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Moonshine Book Report

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Shelby and Chelsia want to a party on 1-2-18 at Shelby's uncle (Joe or Joey's) home. Joe, and his girfriend (Haley), his child (unknown) and friend (Dominic) was at the home. Joe gave Shelby and Chelsia alcohol (moonshine or whiskey). Joe, Haley, and Dominc were also drinking in the home. Joe's child was not drinking the alcohol. Joe's child does not have acess to the alcohol. Shelby's parents (unknown) are unaware that Joe provide her alcohol. Chelsia's father is aware of this and has file charges with the Union County Sheriiff Department and for Joe raping Chelsia. Chelisa was raped by Joe on 1-2-18 between five or eight o'clock that evening. Chelisa and Shelby went over to Joe's home to a party. Haley escorted Chelisa to the bathroom. Haley left …show more content…
Chelisa lay down on the bed. Noone was in the bedroom when she lay down. While Chelisa was laying down, Haley and Dominic came into the room and held her arms down. While Haley and Dominic were holding her arms down, Joe raped her. Joe penetrated inside of her. It is unknown if Joe kisses her. Joe did not penetrate inside her anus. Dominic and Haley did not rape her. Shelby was in another room. Chelsia did not make consensual to the rape. The was no witness to the rape. Shelby is unaware of what happened. Shelby's parents (unknown) are unaware of the rape or drinking. Chelsia immediately got away from home and told her father (Jason). Jason filed charges with Union County Sheriff Department. Chelisa to a family friend (Julie) what had to happen. This is the first time this ever happened to Chelsia. Chelsia was seen at Magnolia ER by Dr. Justin Hill. Dr. Hill completed a rape kit on Chelsia. The lab resulted are unconfirmed at the time of the report was given. The reporter stated, "CPS can request a copy of the raped kit." Joe's child was in the home but did not witness the rape. Joe, Haley, and Dominic do drink alcohol in the presence of the child. It is unknown if the child has

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