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My Ethical Statement


Submitted By farrahshahid
Words 939
Pages 4
The Oxford Dictionary defines 'ethics' as "Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity." Ethics are an important part of our daily lives, and our personal moral beliefs are responsible for several of our judgments and actions. I believe that there are times in every individual's life when (s)he has to choose the right alternative, distinguish between right and wrong and support what is appropriate for society as a whole, which is when the personal ethics system comes into the picture.
My personal ethics consist of qualities that always help me pick the legitimate option in sticky situations. I am an honest person―the truth always matters to me more than anything else at any given moment. Since childhood, this quality has always directed me away from petty distractions that many children face at some time or the other―cheating in class examinations, and stealing, for instance. I have always stood up for what is right, and this has helped me become the person I am today.
I also consider my hardworking and sincere nature to be one of my biggest strengths. I believe honesty and hard work are intricately linked, and this has always shown me the importance of dedication and sincerity for fulfilling my ambitions, which is why, I am not afraid to take up seemingly difficult tasks. I am not afraid to stand up for what I truly believe in, and being a rational person, I rarely let emotions take control of any situation, which is extremely necessary at times when justice has to prevail.
I strongly believe that in order to receive fair treatment from others, it is very important to treat others the way you want to be treated. Thus, I try my best to be polite to everyone I meet. This ensures that I don't add to anyone's problems, if any, and assures polite interaction for most of the time.
I also deem consistency as one of the most

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