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Money Can T Buy Everything Rhetorical Analysis

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Money Can’t Buy Everything
Who doesn’t want to be successful? People don’t want to just be successful in their public and professional lives. They also want to be successful in their private lives. In the October 2006 issue of the Food & Wine magazine, advertisers of the American Express credit card company play with this desire of all-around success in people’s lives in a black-and-white advertisement featuring a photograph of the actress Kate Winslet and a survey taken by Kate below the photograph. This advertisement was a part of the American Express’ campaign called “My life. My Card.” that the company used to sell their credit cards. The Food & Wine magazine’s audience is possibly those in the upper mid-class who are financially stable and can spend money on what they want rather than only on what they need – this assumption coming from the name of the magazine itself. In America, drinking wine is not a necessity of life, but a sophisticated luxury and hobby. The magazine is also probably read by both genders, but this ad is specifically targeted towards women consumers because Kate Winslet in this ad is not clothed or positioned provocatively, but is modestly dressed in a sweater and jeans with messy hair and she is wearing minimal makeup. She is not displayed as an object that men want, but as a person women want to be. This ad personifies …show more content…
Many people have the fond memory of camping as a child. Many people have the indulgence of chocolate. Even the latte and muffin that were Kate’s last purchased items relate her more to common folk than if she were to have bought something expensive like famous movie stars can. Kate’s favorite movie, Waiting for Guffman, didn’t do well in the box office and that shows that she didn’t pick it because of its popularity, but maybe because she is a fan of obscure cult

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