...as intrusive and invasion of an individual’s privacy. This however does not mean that there is no regulation governing publications. There is a strict code of practice that all the media outlets both print and broadcast have come to an agreement to adhere to. This code was set up by the Press Compliant Commission in order to regulate the industry. This commission is an independent entity that was set up in the early 1990s following the recommendations of a commission on press regulation that was chaired by Sir. David Calcutt. The commission’s core responsibility is to ensure that the press adheres to the agreed code of practice on sensitive topics such minors and privacy (Fourie 2002: 46). In case of any breach of the code of conduct, the commission will conduct an investigation and either uphold the complaint or dismiss it in its entirety. With the exception of incidents regarding inaccuracies (these are dealt with by the editor responsible) all other cases have to be adjudicated and published by the commission. This commission came to being ultimately because government wanted to come up with measures to ensure protection of individual’s privacy rights against the activities of various media houses. The commission that was set up to give recommendations on how to replace the Press council which was the regulatory body before. This new regulatory body, the PCC had a maximum of one and a half years to have its impact felt or be replaced by a system...
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...The Ecology of Family Life Report of research conducted by The Social Issues Research Centre 2008 The Social Issues Research Centre 28 St Clements Street Oxford OX4 1AB UK +44 1865 262255 group@sirc.org The ecology of family life Contents 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Family and childhood: a paradigmatic review ....................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Space and time in family life...................................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 Pennies and pounds: the socioeconomic relations of families and children in the present.......................................................4 1.4 Theoretical framework.............................................................................................................................................................................5 1.5 Defining consumption ..............................................................................................................................................................................5 1.6 Methodology and sources of data ...........................................................................................
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...perspective", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 42 Iss 11/12 pp. 1203-1223 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03090560810903646 Chris Preston, (2005),"Advertising to children and social responsibility", Young Consumers, Vol. 6 Iss 4 pp. 61-67 http:// dx.doi.org/10.1108/17473610510701322 Railton M. Hill, (2006),"Advertiser satisfaction with advertising agency creative product", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 40 Iss 11/12 pp. 1254-1270 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/03090560610702803 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by emerald-srm:543672 [] For Authors If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information. About Emerald www.emeraldinsight.com Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The...
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...University of Bath School of Management is one of the oldest established management schools in Britain. It enjoys an international reputation for the quality of its teaching and research. Its mission is to offer a balanced portfolio of undergraduate, postgraduate and post-experience programmes, research and external activities, which provide a quality of intellectual life for those involved in keeping with the best traditions of British universities. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY A ROLE IN GOVERNMENT POLICY AND REGULATION? Constantina Bichta Desktop published by Jan Marchant © The University of Bath ISBN All rights reserved Centre for the study of Regulated Industries (CRI) The CRI is a research centre of the University of Bath School of Management. The CRI was founded in 1991 as part of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). It transferred to the University of Bath School of Management in 1998. It is situated on the 8th floor of Wessex House (North), adjacent to West car park. The CRI is an interdisciplinary research centre investigating how regulation and competition are working in practice, both in the UK and abroad. It is independent and politically neutral. It aims to produce authoritative, practical contributions to regulatory policy and debate, which are put into the public domain. The CRI focuses on comparative analyses across the regulated industries. CRI activities and outputs include: • • • • • Regulatory statistics, information...
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...this, we will initially need to understand a number of basic concepts that we can develop. In more detail at a later point. Before we start to do this, however, it might be useful to briefly map-out the various general areas covered by the syllabus. In this respect, we will be looking at a major aspect of deviant behaviour in our society (crime) and the way such behaviour is associated with various social categories such as: Class Age Gender Ethnicity Locality / Region In simple terms, we need to look at the various explanations of crime and deviance that have been produced by sociologists over the past 100 or so years. The concept of power is a very significant one in relation to the way social rules are created and applied and, for this reason, we need to examine this concept as a means of understanding the nature of social conformity and deviance. A significant aspect of (deviant) behaviour is the reaction of others to that behaviour and, in this respect, we will be particularly concerned with an examination of the role of the mass media in the process of Deviancy Amplification. The concern here will be to outline the role of "official" agencies of social control in our society. Over the past 20 - 30 years a number of "deviant sub-cultures" (Mods, Hippies, Punks and so forth) have surfaced in both our own and other cultures and the concern here will be to both examine the nature and purpose of such subcultural groupings and their relationship to deviant behaviour...
