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Monitor 23 Case Study

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No response from Monitor 23 Life, as we all know, is stressful at times. However, I do believe there is a fine line between pressure at work and a stressful job. I believe all jobs should have something in place where employees can go and talk to a counselor or therapist when they get to a point where it becomes too stressful to cope. Stress can cause serious health issues and even death. There will be stressful days at work, but how you deal or handle the stress is what matters. Many employers do not take into consideration, or even care for that matter, that employees have a life outside of their job. The employee’s life at home could be stressful, and coupled with coming to work every day in a stressful environment could cause a person to …show more content…
A person in Paul’s position could have used time off from work. In my eyes, I rather give the employee the time off they needed to sort their life out versus having them coming to work unable to focus, making careless mistakes, or even worse dying on the job (2011, Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson). In my opinion, there are always warning signs in any situation. The problem is do the employer or supervisor care enough to notice the signs. If a person comes into work and you notice a significant change in their behavior such as, extreme fatigue, irritable, not working at their full potential, making careless mistakes, missing work chronically, these are all signs that something is going on (2011, Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson). I had a similar situation that happened to me. I was not getting along well with my co-worker and we bumped headed often. There was even a time where we had exchanged words. I did not want to work with her and she did everything to avoid me. We would not speak

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