 12: Lateral Violence, Trauma and Wellbeing Lateral violence on the part of Indigenous peoples is discomforting, and it emanates from generational trauma that has been passed down as a consequence of the history of colonialism. Intergenerational trauma enforces cycles of hurts where unresolved pains—suffered from historical injustices—manifest...
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