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...them to keep informed of the different governmental, social, public, and economic issues, regulations, policies, forums, tactics, and processes that will affect them now or in the future (Hillman, Zardkooh, & Bierman, 1999). Corporate Political Strategies Corporate political strategies are strategies used by corporations to influence public policy, hopefully in a favorable way. There strategic aims are to further specific interests by getting governmental officials to listen to and act in accordance with the preferences of the corporations. There is a very slim chance of finding any business today that has not been affected by the government in one way or another, even those with the best competitive strategies, abundance of resources, and/or superior products and services. Therefore implementing effective political strategies help corporations in obtaining and maintaining advantages against their competitors and to also achieve and maintain higher performance levels. Because of the uncertainties in the political systems (caused by the size and capacity of the government to regulate its policies, which are constantly growing and changing), management should also learn coping mechanisms to deal with these uncertainties. Corporation’s abilities to gain access to and influence the political processes and policies, increases their chances...
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...TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Introduction: A Guide to Writing Your Management Report Contact Information What is a Management Report? How do you Choose a Topic For Your Report? Getting Started with your Project Background and Setting the Scene Literature Review Methodology Research Approach Planning Your Management Report Structure of the Management Report Presenting Your Management Report Writing Tips for Your Management Report Engaging with the Supervision Process APPENDICES Appendix 1: Management Report Marking Criteria Table Appendix 2: Writing Tips - Transition Signals Appendix 3: Literature Review Summary Appendix 4: Referencing Guide Appendix 5: Supervision Meeting Logs Appendix 6: Useful Readings Page 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 13 14 16 17 24 26 27 29 33 35 36 46 49 MSc Management Report Handbook 3 Contact Information Module Convenor Dr Andrew St George ews@aber.ac.uk Programme Leaders Dr John Follett (jaf7@aber.ac.uk) Dr Tiffany Low (til1@aber.ac.uk) MSc International Business Management MSc Management and Digital Business (eff. from 2013/2014) MSc Management and Marketing MSc Management and Tourism Management (eff. from 2013/2014) MSc Management and Finance MSc Enterprise and Innovation MSc Management and Corporate Leadership MSc Management and Project Management - Mr Wyn Morris (dmm@aber.ac.uk) - Other Contacts in the School of Management and Business Mr Ian Thomas (ivt@aber.ac.uk) Ms Sarah Norrington-Davies (sgh@aber.ac.uk) Ms Carys Lennon (cyl@aber...
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...Negotiation before the final conference ................................... 11 4. Negotiation: The Bretton Woods Conference ........................... 15 5. Conclusion: Later changes and full analysis ............................. 19 6. Primary Sources and Bibliography ............................................ 22 7. Annexes: .................................................................................... 26 FEUC – Negociação Internacional – 2013-14 1 1. Introduction The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference that occurred from the 1st of July to the 22nd in 1944 better known as the Bretton Woods conference gave origin to a ground-breaking system. It was the first time a fully negotiated monetary order came to existence which a new paradigm perspective on how to face economical international relations. This essay will help you understand why the Bretton Woods system happened, its historical context, why it worked throughout the time it did and the motive why it stopped functioning. Paramount to this essay will be its non-biased writing as hundreds of theories from Europeans and Americans exist trying to blame each other for the ending of this system. This is tremendously important because most current articles written about the possibility/impossibility of a well-functioning Bretton...
