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My Leadership Style Analysis

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Based on what I have learned from this module, the one concept that I found most important is Adapting, under Leader Influence. I believe this concept is important because the world is ever changing and as we continue to grow, we must be able to adapt in order to increase the capability of our Airmen and remain the world’s greatest force.
Through understanding this concept, I would like to adapt my behaviors to favor what the organization needs in order to achieve personal and mission success. Emerging as a leader, I will apply the concept of Adapting to my development. Within my current organization for the most part, I believe my leadership style closely resembles one of a “team leader”. Often times between teaching, remediation, administrative task and additional duties we as instructors find ourselves going nonstop all day. I believe in this situation, it is vital to foster an atmosphere in which everyone on my team meets mission requirements while reaching their highest potential. …show more content…
“On-call” Airmen are to respond to a scene within 30 minutes. Comparatively, upon completion at the scene, the turnaround for these cases is within 24 hours. While not my “default” leadership style, due to the nature of these assignments, I was an authoritarian leader. The guidance for how we were to respond was strict and concise with the majority of the investigation relying on our documented portion. In this position within my work center I focused on the task with minor ability for leniency which deferred from my preferred way of

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