Premium Essay

My Grandfather


Submitted By ryany06
Words 375
Pages 2
Everyone has a person in their lives that has inspired and in many ways shaped who you are today.

My grandfather's name is John D. Bergeron he is a broad man, who stands roughly five foot six at one-hundred and ninety pounds. He is currently still with us today and moves with purpose, carrying himself with respect. My papa as I like to call him is a strong man and all who know him would say the same.

The first thing you would notice is his enormous inner strength, and huge heart.When I was a kid I spent most of my time at my papas since the adults were off at work. For me my grandfather become my mentor, somebody I look up to and have the upmost respect for. when I was younger he taught me how to draw and later down the road how to paint. we would go all around Dartmouth and New Bedford to sketch at places such as Fort Taber, Fort Pheonix, and even the Whaling Museum.

What amazes me is that he has never graduated from the eighth grade yet knows more than anybody I know. We like to say he is a jack of all trades master of none. In other words his lack of education doesn't show he can do anything from carpeting, wood work, art, even fixing cars you name it and he can probably do it. He went to work straight out of the eighth grade to help support his mother to put food on the table, this is something that I find admirable.

Asides from being my mentor in art he managed to teach me many life lessons in which I wish to bring with me into the field I wish to make a living in, which is being a police officer. One thing he always taught me was that you appreciate what you work for. His life lessons are interesting as well. He never let me win in any game ususally checkers in which he beats me in to this very day. He teaches me to win by learning to lose, and has always been honest teaching me to be an honest man and work hard in all I

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