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...work. What is this book about? This book is about the English language in of the English language and concludes that forecasting, identifies the patterns which the 21st century: about who will speak it and for what purposes. It is a practical the future is more complex and less predictable than has usually been assumed. underlie typical linguistic change and describes the way large corporations have briefing document, written for educationists, politicians, managers – indeed any decision maker or planning team with a professional interest in the development of English worldwide. The book has been commissioned by the British Council to complement the many texts already available about the teaching and learning of English, the history and used ‘scenario planning’ as a strategy for coping with unpredictable futures. Section three outlines significant global trends which will shape the social and economic world in the 21st century. Section four discusses the impacts these trends are The Future of English? takes stock of the development of English and the diversity of forms of English worldwide. It is present, apparently unassailable, position of English in the world and asks whether we intended to stimulate constructive debate about the future status of English which can expect its status to remain unchanged during the coming decades of can inform policy developments both in the...
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...OUTLINE OF U.S. HISTORY OUTLINE OF OUTLINE OF U.S. HISTORY C O N T E N T S CHAPTER 1 Early America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CHAPTER 2 The Colonial Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 CHAPTER 3 The Road to Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 CHAPTER 4 The Formation of a National Government . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 CHAPTER 5 Westward Expansion and Regional Differences . . . . . . . 110 CHAPTER 6 Sectional Conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 CHAPTER 7 The Civil War and Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 CHAPTER 8 Growth and Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 CHAPTER 9 Discontent and Reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 CHAPTER 10 War, Prosperity, and Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 CHAPTER 11 The New Deal and World War I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 CHAPTER 12 Postwar America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 CHAPTER 13 Decades of Change: 1960-1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 CHAPTER 14 The New Conservatism and a New World Order . . . . . . 304 CHAPTER 15 Bridge to the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 PICTURE PROFILES Becoming a Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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...Adult Media Literacy A review of the research literature on behalf of Ofcom By Sonia Livingstone Elizabeth Van Couvering Nancy Thumim Department of Media and Communications London School of Economics and Political Science Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE Tel: +44 (0) 20 7955 7710 Fax:+44 (0) 20 7955 7248 E-mail: s.livingstone@lse.ac.uk Ofcom Adult media literacy Preface Ofcom is the independent regulator for the UK communications industry. As part of Ofcom’s work to promote media literacy we plan to undertake or support a range of research activities to monitor people’s skills, knowledge and understanding of communications technologies and the content they watch and listen to either through broadcasting or online. Ofcom defines media literacy as the ability to access, understand and create communications in a variety of contexts. We have published our strategy and priorities for the promotion of media literacy and these can be found on our website. In October 2004 we commissioned Professor David Buckingham and Professor Sonia Livingstone to report on recent relevant academic and other publicly-available research into children’s and adults’ media literacy respectively. The purpose of this work was to outline the range of studies conducted, the gaps in research, provide examples of innovative methodologies, and outline possible barriers and enablers to media literacy identified by these studies. These reviews have admirably fulfilled their task, and provide a...
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...Course Study Notes: hsctutoringnotes@outlook.com MODERN HISTORY Topics World War One Germany Albert Speer The Cold War 1 Course Study Notes: hsctutoringnotes@outlook.com World War One Themes War on the Western Front Home Fronts in Britain and Germany Turning Points of the War The Allied Victory 2 Course Study Notes: hsctutoringnotes@outlook.com War on the Western Front Reasons for the development of the Stalemate A stalemate is an end of a war movement. It refers to the deadlock resulting from high levels of defence. The stalemate developed from four major reasons: i. The Faults of the Schlieffen Plan ii. The Faults of Plan XVII iii. Problems with Communications and Tactics iv. Problems with the High Command • The Faults in • There was an incredible reliance on speed – quick defeat of the France and a slow response by Russia Schlieffen • Unexpectedly strong resistance by Belgian forces – sabotaged Plan railway lines • Strong resistance from French • Troops were diverted from the West to the Eastern front • The “hammer swing” was shortened, so they approached Paris from the East which was expected • The Treaty of London was disregarded as a scrap of paper • Germans weren’t adequately trained for modern warfare strategies • The Faults in • French underestimated number of soldiers available to Plan XVII Germany • French were preoccupied with revenge for Alsace-Lorraine • Insufficient forces were given to the French...
