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My Generation Research Paper

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The world is full of problems that demand attention. Many people want to positively influence the world and give these problems the attention that they need. Although they want to help, they may not know how to go about doing so. My generation could change the world if we are charitable, value human life, and grow in our faith. Initially, in order to change the world, my generation needs to be charitable towards our community. Many people around the world are struggling immensely. If a handful of people in each community gave a little of what they have, together, we could end this struggling. Just by giving support to people who are struggling with addictions, financial instability, or illnesses such as depression, we can change the world one community at a time. Trisha Moritz one said, “Ultimately your goal and mine for you is your salvation. In order to be happy in Heaven, you must first love Jesus, others, and then yourself. Love thy neighbor and take care and pride of your community.” There is nowhere on earth that people aren’t struggling. I …show more content…
Whether or not abortion should be legal is a huge controversy today. If my generation gains a higher respect for human life from the moment of conception, we could make abortion illegal. Crimes having to do with gangs, murder, robbery, and many other things could significantly go down. My generation could nearly eliminate crime if we learned to respect one another. It was once said, “If people valued human life more, they would do no harm to each other.” (Moritz, Justin)The crime rates today are too high. If people would just have a mutual respect for each other and think about the aftermath of their actions, these crimes wouldn’t be a problem. It’s awful that abortion can even be considered an okay thing to do. I believe my generation is beginning to realize and contemplate

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