...Leadership, Growing up I was taught anyone can be put in a leadership position but not everyone can be a leader of people. The army has the whole “provide purpose, direction and motivation to accomplish the mission," but I think there’s more to that. The army definition is for providing leadership to the soldier in front of you but not to the masses and that’s the leadership style I wish to have. I want to be able to inspire the masses in believing what I am preaching. When I first arrived at Fort Sill I was assigned one soldier then over time I began to have more soldiers that wanted me as their team leader. I always believed that all these soldiers wanted me as their team leader because I was still a young specialist and I still remembered...
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...Leadership is commonly defined as the action of leading a group of people or an organization. To me, leadership is much more; it is understanding the importance of a leader, caring for your group, organizing events efficiently, assisting whenever help is needed, and communicating with your group enthusiastically. Without leadership, the world would be a place without change. Leaders guide the way open mindedly and eventually change the world one step at a time. Typically, sports present high schoolers with an opportunity to continue playing the sport they love and to build strong friendships. Sports allow me to, not only prosper in my athletic potential, but to display my sense of knowledge and love to my teammates and coaches, and reveal my...
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...My approach on the philosophy of leadership is to promote fearlessness and collaboration amongst the team and remaining humble. One of my favorite leaders who exemplified these leadership qualities is Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was one of history’s greatest leaders due to his ability to control his ego while still pushing for the progression of the nation. Not only did he do this, but he was aware of his own weaknesses. Therefore, Lincoln appointed people to positions to fill the gaps of his weaknesses. Additionally, Lincoln proved to have great collaboration skills, more specifically, his listening capabilities and his ability to create a climate free for active engagement in debate. On the other hand, for anyone trying to enhance their...
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...My Leadership Story I’ve never considered myself a leader, not in the typical sense of the word. I’ve never considered myself a devout follower either. I’ve gotten better at doing my own thing; taking notice of the things I like and then adding my own mark. Growing up I wasn’t a ringleader among my peer group. I had the Irish Catholic knowledge of the difference between right and wrong ingrained in me so deeply I wasn’t afraid to voice my opinion if I was defending the right of someone else. Defending my own rights was a different matter and I found difficulty in telling the truth about my own desires. It made me feel like I was being selfish or unlikeable. I was little and cute and funny and I could get away with a lot in the way of devilishness. I had a good sense of humor in a self-deprecating way. It was easy to make fun of myself, a defense mechanism that served me well throughout the years. By poking fun at myself I stripped the opportunity from others by doing it first. I think that came about by being the sixth child in a family of eight kids. Getting away with things extended to various aspects of my development. My friends would joke that their parents thought I could do no wrong. I did do plenty of naughty harmless shenanigans; but that Irish Catholic upbringing allowed forgiveness with a couple of Hail Mary’s and an Our Father. From the readings we’ve had in this class and a week full of self examination, I have realized that I was more of a leader than I originally...
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...1. What type of leadership is most used in your organization? In your opinion, what leadership style is most effective in your current organization? Is the leadership style most used the same as the leadership style most effective? Discuss. The type of leadership used in my organization is a mixture of autocratic and democratic. On major decision, autocratic will be exercised. Decision making on areas such as pricing strategy, appointment of supplier and marketing strategy are decided solely by my CEO. Other areas such as logistics, appointment of distributors, staff employment, accounting and other administrative tasks are decided through democracy. Meetings will be called up to discuss on pros and cons before majority make the decision to proceed. In my opinion, I think this kind of leadership style in effective to the certain extend as there delegation and empowerment to the management team to perform at their best. CEO does not micro manage on issues that senior managers can handle whilst CEO focus on gearing the company direction on areas setting up foundation for the company direction. Senior managers have room to present their ideas and supported by justifications that can be brained storm together for further evaluation. This hybrid style of leadership I think is working well as our organization is still at the growing stage and the dynamics of the member are made this possible. We were able to extend our distributing channels to 5 countries in a short span of 12 months...
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...book The Laws of Leadership, a leader is: “...one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” There can be no progress, innovation, or evolution without some form of leadership. At Southern Methodist University, I know I must show leadership to other students: I must set an example for others to follow. Even so, how should I show leadership? What guide am I supposed to look to? Where do I begin? To answer these questions, I look to my past to positive influences. In my experience, I have known and revered many individuals that can only be described as leaders. From my family and my peers to my pastor, all of these people have created an example that I hope to replicate in my near future. What all...
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... Not long ago, 13th years to be exact, I began the journey of my life. I was born and raised in Peru – South America and move to the USA back in 1995. In Peru I grew up in a disciplined family with my grandfather being a police man and my father a police officer I had no doubt I wanted to be in the military. Because of that, I also attend a military high school during the last 3 years of my education. I was privileged and blessed to have been raised in a good family that taught the value of respect and loyalty. When I arrived to the USA and married my wife it then took me 10 years to finally have the chance to enlist in the Army. Enlisting has so far been one of the greatest decisions in my life....