Words: 20870 - Pages: 84
...Differences in Culture Chapter Outline OPENING CASE: McDonald’s in India INTRODUCTION WHAT IS CULTURE? Values and Norms Culture, Society, and the Nation-State The Determinants of Culture SOCIAL STRUCTURE Individuals and Groups Social Stratification Country Focus: Breaking India’s Caste System RELIGIOUS AND ETHICAL SYSTEMS Christianity Islam Country Focus: Islamic Capitalism in Turkey Hinduism Buddhism Confucianism Management Focus: DMG-Shanghai LANGUAGE Spoken Language Unspoken Language EDUCATION CULTURE AND THE WORKPLACE CULTURAL CHANGE FOCUS ON MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS Cross-Cultural Literacy Culture and Competitive Advantage SUMMARY CRITICAL THINKING AND DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CLOSING CASE: Wal-Mart’s Foreign Expansion Learning Objectives 1. Know what is meant by the culture of a society. 2. Identify the forces that lead to differences in social culture. 4. Identify the business and economic implications of differences in culture. 5. Understand how differences in social culture influence values in the workplace. 6. Develop an appreciation for the economic and business implications of cultural change. Chapter Summary This chapter begins by introducing the concept of culture. The determinants of culture are identified, which include religion, political philosophy, economic philosophy, education...
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...GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS AS LEVEL UNIT TWO GOVERNING THE UK “Never, never, never give up” Winston S Churchill 1874-1965 1 GOVERNING THE UK 50% of AS [25% of A2] UNIT TWO SAMPLE QUESTION Answer one question from Section A and one question from Section B in 80 minutes. Spend 40 minutes on Section A and 40 minutes on Section B SECTION A QUESTION ONE PRIME MINISTERIAL POWER “For too long the big political decisions in this country have been made in the wrong place. They are not made around the Cabinet table where they should be, but they are taken on the sofa in Tony Blair’s office. No notes are kept and no one takes the blame when things go wrong. That arrogant style of government must come to an end. I will restore the proper process of government. I want to be Prime Minister of this country not a President (Source: David Cameron, The Times, 5th October 2006) “The Cabinet is the committee at the centre of the British political system. Every Thursday during Parliament, Secretaries of State from all departments as well as other ministers meet in the Cabinet Room in Downing Street to discuss the big issues of the day. The Prime Minister chairs the meeting, selects its members and also recommends their appointment as ministers to the monarch. The present Cabinet has 23 members (21 MPs and two peers). The secretary of the Cabinet is responsible for preparing records of its discussions and decisions”. (Source: From a modern textbook) (a) What...
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...Transport policy in 2011: a new direction? RESEARCH PAPER 11/22 2 March 2011 This paper outlines the changes made to transport policy by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government and looks at some of the long term transport challenges the government is likely to face over the course of this Parliament. It complements and updates House of Commons research paper 10/28, Transport policy in 2010: a rough guide. Louise Butcher Matthew Keep Recent Research Papers 11/05 Social Indicators 18.01.11 11/06 Scotland Bill [Bill 115 of 2010-11] 19.01.11 11/07 Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of 19.01.11 Succession) Bill [Bill 8 of 2010-11] 11/08 Unemployment by Constituency, January 2011 19.01.11 11/09 Fixed-term Parliaments Bill: Commons Stages 21.01.11 11/10 UK Defence and Security Policy: A New Approach? 21.01.11 11/11 Health and Social Care Bill [Bill 132 of 2010-11] 27.01.11 11/12 Economic Indicators, February 2011 01.02.11 11/13 Anonymity (Arrested Persons) Bill [Bill 9 of 2010-11] 02.02.11 11/14 Education Bill [Bill 137 of 2010-11] 03.02.11 11/15 Budget Responsibility and National Audit Bill [HL] 08.02.11 [Bill 143 of 2010-11] 11/16 The Local Government Finance Settlement 2011-13 08.02.11 11/17 Legislation (Territorial Extent) Bill [Bill 10 of 2010-11] 08.02.11 11/18 Wash-up 2010 11.02.11 11/19 Unemployment...
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