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Atp Crisis Communication Plan

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The ATP’s Crisis Communications Plan outlines the roles, responsibilities and protocols that will guide the Institution in promptly sharing information with all of the ATP’s audiences during an emergency or crisis.
This plan is a part of the ATP’s Emergency Management Plan, administered by the Communication Coordinator.
For the purposes of this plan, a crisis is defined as a significant event that prompts significant, often sustained, news coverage and public scrutiny and has the potential to damage the institution’s reputation, image or financial stability. A crisis could be precipitated by an emergency or a controversy. An emergency is a fire, hurricane, crime or other event that presents a threat and typically …show more content…
These facts will be used to fill in templates for news releases, text messages and other items that have already been developed. A list of potential crises is included in this plan’s appendix, along with a list of audiences and who will be responsible for coordinating communications to each. It is critical as the situation changes for new fact sheets to be developed. (WHY? These fact sheets can be used to update websites, emails, news releases and other communication channels. They will also help guide the team’s overall strategy as events unfold.)
Develop several key messages that will be included in all university communications. One message typically will address what Duke is doing to ensure the safety of students and other community members. Another may need to be forward-looking and address what we are doing to make sure the crisis, or a problem with our response, doesn’t happen again. All of the messages should evolve as circumstances change but will always aim to restore and maintain confidence and calm, balancing a sense of concern with resolve and …show more content…
The senior leader will be the public face of the association, while the communicator will run briefings and handle media questions between such formal press gatherings.Designate one or more members of the Crisis Communications Team to communicate key messages and emerging facts to those spokespeople and handle any last-minute media training. It is critical that senior leaders, including board members and current/former players/spokespersons, have copies of the most recent news releases and other messages so everyone's clear on what is being shared with the public. WHY? In a time of controversy, it is critical for a higher up the CEO to be the spokesperson and take the lead in communicating key messages and answering questions. Such action illustrates that the situation is under control and that efforts are being made to address any questions that have arisen. It also serves to calm various audiences. As the situation evolves, the senior leader acting as the key spokesperson may change.
Assign responsibilities to the Crisis Communications Team to communicate the facts of the situation and our response to key audiences. Each team member will use approved messages and templates for this effort. Whenever possible, the first groups that should be informed about a crisis are internal audiences directly affected, such as players, employees,

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