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...as well as what we have read in Max DePree’s (2004) book Leadership is an Art, the following is what I have learned or confirmed about myself as a leader. Working in schools, I often hear about leaders in education falling into two categories, you’re either a transactional leader, or a transformation leader. Transactional leaders tend to look at the world through lenses of rewards, punishment, and an exchange for motivation, while transformational leaders focus on the conditions to transform a student’s learning cognitively, emotionally, socially, intuitively, and creatively. I think most people go too far in describing it as an either-or choice. As an effective leader, teacher, and organizer, transactional and transformational tactics are present in my strategy. I...
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...Leadership is defined as the action of leading a group of people or an organization. To lead means to have the initiative in an action and be a positive example for others to follow. I believe that a leader always devotes themselves, even when no one is watching. You can’t be a leader if you only put in the effort when you are on the big stage. Not only do leaders work hard, but they also encourage and motivate others as well. I show leadership in many different ways. Not only during school but also outside of school. I participate in multiple school activities such as National Honor Society, food and fitness, cross-country, basketball, and track. I believe that I show leadership in these various activities by having a positive attitude and encouraging others to do their best. I also show leadership through other activities, such as volunteering at my church on Sunday’s and helping at the Riceville library during the summer. I am involved in National Honor Society because I have shown excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. I believe that to be a positive leader you have to show high scholar along with the ability to try and learn from others, as well as being able to serve others, and show good moral qualities....
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...John Maxwell once said, "Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others". Leadership by definition is the ability to establish a clear vision for other individuals to follow willingly to keep everyone unified. In my experiences, I strongly believe that being a leader helps improve one’s self-being. In fact, leadership is the skeletal structure of almost everything in our lives and without it, most things would collapse. It has been an honor to be in a few leadership positions that will enrich my life with the necessary tools to enhance my skills and expand my valuable knowledge about this diverse world and its people. Hence, my leadership skills give me the motivation to help form ‘servant leaders’...
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...Throughout my life I have been influenced in my leading style by many amazing leaders who I one day aspire to be like. The main influence on my leadership has been my mother, who is a teacher and an amazingly invested leader. She is dedicated to the growth of the people she leads and teaches them to be advocates for themselves and gives them room to learn to develop their own ideas. She is a firm believer in the idea of stewardship, and cares about and gets to know the students she leads. I have also been influenced by several of my science teacher throughout the years, not only to pursue a science career, but also to grow my leadership skills through finding my passion, looking to the future, and learning from my mistakes and growing from...
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...While many people believe being a leader involves a bold and entitled person, do not abide by this. Leadership holds many meanings because the moment a person impacts someone else’s life maybe even in the smallest way can display leadership. I myself have experienced a “lollipop moment” the day I met someone who would change my life forever. This small amount of leadership shown by a stranger instantly changed my life. Totally unaware of the significant moment going on, I treated the moment like any other time I acquired a new friend. Before I knew it though the friendship blossomed into something bigger than words. This person changed my life and reminded me that genuine people do still exist. In a way it kind of felt like a dream because...
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...The Personal Leadership Style of Mary Ramos In our times of innovation and change, my personal leadership style involves a great deal of flexibility in order to lead in messy times. I have strived to create an environment that is warm and inviting as well as nurturing. As Michael Fullen states in his book, Leading in a Culture of Change, I want to “foster leadership in others, thereby making themselves dispensable in the long run”. I want to be a leader of leaders or a leader producer. In the chaos field of education, we will be tackled with many daily problems. I agree with the Heifetz (1994, p15 from Fullan p.3) in that we need to learn as leaders how to mobilize people to tackle “…tough problems”. Leadership is not so much in the solutions but in getting people to identify problems and mobilize them to address those problems. The book goes on to discuss convergence of many ideas and skills to be effective. The one type of leader is no longer effective in addressing many types of problems. I have added convergence as a descriptor of my leadership styles and will revisit that later. One component of this convergent style includes Moral Purpose. As a leader in education, I want to create an inviting learning environment in my school community where school is a positive place of many levels of environments coming together in a positive way. I want to create an environment where the teachers are open to discuss ideas and to see me as part of the team to facilitate positive change...
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...I believe that leadership is a process where one individual strengthens, adds, and uses their skill set to positively influence and motivate the team they lead. Every leader is different and has strengths, skills, and abilities that differ from other leaders. Therefore, every leader is unique, but all leaders strive to improve and use their leadership skills to the best of their ability. My belief on leadership has evolved and changed numerous times since stepping into a program that fully embraces different leadership styles, abilities, and ways of looking at leadership. I have found that this view on leadership is one that I am currently fond of and see a connection to as I develop into my own unique leadership style. My philosophy on...
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...quote about leadership, and share how it relates to your core principles. "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader" -John Quincy Adams For me leadership isn't just the ability of one to bring together a group of people for a united cause. Leaders should strive to inspire greatness in all. This quote focuses on my core principles, and reminds me that through positivity and encouragement you truly can have a major positive impact on someone's life. I try to live everyday being a positive force in the world. This year I became a part of Sources of Strength as a peer leader and counselor. We are an international organization aimed at suicide prevention and mental wellness. Our goal is to help connect people to help, and find the strengths in their life. Through this I feel like I’ve learned a great deal about leadership. To be a leader you don’t have to be the bravest, or the smartest. You don’t have to be charismatic or even a good public speaker. All you have to do is have the ability to inspire and help others to achieve their dreams. The greatest leaders inspire people...
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