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Most Wanted List Research Paper

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As we all know, The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has developed a “Most Wanted List” to identify and publicize individuals/fugitives that are considered to be the most dangerous. In most cases, these individuals make the list because of the terrible acts, crimes and violations they have committed; the list is composed of individuals accused of murder, kidnapping, robbery, criminals in the War on Terrorism, and cyber/internet crimes such as the 419 Advance Fee Fraud scheme. These individuals have a long history of criminal activity and are considered a great danger to the people and communities. This list is usually posted at local libraries, has been a real popular television series named “America’s Most Wanted” hosted by John …show more content…
The show had its own version of the Top 10 Most Wanted individual named “AMW Dirty Dozen”. One of those individuals is 33-year-old Tobbechukwu Enyinna Onwuhara (Figure 3). He was the master mind behind a Home Equity Fraud. Dubbed the “King of the Home Equity Fraud” he managed to elude the FBI for over four years. He had a team of individuals that operated in various steps to perform the entire process of the scheme. Their criminal activity and tactics managed to amass over $44 million US dollars from US banks. According to FBI agents, Onwuhara was born in Houston and sent to live with his wealthy Nigerian father, Prince Doris Onwuhara who the Bureau say is a ‘well-known con man who made a fortune from the notorious Nigerian 419 scheme’ before returning to the United States when he reached his teenage years in 1999. Once back in the U.S. Onwuhara assembled a team to employ is Home Equity Fraud Scheme. In the end his team of six all were caught and sentenced to jail terms. It can be said that Onwuhara was introduced and learned the con methods during his

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