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Music Producer Contracts

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Music producers, jingle writers, or production music writers, write music that is usually licensed or sold to a production music library (which means that people can use the music without the composer’s permission) and then is placed into TV shows, commercials, and films. Depending on the size of the library they may have relationships with broadcast networks or advertising agencies, this means that the library's need a large quantity of music in a large quantity of genres. Many people compare the music that music producers compose to stock art which is art that is made to be licensed and sold multiple times for multiple nonspecific needs. Though music producers do get more royalty which is a sum of money that is paid to a patentee for use of a patent. The average pay of a music producer in a year is $24,000 and the general earning range is $6,000 to $240,000.
Though there is no formal training required you do need to be able to write, record, and mix music well. For most people writing is the easy part the hard part is recording and mixing. It is very important to have high quality music because if it is not up to speed then the product music library will not buy or licence your music. If you are lacking …show more content…
This means writing TV show theme songs, opening credit songs, and closing credit songs. When you start doing this you would be considered a composer. The annual earnings of a composer is a little hard to say, it depends on how many songs you write and what you wrote the songs for but usually in films the earning range is $0 to $2,000,000 per film. Though becoming a composer might not be the best idea because the odds that you will earn a living in your chosen field is about one in a million. It’s a highly competitive field, akin to breaking into hollywood as an actor. It’s extremely hard to get your first few jobs as well as earning a stable income from

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