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'Monasteries And Monarchs: Xuanzang And The Nobles'

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In Monasteries and Monarchs Xuanzang and the Nobles and Notables Ibn Battuta I learned two different sides of what these two different people had to do survive and what it was really like from two different people's point of view who had two totally different traveling experiences. In Ibn Battuta’s story, he lived in the Hazar Sudan which has painted wood, large cushions and has hundreds of guards flanked on their left and right of the sultan. When someone who is worthy of the sultan brings him a gift he takes them by the hand accepts a portion of his presents and expresses his approval. Ibn Battuta’s travel started with him borrowing money for the sultan's gift and started to seek employment.
Not even thirty years old Ibn arrived in Delhi with around forty people including slaves,servants and companions he left Morocco in June 1325 CE and wanted to go on a pilgrimage to …show more content…
For him Buddhism was very old around this time, Buddha had lived in India nearby the Himalayas.Xuanzang decided to travel to clear his doubts and to bring back very important books from India.He decided to follow the path of Fa Xian and Zhi Yan who ventured on the quest before him.the beginning of his trip was difficult he had disruptions outside the core of China which mean the tang government forbade new commoners to travel west. At the first sign of an illegal trip Xuanzang and his two companions Turned to a different trail and left for change, a to avoid capture he traveled at night with converted monks and also had a guide to show and explain the troubles ahead of them.”western roads are bad,sand streams stretch far and wide, evil spirits and hot winds when they come cannot be

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