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My Clinical Experience Essay

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I was responsible for stocking shelves, handling financial transactions with customers and assisting them in finding products that they needed. As a cashier, I learned how to better communicate with difficult customers and handle complex situations. Being able to identify that customers' anger is usually situational helped me better serve my customers and direct my mental resources towards resolving problems.

A. A. & A. Medical provides patients with at-home diagnostic services. Accompanying a medical technician, a technician assistant, and occasionally a physician, I visited elderly patients in their own homes, nursing homes and clinics. I helped the team with unloading equipment, administering electrocardiogram (ECG) and taking patients’ vitals. I had the opportunity to observe how diagnostic tests, such as ultrasound and electromyography, are performed. In addition, I was introduced to the many conditions diagnosed by these tests. I also learned about ECG interpretations of many cardiovascular diseases.

Dr. Toma is specialized in pediatrics and internal medicine. Having the opportunity to shadow him helped me develop an appreciation for the role a physician plays in promoting the physical wellbeing of their patients. I observed him as he thoroughly and kindly informed his patients about their …show more content…
I assisted the Volunteer Services Department with recruiting volunteers. I was also trained to serve as a Restoring Family Links caseworker. As a caseworker, I conducted intake interviews, entered clients' information into a database, and delivered ARC messages by phone and in person. Occasionally, I helped the Disaster Action Team as they responded to families affected by house fires. I also conducted fire safety canvassing and educated elementary school students about disaster preparedness. Educating about disaster prevention inspired me to become a future advocate for disease

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