Free Essay

My Hero


Submitted By zewog
Words 313
Pages 2
My Hero is Matt Cherubino. He’s a photographer from Australia. Matt travels the world taking pictures mostly of nature in national parks. His work has inspired a fair amount of my mine. I’m always looking forward to see him release a new set of photos from his recent trips. He donates most of the money he makes from his work to charity.

Matt Cherubino gets to travel around the world taking pictures of breathtaking scenery. He’s been to multiple locations across Australia, Europe, Asia, and The United States. This is what I hope to one day, be able to do. I love experimenting with different angles, lighting, sceneries, etc. Being able to travel, would make this much easier to do.

Matt has inspired much of my work. Everything from the angles he uses to the way he uses the weather to manipulate the lighting. Because he gets to travel around the world; each locations provides a unique feel to each picture. Matt is a big motivation to me and many other photographers. His passion of photography has not only provided him with a well paying job but also over 20,000 Instagram followers and even featured on Instagram’s page with over one-hundred million followers.

Matt sells most of his online or at art shows/conventions he stops at on his travels. Most of the money Matt makes either goes to paying for travel expenses or charity. Its very nice to see him donating to charities as charities are what helped pay for most of my dad’s medical bills while he was fighting cancer.

This is why I look up to Matt. He is an inspiration to many including me. Everything from the way his pursues his passion of photography to the way he donates to charities. Matt has impacted the way I view photography, this is why he is my hero.

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